Iowa Old Press

Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
January 6, 1927

GREENVILLE (Special Correspondence)

On account of the serious illness of L.A. Messenger, the Sorosis club Christmas party was held at the John Coats home last Tuesday evening, December 28, instead of at the Cornell school house. In spite of the fact that it had been postponed two times and the place of meeting was changed, there was a good attendance and an enjoyable evening. The program which was in charge of Mrs. Iona Conrad came in over the radio from station SOROSIS, Cornell, Iowa, and consisted of a reading, music and a one-act play entitled, "Women Folks." Mrs. Ellen Barglof was announcer for the broadcasting station. The children each received a present from the Christmas tree and there was an abundance of candy, nuts, popcorn and apples for all.

The Keystone class of the Congregational Sunday school will hold their January party at the R.K. David home Thursday evening, January 6.

Miss Alberta Firebaugh and brother, Gean, left last Wednesday night for a short visit with their father and stepmother.

Mrs. Ives returned from Rolfe on Wednesday.

Miss Frances Coats went to Storm Lake Sunday afternoon to resume her work at the Buena Vista college and Miss Jeanette left the same evening for Marshalltown where she is teaching in the public schools.

The first of last week George Goodwell left for Omaha where he will remain for the winter.

The Congregational Ladies Aid met at the Jane Bowers home on Thursday. A large crowd was out. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. David. Mrs. C. Kauffman read the Bible lesson. Rev. Foster led in prayer. Election of officers was on hand. Mrs. David has been an efficient president for the past year and declined to serve another year. The vice president is next in line for president, who is Mrs. John DuBois. Mrs. Fred Eastman's name was drawn for vice president for the next six months. No other changes were made. The program for the coming year was also made out. Mrs. Jim Alexander assisted Mrs. Jane Bowers and Miss Corneal in serving a very fine lunch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Peter Dethleson, January 27.

Mr. and Mrs. George Higgins and sons, George, Ralph, Robert and Harold, were invited guests at the John Coats home Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. Cation and daughter, Esther, visited at the J.R. Thornton home on Tuesday afternoon.

Misses Orpha and Iola Carpenter visited at the Fredin home Sunday afternoon.

George Brallier and family from _alard visited at the D. Braillier home Tuesday.

George Veitche's sister, Mrs. _akamyer, and two daughters of Schaller, are spending a few days here.

Mrs. E.R. Gertus of Rockwell City visited at the Floyd Porter home Sunday.

The Community Club will meet next Wednesday, January 12, at the home of Mrs. Roy Birdsall. Mrs. Jim Amis and Mrs. Al Seaman are hostesses.

Mr. N.L. Mitchell of Freeport, Illinois, was a guest at his brother's home, Jim Mitchell, on New Years Day. He left for his home on New Years Day.

Seven new members were received into the Congregational church at the communion service last Sunday evening. They were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dethleson and two sons and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kauffman.

Mr. S.L. Bennett and sister, Miss Mabel Bennett, of Sioux City, visited at the Thornton home Tuesday afternoon. They were also guests here on Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Birdsall, of Webb, were Sunday visitors at the Roy Birdsall home.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowman's daughter, Mrs. LaKaus, of Albert Lea, is here visiting.

Jim McKerrin was home over the weekend.

Harry Browman and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Helen West, of Spencer, were guests at the C. Browman home.

Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson, who have been visiting relatives near here for a few days, called at the Jake Mason home Sunday.

WEST MEADOW (Special Correspondence)

Peter Sorensen, Wesley Wunn and E. F. Kearney shelled corn last week. N.P. Sorensen and John Elder expect to shell corn as soon as the roads are opened so they can haul the sheller to Spencer. The east road from the township line north of the Langdon road has been in a very bad condition the past week. It is impossible for a car to get through and the mail carrier has not been able to make his rounds.

Mrs. E.F. Kearney and daughters, Agnes and Alice, were dinner guests Thursday of Mrs. G.E. McHugh in Spencer.

Mrs. Lila Brahy enjoyed a visit from her niece from Estherville last week. She returned to her home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Porter McHugh and children were dinner guests New Years Day of Mr. and Mrs. Orthol Farnham.

Mr. and Mrs. John Elder and Betty spent New Years with Mr. Elder's parents and sisters in Spencer.

Misses Ida, Rose and Alice Jordan were guests New Years Day of their brother, Lewis Jordan.

Mrs. Ernest Ferguson and children returned last week from Shannon City where she had spent Christmas with her parents.

Mrs. J.W. Kilpatrick will entertain the Progressive Club Tuesday, January 11. There will be election of officers and also the grab bag which was postponed from the last meeting.

Clayton Riley of Spencer came New Years morning and visited until Monday morning with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A.F. England.

The Meadow Lark club is planning on having an all day meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt Thursday of this week, when they will entertain their husbands and families.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kilpatrick entertained Mrs. Lila Brahy and Mr. Buckingham at dinner New Years Day.

