Iowa Old Press

Fredericksburg News
Fredericksburg, Chickasaw co. Iowa
October 13, 1938

Sisters Meet After 40 Years
Mrs. Etta Blaine of Longview, Washington, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Katherine Champlain in Waterloo, left Firday for Hunter and Minot, North Dakota, to visit her brothers, after spending several weeks with her niece Mrs. Glen Ladwig and family. Mrs. Blaine and her sister Mrs. Champlain had not met for forty years. Mrs. Champlain also visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ladwig and family.

New Manager at Sinclair Station
Howard Renwick who has been employed at the Carl Gitch garage took over the management of the Sinclair Station last Thursday. Since the station was built last year it has been run by Bert Meier. Mr. Renwick has made many friends since he has been in our town and all wish him much success.

Jon Justus Artman 17 months son of Rev. and Mrs. Donald Artman of St. Charles, passed away Wednesday, October 5th. Cause of death pneumonia. Rev. and Mrs. Artman resided here two years while Rev. Artman was pastor of the M.E. Church and their many friends here extend sincere sympathy.

Obituary - Thomas E. Pope
Thomas E. Pope, only child of Thomas Benjamin and Luch Mallalien Pope, was born on December 19, 1855 in Dudley, Mass., and died Monday October 3, 1938 at 10:15 A.M. at his farm home west of Alpha, being 82 years, 9 months and 14 days. He spent his entire youth in Mass. coming to Iowa for the first time in 1875, after spending a few months here he returned to his eastern home. On October 31, 1876 he was united in marriage to Fanny Freeland at Sutton, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Pope came to Iowa and settled on a farm near Ossian, where they remained only one year, then moved to Dakota, where they lived about five years and came to his parent home in Stapleton, township in Octover 1882, 56 years ago. To this union five children were born, John Thomas of Portland, Oregon, Mary Elizabeth, now Mrs. A.B. Carter of Spokane, Wash., Frank Freeland at home, Carrie Louise, now Mrs. R.W. Brown of Madera, California and Lucy Mallelien, who died December 22, 1905.

Mr. and Mrs. Pope spent some time in Arizona during her failing health, she died July 28, 1910. In the fall of 1923 he was again married, to Mrs. Amanda Miller and they resided at Waucoma until her death on January 4, 1934.

Mr. Pope was a member of the Waucoma Masonic Lodge for nearly 40 years, also a member of the Alpha Modern Woodmen of America. He served as a member of the board of the Alpha Farmers Creamery, district school and township trustee.

He leaves two sons, two daughters, eight grand children, four great grand children and a host of neighbors and friends. Funeral services were held Thursday at the M.E. church, Rev. Dana Boogie officiated. Burial in Alpha cemetery. Those from a distance that attended the funeral were his son John Pope, Portland, Oregon, Mrs. Mammie Carter, Spokane, Washington, and Mrs. Carrie Brown, Maderia, California.

Attend Hardware Meeting
Edwin Klotz, Stanley Koerth and Roy McClure went to West Union Monday evening where they attended a dinner and meeting of the Iowa Retail Hardware Association.

-Mrs. Lloyd Upham was in New Hampton Wednesday morning.
-Mrs. Henry Reich, New Hampton called on Mrs. Louis Rich last Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Clark of Monticello, Wisconsin, spent the weekend with Mrs. Elenora Taft.
-Billy March and Jim Ott were fishing at Clear Lake Sunday. They caught a nice string of fish.
-Mrs. Roy McClure and son Brian are in Waterloo visiting at the home of her mother Mrs. Marion Moldenhauer.
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmudlach of Strawberry Point, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmudlach Sr.
-Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Kluss and daughter Cherie of Postville visited Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan.
-Dr. A.L. Murphey accompanied by Dr. Paul Amlie, Tripoli were at West Union Thursday to attend a dinner and meeting of the Medical Group.

Supervisors' Proceedings - Session of October 3-4, 1938
The Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session in their office in the Chickasaw County, Iowa Court House October 3, 1938. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Chairman E. Albaugh, all members responding to roll call. Official Bonds were approved for the appointed Clerks in the Treasurer's office, Frances A. Uglum and Gerald Bailey.

-Petition of Hazel M. Lezotte for renewal of Widow's pension was approved.
-Petition of Winton B. Waite for refund of road poll erroneously assessed was approved.
-Petition of Paul A. Shinstine for cancellation of road poll erroneously assessed was approved.
-Petition of Jacob P. Hartman for refund of taxes for Soldier's exemption was approved.
-Applications for Soldiers' Exemption were approved for Harrison D. Johnson and Paul R. Farlow.

I, Louise Klatt, Chickasaw County Auditor, hereby certify that the following resolutions were passed by the Board of Supervisors of Chickasaw County, Iowa on the 12th day of September, 1938:
THAT WHEREAS, A.J. Blazek is indebted to Chickasaw County, Iowa in the sum of $2,914.59 for the care and keep of his daughter Mary Blazek, while being treated at the State Hospital for the insane at Independence, Iowa., and
WHEREAS, Gerald Bishop is indebted in the sum of $633.34 for the care of his mother, Mabel Bishop, and
WHEREAS, J.H. Buhre is indebted in the sum of $1,709.96 for the care of his son, Edwin Buhre, and
WHEREAS, Harold F. Tank is indebted in the sum of $67.62 for the care of his wife, Mabel Tank,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Chickasaw County, Iowa that the above referred to claims be comprised and and that Chickasaw County, Iowa accept settlement for said accounts owing by A.J. Blazek, father of Mary Blazek, the sum of $1,150.00, Gerald Bishop, son of Mable Bishop, in the sum of $550.00, J.H. Buhre, father of Edwin Buhre, in the sum of $900.00 and Harold Tank, husband of Mabel Tank, in the sum of $60.86 in full settlement for the money advanced by Chickasaw County, Iowa for the care and keep of the above named patients while being treated at the State Hospital for the Insane at Independence, Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2008]

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