Iowa Old Press

Spencer Reporter
Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
May 18, 1927

Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Seifken and Mr. and Mrs. Omer Seifken of Rembrandt were Sunday dinner guests at the J. W. DeGriselles home.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Anderson and family of Rossie were Sunday guests at the Emmet Hegland home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pohlen and children spent Sunday with relatives in Alton.

Mr. and Mrs. Watson and children of near Royal were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stark.

Rev. S. D. Holden was a caller in Sioux Rapids on Wednesday.

Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Bridge and baby were visitors in Albert City on Sunday.

On Sunday evening the baccalaureate will be delivered by Rev. Sherman and on Friday of next week the commencement exercises will be held in the high school auditorium. The speaker of the evening will be Dr. Wilson of Iowa City. The members of the graduating class are as follows: Willie DeLong, Margaret Landsberg, Harvey Nelson, Florence Taylor, Everett Englebretson, Freda Emanuelson, Lester Larson, Agnes Fonley, Ellis Leehy, Effie Emanuelson, Bernice Knudson, Glow Christensen, Thelma Davis and Wilma Sutton.

Harold Wilson and D. R. Miller left on Tuesday for Sioux City being called there by the serious illness of Mrs. Harold Wilson, who is in the hospital there.

Hazel Johnson, who teaches near Alta, spent the week end at her home here.

The annual Junior-Senior banquet was held on Friday evening in the Lutheran church parlors. The menu served was as follows: fruit cocktail, new potatoes, chicken croquettes, creamed peas, rolls, Waldorf salad, jelly, coffee, strawberry ice cream, angel food cake. The toast program included Frightening Ghosts, Elinor Parry; Rattling Bones, Effie Emanuelson; Imaginations, Aaron Anderson; Day Dreams, Oma Williams; Apparations, Agnes Fonley; Yesterday’s Haunted House, Wilma Sutton; Response, C. R. Kremenak; Toast mistress, Clara Haase. A short program following was presented by the Juniors, quartet, Elinor Parry, Carlton Sundberg, Aaron Anderson, and Clara Haase. Senior farewell song, Junior Class.

J. D. Gaskins and son of Peterson were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Gaskins.

On Wednesday afternoon May 11, the Seniors presented their “class day” program: Class song, Bye, Bye High School; Salutatory, Lester Larson, Class History, Effie Emanuelson, Glow Christensen; boys quartet, graduation song, Vern Thomas, Sanfern Mangold, Ellis Leehy and Willie DeLong; class grumbler, Margaret Landsberg and Florence Taylor; giftorian, Everett Englebretson, Harvey Nelson, Norman Phillips; duet, Florence Taylor, Bernice Knudson; class will, Wilma Sutton, Freda Emanuelson; piano solo, Margert Landsberg; class prophecy, Agnes Fonley; valedictorian, Bernice Knudson; class song, farewell blues.

Miss Grace West went to Des Moines Saturday to spend several days with her sisters, Misses Esther and Lyle West.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2014]


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