Mrs. W.F. Kohn will be hostess to the West Meadow club Thursday January 20. A picnic dinner will be served.

Miss Dorothy Bassett returned to Des Moines Monday evening where she attends Drake University after spending nearly two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Bassett.

Mrs. John Gray and three children and Mrs. John Elvin are visiting relatives at Clarion, Iowa, this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kilpatrick, Russell, Donald, and Dorothy visited with Mr. and Mrs. P.E. Van Norman at Dickens Sunday.

Miss Agnes Kearney is staying with Mrs. I. Zimmerman this week, the conditions of the roads preventing her driving as she had been doing.


The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Vic Malm and family were guests at a big New Years dinner at the home of Mrs. Malm's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crone, of Marathon.

Juaneta Palmer returned from Storm Lake Saturday. She had been visiting friends during the holidays.

[Top of next column, community name not on the copy]
The teachers spent their vacation at the respective places: Miss Henderson at Carroll, Miss Hesse at Cedar Falls, Miss Newton at Dickens, Miss Mitchell at Sioux Rapids, Miss Anderson at University Park, and Miss Smith at Webb.

The highschool and seventh and eighth grade students will have a kid party on Friday evening, January 7, at 7:30 o'clock. Everyone will come dressed as a youngster and enjoy the fun of the evening.

ROYAL (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Jones were dinner guests at the Dr. Jones home New Years.

Mr. and Mrs. Free Coughenour and family and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kilmar and family, of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Darlington and family, Mr. Steve Gloetzl, Mr. J.A. Hickman, Mr. Wendell Gloetzl and Mrs. Wall were guests at the Merrill Hickman home New Years night.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dumkreiger and Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Scott motored to Mountain Lake, Minnesota, Wednesday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lemar Englert and daughter, Elma Jean, were dinner guests at the Charles Peck home New Years.

Mr. John Johnson and the Misses Winnifred and Georgie Dumkrieger and Dorothy Darlington were callers in Spencer and Dickens last Wednesday.

Freddie Metty and Jack Madson of Spencer were business callers in Royal last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Iver Jespersen and family were dinner guests at the Mrs. A.M. Rosendall home Friday evening.

A party was held for the Bible class of the Danish Lutheran Church at the Marinus Hagedorn home Wednesday evening of last week. About thirty were present.

Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Youde, Mrs. D.O. Jones of Spencer and Miss Georgie Dumkrieger were dinner guests at the T.W. Bailey home Sunday.

Mr. Boughey of Terril, Mr. Max Mentwig of Yellowstone Park and Mr. Max Howe motored to Delhi, Iowa, last Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Beck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunt and daughter, Vilda, Mr. and Mrs. Art Roberts and family, Miss Dorothy Prather and Mr. Harold Prather were guests at the Will Roberts home New Years.

Mr. J.H. Smith was a dinner guest at the James Morgan home New Years.

Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Johnson and family were New Years dinner guests at the Pete Beck home.

Mrs. K.L. Jensen and daughter Ruth were dinner guests at the Simon Syndigard home last Thursday evening.

Miss Nina Mathiesen and Mr. Homer Nelson were dinner guests at the Tom Mathiesen home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Syndegaard were dinner guests at the Tom Brees home New Years.

Mrs. Andrew Mathiesen has been on the sick list for the past week.

Mrs. Bob Snyder and son of Des Moines are visiting at the Edgar Morrow home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barry and family were dinner guests at the Bert Tibbets home New Years.

Miss Gertrude Mathiesen visited at the Andrew Mathiesen home Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Bailey were dinner guests at the Jim French home New Years.

[transcribed by L.Z., May 2008]


Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
January 13, 1927

GREENVILLE (Special Correspondence)

January 16th will be the seventh anniversary of the adoption of the eighteenth amendment. In order that the whole community may join in the observance of the day, there will be a Union Gospel Temperance meeting Sunday evening at the Voss hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. The speakers will be Mr. Carpenter, pastor of the Friends church, and Mr. Foster, pastor of the Congregational church. There will be music by the combined choirs of the two churches and an exercise by the children who belong to the National Prohibition Guards. The general theme for the evening is "Yes, It's the Law and It's a Good Law." Everyone is cordially invited and a large attendance is desired. There will be no charge and no offering.

Mr. and Mrs. John Coats visited at the H. E. Thayer home at Storm Lake last Friday. Maurice spent the day with his brother, Byron Young, at the Storm Lake hospital where he is a patient. Frances Coats, Katherine Peterson, Rosetta Pelley and Ruth Cowser of Spencer returned with them and visited over the week end at their respective homes.

A large tree was blown down Saturday night on the Alexander property. It broke the high line of the lights and also did damage to the enclosed porch on the rear of the house. Mr. Alexander took notice and cut down two others on Monday that were too near the house. This fine place will be for rent March first. Jim Dwyer will move into the France Bargloff house as soon as they move to Mason City.

