Iowa Old Press

Spencer News Herald
Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
September 1, 1927

LINN GROVE: (Special Correspondence)
The many friends here of Hiram Hanson and Agnes Fonley were greatly surprised last week when it was learned that these popular young people were married at Slayton, Minnesota, on August 22. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were both reared in this community and attended and gradated from the Linn Grove school. Hiram has been engaged in the livestock and trucking business with C. O. Friedlund and is an industrious and energetic young man. The bride is the only daughter of Ole Fonley of this place and has been making her home with her father. The young people left immediately after the ceremony for a visit with friends and relatives in Illinois and will make their home in the Fonley house in the east part of Linn Grove upon their return. Their many friends here will join in wishing them happiness and prosperity.

William Myers who has occupied the King farm north of Linn Grove the past two years passed away at his home on August 24 following several months’ illness with cancer. Deceased had been a resident of Clay county practically all his life and lived for many years in the vicinity of Royal. He is survived by his wife and several children, all of whom are grown. Funeral services were held from the home last Friday and interment was made in the cemetery just south of Royal.

King Lewis, who had been here for about two weeks to see his mother during her recent severe illness, returned on Tuesday of last week to his home at Opheim, Montana.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Owens and Mrs. Enoch Davis and daughter, all of Cody, Wyoming, arrived in Linn Grove last Thursday for a visit with Mrs. Owens’ mother, Mrs. Martha Davis, and with other relatives and friends. Mrs. Enoch Davis went on to Cogsdon, Iowa, for a visit with her parents. Mr. Owens was engaged in the barber business in Linn Grove for many years and has still a circle of friends here. He moved with his wife to Cody about fifteen years ago. They like the western country very much and have prospered. Mr. Owens and associates are quite heavily interested in the oil development in that section and hold a considerable area under lease. A well was brought in on some of their holdings last winter and has shown an unusually strong flow.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2014]


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