Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co., Iowa
October 30, 1919

Mrs. John Steele returned last week from Postville where she had been to attend the marriage of Mr. Steele's sister, Miss Margaret Steele of that place to Mr. Frank Blasier of Dubuque. The ceremony was performed in St. Bridget's church, Rev. Fr. Steele, a brother of the bride. the bride is known by many of our people, having visited here on different occasions.

-W.H. Cook is doing carpenter work for Geo. Pierson.
-Mrs. Harvey Vanston visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Nickelson Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen visited at the David Bean home Sunday.
-Clarence Carle visited at the Homer Carle home Monday.
-Mrs. Jesse Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hobbs of Nashua, Henry Brandt of Decorah, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Plantz and son Will of Shell Rock were visitors at the J.M. Plantz home Sunday.
-Fred Gulick and Mr. and Mrs. A. Krans and family from west of Nashua were callers in Bradford Sunday.
-Homer Carle received the sad news Sunday evening that his brother George W., had died that afternoon at Iowa City where he had been for medical treatments.
-Mr. and Mrs. A. Sutherland of Charles City, were callers in Bradford Tuesday on their way home from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. P. Jensen and family, south of Nashua.
-Mr. Thurman visited his daughter, Mrs. Harnish in Nashua last week.
-Mrs. Vadie Rumbaugh was in Bradford looking after business matters.

-Mrs. Hannah Orcutt and sons Marshall and Arthur moved last week from the farm south of town to the house lately purchased of Ed Simbric.
-Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Eva Walker were Waverly visitors Monday.
-Mrs. Alex Schlaberg has so far recovered from her recent illness as to be able to start for Long Beach, Cal. last Monday, where they expect to make their home. She was accompanied by her husband and daughter and two grandchildren.
-Mrs. Ella Townsend Slaght will arrive from Washington soon to make an extended visit with her brother Will, and other relatives and friends in this vicinity.
-Mrs. John Miller visited her son Kenneth at LeMars, Iowa, a couple days last week and on her return visited her daughter Miss Marion who is a stenographer at the Boys' Training school at Eldora.
-Mrs. West has sold a lot west of her house to W.S. Kern who has started the erection of a house on it.
-George Miller and wife and three daughters left Monday for Long Beach, Cal, where they expect ot make their home the coming year.

-Mrs. Emma Braider and little grandson, have gone to Illinois to spend the winter with relatives.
-Mary Stacey of Waverly visited friends here.
-Emory Potter has been suffering the past week from an abcess on his hand.
-Mrs. Thomas of Plainfield, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rose Strauser and family.
-Clara Green, who is working at Nashua, spent Sunday at home.
-Ward Delaverague, of Milwaukee, was the guest of friends here over Sunday.
-Walter Miler is building a new cistern.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilcox spent Sunday with relatives at Charles City.
-Mary Meier, of Waterloo, is visiting her brother L.C. Hue and family.

-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tompkins of Devon, came Saturday for a visit at the Lemkuhl home.
-The Frank Sloan home is quarantined for scarlet fever. All the cases of the disease here have been very light.
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lipp moved their household good to New Hampton Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wesp will occupy the Doty house recently vacated by Chas. Lipp.
-A.W. Laabs has a force of men at work remodeling the house he purchased this fall in the southwest part of town.
-There was a surprise party fro Will Niemeyer at his home northwest of town Friday night. A large number of old friends and neighbors composed the company and enjoyed the dance and supper.

-Oscar Wolff and family, from near Bassett, were Sunday visitors at the J.F. Cagley home.
-Joe Herzog has sold out his interest in the dray line to his partner, Geo. Watts, and Joe and his family will soon move to Rockford, Iowa, where he will work in a creamery with his brother John.
-Gladys Watts has returned to Charles City after spending the past four weeks here at the J.F. Cagley and Ralph Watts homes.
-Misses Clara Pugh and Golda Sylvaria were Mason City shoppers Saturday.
-A.T. Brookins went to Osage Saturday. Mrs. Brookins and little son Paul returned with him Sunday evening.
-Sister Domineca and Sister Raymond of Dubuque visited Friday and Saturday at the O.A. Taylor home.
-Ed Artes and his mother and Mrs. Will Jordan and Ella Dahlke went to Ackley last week for a visit at the Walter Artes home.
-Mrs. Gus Kruger and daughter Mrs. Anna Schultz and two children, of Grafton, Iowa, have been here visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Gus Mathews and family.
-Mrs. Louis Schoenfeld and baby have returned home after a 3 weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schultz at Henry, S.D.
-Mrs. CB. Miller and children spent a few days at Charles City at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kimball.
-Harold Skeeles has returned to his home at Osage, after a visither hwith his aunt, Mrs. N.I. Mead and husband.
-Misses Evelyn Troutner, Golda Sylvaria, Blanche Broesis and Clara Pugh went to Bradford Sunday to visit the "Little Brown Church."
-Wm. Huffman went to Floyd for a short visit with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Will Ransom of Waterloo were Ionia visitors last week at the home of his father, C.S. Ransom.
-August Theis, who has been working for John Heit for the past few weeks, has gone to Rockford to work.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirner have returned from a visit with relatives at Belle Plaine, Iowa. They took Mrs. Kirner's siter, Miss Marie Pichner, home. She had been here visiting them for some time.
-Mrs. Glenn Kepple attended the family reunion of relatives at Plainfield last week.
-Mrs. H.E. Thomas did papering for Mrs. Charlie Ferguson near Bradford.
-Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Handley have returned to their home at Chapin after a visit here.
-Max Wolff, who has been attending a school at Minneapolis is working in the depot here as supply agent for a few days, while B.F. Finnegan is taking a short vacation, fixing up his home place for winter.
-Rep. P.L. Kepple visited relatives at Nashua last Tuesday.


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