The Woodmen and their wives had a social gathering Friday night in the hall. The time was spent playing games. At a late hour, they enjoyed an oyster supper at the Porter café. All report a fine time.

-Mr. and Mrs. Lister and family visited at the John Swanson and France Bargloff homes Thursday.
-Mrs. Will Bowers and Mrs. Geo. McCaulley were shopping in Spencer Saturday.
-Mrs. Harley Alexander visited her sister, Mrs. Virgil Denison, in Spencer Wednesday.
-Miss Anna Smith, who has been spending her Christmas vacation with her parents near Dickens, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Kirby from Monday to Wednesday night. She will return to her college work in Minneapolis the first of this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. France Bargloff and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Zimmers were Sunday guests at the Norman Fletcher home.
-George Mills shipped one carload of stock from Greenville, two from Rossie and one from Gillett Grove. He bought one carload that averaged 292 pounds each which were raised by Verne McDowell and Ross Mills.
-Warren Green left Saturday night for Chicago. From there he will go to Indiana for a visit with old friends and relatives.
-Mr. Hans Peterson was able to ride to Spencer last Wednesday.
-Jim Alexanders are enjoying a new Chevrolet coach.
-Miss Edith Thomas visited her grandmother in Sioux Rapids over the week end.
-George Collins and Mr. I. N. Kirby had a little excitement Saturday morning. They started for Spencer in the Collins Star sedan and just as they hit the pavement the car turned completely around and tipped over. It was only running about seven miles an hour. Neither men were injured. One wheel was broken but the glass did not break.
-John Gross, who underwent a serious operation a few weeks ago, is recovering at his mother's home, Mrs. Joe Gross, in Spencer. His good friend, George Mills Jr. called to see him Sunday morning.
-The Frank Falline children, who were accidentally shot, will be able to come home this week from the Spencer hospital.


-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mills and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clellan Seaman were Sunday guests at the George Middagh home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carpenter celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary Saturday evening. They entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kauffman and Jeanette and Mrs. Ives at a 6 o'clock dinner.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Birdsell and family were Sunday dinner guests at the R. B. Ringbloom home in Webb.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson and Walter Sugget of Royal were Sunday visitors at the Ole Nelson home.
-Mrs. Robert Mills of Gillett Grove was a Sunday visitor at the George Mills Jr. home.
-Mrs. A. J. Lauber, of Storm Lake, was a weekend visitor at her parents home.
-Mrs. Prichard of Ayrshire has been assisting her daughter, Mrs. Porter, in the café since Friday.
-Mr. C. A. Ringbloom, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Birdsell and other relatives, returned to his home in Minneapolis Saturday.
-The Woman's Missionary Society of the Friends church will serve a dinner at noon in the church basement Wednesday, January 19. Everyone is welcome. Price 25 cents and 35 cents. The society will hold their regular meeting in the afternoon.
-Mr. Russel Chute of North English has been visiting his brother, C. C. Chute, for the past week. He returned home Saturday.
-The Friendly Sunday School class of the Friends church held their party at the Roy Birdsell home Thursday evening. Mrs. E. Scott and Mrs. K. Scott were the entertainment committee. Mrs. Birdsell and Mrs. A. A. Adams served a dainty lunch consisting of sandwiches, coffee and cake.
-Harley Snyder's brother came Friday night for a short visit with him. They had not met for eighteen years. He returned Monday to his home in Montevideo, Minnesota.
-The Womans Christian Temperance Union met at the Carl Browman home January 5, with eighteen members and three visitors in attendance. After the usual business meeting, all joined in singing. It is in the constitution and it is there to stay. This was the day set aside as the day of prayer for the cause of temperance. A half hour was spent in devotionals, meeting with Mr. Foster as leader. He read the scripture lesson and gave an interesting talk and several led in prayer. Informal talks were then given by nearly every one present as to how we could make our meetings more interesting and profitable and do more efficient work in the coming year. The offering was $1.92. the meeting closed with the W.C.T.U. benediction.
-Mr. Ed Gerjets of Rockwell City visited over Sunday at the Floyd Porter home.
-Mr. Leonard Carpenter returned to Oskaloosa Saturday after a few days visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Carpenter.
-Mr. and Mrs. Al Seaman left Saturday for Rolfe where they will attend the funeral of Mr. Seaman's brother, John Seaman, of that city.
-Miss Lois Seymore of Ocheyedan is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lea Seaman.
-Mary and Edith McKiernan were absent from school Thursday.
-Miss Masterman spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Spencer.
-Mrs. Misner and Mrs. Falkamore were visitors in the lower grades Friday afternoon.
-Phyllis Greene entered Greenville school Tuesday.
-Mrs. Sam Mills visited the primary room Monday morning.
-Rev. Carpenter and son Leonard were visitors in high school and grammar school Friday afternoon.

[transcribed by L.Z., February 2010]


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