Iowa Old Press

Spencer Reporter
Spencer, Clay co. Iowa
January 10, 1923

(Too late for last week)
Linn Grove, Jan. 1—Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson returned home after an extended visit with relatives in Kentucky.

Ren DeGrisselles and Edwin Loe were callers at Peterson Thursday afternoon.

Alma Loe and Agnes Fonley were callers at Peterson Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Will Jones of Waterloo left this week after spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Sam Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartman and son David returned home Sunday after spending Christmas with relatives at Rockford, Ill.

Celeste Sigler is visiting friends at Aurelia this week.

Charlie Fonley, Agnes Fonley and Alma Loe were callers at Peterson Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meyers entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Knutson and children, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Fulton and children at a watch party Sunday evening.

Viola Shirk spent Sunday at the Ben Hughes home near Paullina.

Frank Friedland and Ben Shirk motored to Mitchell, S. D., Friday and returned Saturday.

Margaret Landsberg spent Saturday at Peterson with her cousin, Margaret Jones.

Bertel and Bernice Larson of Alta spent a few days this week at the C. A. Fulton home.

Wayne Landsberg spent Saturday attending to business at Sutherland.

Cornelia Evans entertained Calia Anderson, Miriam Evans, Mrs. O. E. Anderson, and little son Merton at a watch party Sunday evening.

Miriam Evans left Monday for Spencer where she will spend the remainder of the week at the Tom Powell home.

Wayne Landsberg spent Saturday and Sunday at Peterson.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sandberg, Constance Loe, Lillian Pennel, and little daughter of Sioux Rapids spent the week end with relatives at this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson of near Fairview spent Monday at the Jens Jensen home.

Mr. and Mrs. Atley Hayes of near Sioux Rapids spent Monday at the John Otten home.

Geo. DeGrisselles was a business caller at Alta and Storm Lake Friday.

Mrs. H. C. Sandberg and Mrs. Ole Powell were callers at Sioux Rapids Saturday evening.

Mrs. Lew Croskey returned from Spencer after spending a few weeks there.

[transcribed by L.Z., October 2014]


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