Iowa Old Press

Fredericksburg News
Fredericksburg, Chickasaw co. Iowa
May 5, 1938

Albert Jahnson, Editor and Publisher

Sam Wesley Dawson
Sam Wesley, son of Sam and Ananbell Dawson was born September 15, 1890, three miles northwest of Sumner, Bremer County, Iowa, where he resided until 12 years of age, when he moved with his parents on a farm southeast of Fredericksburg. His schooling consisted of the rural schools of Bremer and Chickasaw counties. He was united in marriage to Miss Zelma Hubbard, March 15, 1922; to this union were born four children: Glenice, John, Henry and Paul. Beside the immediate family he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dawson, two sisters, Mrs. Grace Hinkley of Waterloo, and Mrs. Hazel Lienau of Fredericksburg, one brother, Glen of Fredericksburg, one sister Jennie preceeded him in death. At the age of 21 years he united with the First Baptist Church of Fredericksburg, where his family have since worshiped. He departed this life on Sunday morning, May 1, 1938, death came quietly, in the early morning hours while he was sleeping in the family home, where they had lived their entire married life. He was known as a good neighbor, a kind father, and a loving husband, a man who loved his home, where most of his time was spent. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church with the pastor Rev. U.E. Borroughs officiating. Two songs, "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" were sung by Mrs. Billy March accompanied on the piano by Mrs. H.S. Kerssen. Pall bearers were Victor Steege, Paul Steege, Arthur Schurkey, Alvin Gitch, Albert Lineau and Neil Sullivan. Interment is Rose Hill. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Rev. B.H. Forkenbrock
Funeral services for Rev. B.H. Forkenbrock, 72, pastor of St. Mary's church here since it was founded 42 years ago was held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, with a solemn requiem high mass, with Rev. William H. Schulte, of Columbia college, Dubuque, as celebrant. Father Schulte is a nephew of Father Forkenbrock.

Birthday Anniversary
A group of relatives and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stone Sunday, honoring the birthday anniversary of Mr. Stone. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Leo stone, Castalia, Mr. and Mrs. Swede Schroeder, Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zipse, New Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Schoonover and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Niemann and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Niemann, Mrs. Elizabeth Niewoehner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spenden and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mattke and sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Leitch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Will Nemeyer. The guests served a pot luck dinner at noon.

Music Contest
Jean Douglass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Douglass, won a superior rating, and Marian Casten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Casten, was rated excellent at the state contest of Iowa Federation of Music Clubs held at Davenport last week. Both are pupils of Mrs. Nora Jorgenson and members of the Junior MacDowell Club of Postville. Jean was entered in Class A, nine years and under, and Marian was in Class C for those of 12 and 13 years of age. Marian was rated superior by two of the judges, but the Federated contests differ from school contest in that contestants are graded on percentage points and in so doing Marian's grade points totaled two-thirds of one per cent less than required for the superior division. Both local girls were awarded state certificates in a ceremony following the contest participated in by over 150 pupils and are deserving of much praise for the fine showing they made. The girls were accompanied to Davenport by Mrs. Casten. -- Postville Herald. News Ed note: Miss Jean Douglass is a graddaughter of Mr. J.D. Herrick.
T.M. Burke and sister Mrs. Claude Ellison went to Rochester, Minnesota Saturday to visit their brother Edward Burke of Elmore, North Dakota who is seriously ill at the hospital.

Edwin Johnston of Madison, Wisconsin visited a short time the latter part of the week at the A.H. Milne home. Mr. Johnston had been to Masonville, Iowa, to attend funeral services of his aunt, Miss Agnes Gleason, who will be well remembered by many of our readers as at one time she made her home here with her brother-in-law and sisiter, Dr. and Mrs. E.N. Johnston.

Around the House
Butter the Raisins - a good way to keep raisins from going to the bottom of a cake is to roll them in butter before placing htem in the batter.
Save Pickling Sirup - Sirup left from pickled or spiced fruits makes a delicious flavoring for roast meats.
Marion Barker is ill at the home of her grandmother Mrs. Marion Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Noel Davis, Robert and Max were Waterloo visitors Saturday.

Mr. Fred Schmidt and daughter Idell of New Hampton were guests Sunday at the Will McMeans home.

Mrs. Harry Hunt of Sumner called Saturday on her niece Mrs. Alvin Gitch and son Jerry.

Mrs. Harry Laabs spent Friday and Saturday at the home of her father-in-law Fred Laabs near Alpha.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Liebenstein spent Thursday in Hubbard with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Liebenstein.

Mrs. Galen Gillam and Mrs. Emery Bravener arranged the program for the P.T.A. at Oakdale school Friday evening.

Mrs. Kate Barker of Sumner is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Countryman.

Todd McMillan, Waterloo, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will McMillan and grandmother Mrs. Plummer.

Harold Benz and H.J. Ungerer attended the Farmer and Labor Banquet at the Shrine Temple at Cedar Rapids Saturday, April 30th.

Mrs. Earl March returned Friday from New Hampton where she had been caring for her aunt Mrs. J.H. Simmons who is ill.

George Bronn of Randalia was in town Saturday. His daughter Miss Forence Bronn accompanied him home for the weekend.

Mrs. Don McAuley of Mason City came Saturday and spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mikes.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schuette and her mother Mrs. Mary Tietjen spent Sunday in Elma at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weers.

Mrs. Clarence Fisher who operated the linotype in the 'News' office last week returned to her home near Lawler Thursday morning.

Earl Elliott came from Newton Saturday for the week end at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hinkley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tretter and Miss Hazel Hinkley of Waterloo were here Tuesday to attend funeral services for Wesley Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Leach of Sumner were here Tuedsay to attend funeral services for their cousin Wesley Dawson.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haag and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Krause of Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leach and Mrs. Adele Leach of New Hampton were among those who were here to attend funeral services Tuesday for Wesley Dawson.

A 9X12 Brooder house was delivered to Mr. Henry Kammeyer who resides south of town. It was made by Mr. Kammeyer and the material was furnished by the Fredericksburg Lumber Company. It sure is a dandy. It also has the latest type of windows.

Miss Thelda O'Day, Mrs. M.H. Linderman and Mrs. Clara Eygabroad were in New Hampton Monday.

Ronald Kerkhoff of Decorah spent the weekend at the hom of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Kerkhoff.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Churchill spent Sunday evening with his mother Mrs. Susie Churchill near Sumner, who is very ill.

F.A. Hubbard has returned after spending the winter in Ionia with his granddaughter Mrs. Leon Bucknell.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carney and Mr. and Mrs. McGee of Frederika visited at the Albert Jahnson home Sunday afternoon.

There is being installed a 12 foot soda fountain at Bob's Pharmacy this week. It certainly is a fine piece of furniture and now you can get your soda and ice cream cold, and fresh.

Mrs. Mary Mundfrom, sons Walter and John of Nashua, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schnurstein of Tripoli, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buehler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gitch and daughter were Sunday guests at the home of Will Schnurstein in honor of his birthday.

Mr. Clarence Belding and son of Ossian called on his sister Mrs. Elizabeth Llewellyn and mother Mrs. Mary Belding.

Mrs. Florence Kist and two children of Clermont came Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Frank Winter, Mrs. Geo. Alton and Mrs. Laura Westendorf. They returned home Sunday.

Horace Clark of Sealey, Texas was calling on old friends in Alpha Friday.

[transcribed by S.F., February 2008]

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