Iowa Old Press

Clayton County Herald
Garnavillo, Clayton co. Iowa
February 10, 1854

The Caravan from Red River, arrived recently, at St. Paul, and brught down several hundred bales of furs. Rt. Rev. Bishop Provencher, of the Red River country, had died of consumption a few days before the caravan set out. The caravan crossed the trail of Gov. Stevens, and met some of his party, but did not see the main body of the company. The Red river settlers are coming on the American side of the line for permanent settlement where the soil is said to be excellent, and where they purpose raising stock on an extensive scale.

- At McGregor, Jan 11, Peter Eastman, aged 55 years. He was one of the first settlers of Clayton county.
- On the 17th of January, Anna Maria, wife of John G. Cornish, and daughter of Peter Eastman.
- On the 18th of January, Champion VanSickle, aged one year, son of Martin Vansickle, and Grandson of Peter Eastman.
Illinois and Wisconsin papers are requested to copy.

Sash and Door Factory
The Undersigned give notice to those about building, that they are now prepared to furnish SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS and CASINGS of every description and the best quality, at their Factory in Clayton. Having cheap power, good machinery, and the best of workmen, we feel confident that we can furnish better work cheaper than any other establishment possibly can. Merchants and Dealers supplied with Sash, &c on the most favorable terms. Linton & Scott & Co.

Stray Colt
Strayed from the subscriber, on the 28th ult, a Black Stallion Colt, 2 years old next spring; was in good order; was in Garnavillo on the 31st ult. and followed a man riding a white horse, oging northward. Five Dollars reward will be paid to any person leaving said colt with E. Follett, Elkader, or with the subscriber, nine miles north of Elkader, on the Clermont road. J.B. Sorg

Estate Settlement
The first Monday of March next is appointed, by order of the County Court of Clayton County, for the final settlement of the account of Chas. W. Richardson, Executor of James Hale, late of said county, deceased.
Chas. W. Richardson, executor

The partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Andros & Linton is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to settle by Note or otherwise immediately, as all accounts unsettled on the first day of May next will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection.
F. Andros, John Linton (Garnavillo, Oct. 1, 1853)

The Firm heretofore existing under the name and style of A. & G. Keen has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. George Keen will settle all outstanding business of the late firm, and he respectfully request that all those indebted will call and settle on or before the first day of April next.
Adam Keen, George Keen (Elkader, Jan. 1, 1854)

The subscriber will continue the Iron Foundry business at the old stand in Elkader, in all its branches. He avails himself of this opportunity to return his thanks to the people of Northern Iowa for their former patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business and fair dealing to merit its continuance.
Geo. Keen (January 27, 1854)

Clayton Lumber Yard
I have now on hand, and offer for sale, a larger and better assortment of PINE LUMBER than has ever before been for sale in this region -- consisting of all the varieties of building materials usually found in lumber yards, besides hewn timber, palings, fence boards, etc.
P.S. -- No green, heavy lumber, manufactured from sapling, knotty pines, just from the Mill; but lumber that has been soaked in the water, a sufficient length of time to expel ordinary oil, sap and juice that prevent quick and thorough seasoning, which every good jobber well knows to be requisite.
Alfred F. Foster (Clayton, Dec. 23, 1853) [note: not sure of his middle initial]

Frank Smith & Co. -- New Goods at Clayton!! And plenty of them.
[lengthly ad, items for sale extracted]
Cash or Lumber paid for Wheat, Corn and Oats
Steam Saw Mill at Clayton - all kinds of Lumber, of Pine or Hard Wood
Iron & Steel - cheaper for sale than at Dubuque or Galena
Whiskey - 40 Bbls, superior (XXX) Whiskey
Sugar - 10 Hhds N.O. Sugar
Molasses - 23 Bbls, Sugar House Mollasses
Coffee - 35 sks. Rio coffee
Salt - 235 Sks, G.A. Salt
Nails - 109 Kegs best Nails
Grindstones - 60 Grindstones of best quality
Iron Axles & Buggy Springs
Sundries - raisons, soap, candles, tubs, candies, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, pipes, Hair for Plaster, Hydraulic Cem't, lard oil, Turpentine, White Fish, Old Otard Brandy, Old Burbon Whiskey, vinigar, salaratus, lemon syrup, buckets, paints, oils, & c, farming tools of all kinds, fanning mills, bacon, hams, pork, flour, corn meal & c, machinery oil, linseed oil, Mackerel, Cod fish, Juice Port. glass and 10,000 other articles.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2005]

Iowa Old Press
Clayton County