Iowa Old Press

Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
November 25, 1932

ROYAL: (Special Correspondence)

The ladies of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church will hold their annual bazaar and supper Saturday, Dec. 3, at the church parlors. Beginning at 5 o'clock the following menu will be served: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, country club salad, buttered rolls, jelly, apple or pumpkin pie and coffee. The bazaar will start at 3 o'clock. There will also be a bake sale and candy and grab bag.

The American Legion Auxiliary of Goodwin post No. 248 met at the home of Mrs. A.C. Hjelm Thursday afternoon. The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. Ina Tripp; vice chairman, Mrs. Helen Hjelm; secretary, Mrs. Ruth Pedersen; treasurer, Mrs. Edith Miller; chaplain, Mrs. Margaret Jespersen; historian, Mrs. Martha Jensen. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. L.T. Hjelm Thursday afternoon, Dec. 2, at 2:30 o'clock. All eligible invited to join. Light refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Delia Dubois.

Mrs. L.J. Hjelm enterained the sewing circle of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church at her home Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Anderson led the devotions of the afternoon and Mrs. L.J. Hjelm conducted the business meeting. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in sewing for the society. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess.

Bluebird chapter, O.E.S. held their regular meeting Wednesday evening at the hall. Mrs. Delia Johnson presided over the meeting. Mrs. Delia Johnson who had attended grand chapter at Cedar Rapids gave a very interesting report at this time. The remained of the evening was spent in a social way. A lovely two course luncheon was served by the following committee, Dr. and Mrs. G.W. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Holdren, and Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Dubois and Mrs. Hattie Dailey.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Syndegaard entertained at their home Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Thomas Brees, whose birthday occurred that day. Mr. and Mrs. Brees had spent the day at the Syndegaard home and the guests who arrived in the evening surprised her. The evening was spent in visiting. A lovely tray luncheon was served by the hostess. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brees and family and Mr. and Mrs. Iver Jespersen, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Beymer and Peter Rosendall, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Toft and children and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krominga and Mrs. Marie Klatt, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Rosendall and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Hana Hjelm.

RUTHVEN: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Scott of Spencer were Sunday dinner guests at the Oliver home.

The faculty orchestra made its first appearance at the junior play Thursday night and was very favorably received. The orchestra is composed of five of the teachers, Miss Lucille Miller, clarinet; Miss Marjorie Williams, drums; Miss Ruth Thompson, piano; Donald Schults, cornet; and Joe Collman, violin.

The high school girls basketball team was defeated Saturday by the town team.

The junior play cast was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Margaret Reed following the Friday night presentation. A very good time is reported.

The annual Red Cross drive for members was conducted Saturday. This year the teachers in the Ruthven school put on the canvass under the direction of R.L. Logan, local chairman.

P.H. Donlan of Ruthven has announced his candidacy for speaker of the house in the next legislation.

Rev. Weaver administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the children of the Junior League Sunday morning. To most of the children this was their first communion.

The training school at Mallard will open Monday night. Six sessions will be held. Quite a number from the Methodist Sunday School plan to attend. Rev. and Mrs. Weaver will both be instructors.

Berg's sale which began Thursday is proving very successful and many buyers are attending.

Mrs. Ida Cook of Kansas City returned to her home Sunday, after a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Will Miller, and other relatives in Ruthven.

Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Scott of Spencer attended the junior class play Thursday night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Ruthven.

The Lutheran choir had their monthly birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hofstad Wednesday night. Guests of honor were Lanetta and Irvin Hanson. Fourteen members were entertained.

Rosemary Voght, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Voght, has been very ill with bronchial pneumonia. Her grandmother, Mrs. McDonald of Graettinger, is helping to care for her.

Bert Snyder has returned to his home here.

Miss Floris Cole was prevented by illness from taking her part in the junior play. Miss Marguerite Johnston of the senior class substituted for her.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rhinehart and three children of Storm Lake visited relatives here Sunday.

Miss Leah Junker of Glidden was a Ruthven visitor last week.

In the presence of fifteen relatives and friends, Rev. B.L. Weaver baptized little Gerald Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Jordahl, Sunday afternoon. The ceremony was performed in the John Ruthven home, where the Jordahls live. Dora Wagner and Harry Kummerfeldt acted as sponsors.

Mrs. Anna Peterson of Cedar Falls visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hermanson, last week.

Miss Gail Weaver of Rodman attended the junior play Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Tripp and children of Royal visited in Ruthven Sunday.

[transcribed by L.Z., February 2009]

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