Iowa Old Press

New Hampton, Iowa
Wednesday, November 13, 1918

VOL. XLII No. 46, Front Page
$2.00 Per Year

United WarWorks Campaign in progress this week is undoubtedly the last call for Funds for this kind of welfare work amongst the soldier.
PROVE YOURSELF 100% LOYAL IN THIS UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN by doing your full share -- by paying your assessment.

Who wants to be a "slacker"? It is a hard name to be attached to anyone -- never forgotten -- never erased.
Let us keep Chickasaw County's glorious records ablaze. Every citizen 100% loyal. You can do this by paying, any day this week, you "United War Work Campaign" assessment.

WILD WITH JOY; CLOSE OF WAR --Every Community Holds Its Celebrations. New Hampton Began At 4 A. M. At It All Day Long. --
People of the world everywhere and especially in the United States and Allied Countries went wild with joy Monday when the announcement came that Germany had surrendered and had signed the drastic terms of the armistices demanded by General Foch representing our side of the great world war.
Every town of this country held its celebration and cities large and small ran riot with enthusiasm. The first news came to the telegraph office at 2 a. m., Monday. Morris Harris night clerk at the Miller spread it rapidly and at 4 a. m., the city fire whistle blew and the church bells began ringing the glad tidings of surrender by the enemy and victory and peace for us.

The crowds soon gathered with tin pans, drums, iron pipes, whistles and about everything with which a noise could be made. A huge bonfire was built on the pavement on the corner of Main and Locust and the crowds rallied 'round the fire with smiling faces and siding in the tumult of joy.
The fire ruined the pavement with its heat of 36 hours and will have to be replaced, but who cared so long as the occasion merited an extraordinary manifestation of good feeling. The alleys were cleaned of boxes and many an old "smoke house" was stolen and dragged to the corner only to make the flames fly higher.
All day long the town was an uproar of noise and preparations were made for a parade.
The blasting of dynamite near-by reminded one a little of the noise and joy the boys must feel over there. Many window lights were shattered in the fierceness of the concussion.
At 7:00 p.m. assisted by the Ionia and a local pick-up band a good parade was pulled off. Some mighty finely and sugestedively decorated vehicles were in line to commemorate the fall of the Kaiser. Tractors, wagons, autos, horseback riders and footpads, prettily dressed women and paraders, the Red Cross workers, the Sheakley & Kennedy Bros. Department store force all made an interesting sight. The Implement Company tractors and many things that could interest the eye or the ear were put on. Mr. Hughes, of Gildner Bros. & McEwen did a fine job of decorating Loom's truck with cannon and the Kaiser's coffin. At the close of the parade the Kaiser's effigy was removed and burned in the bonfire on the corner. There were hundreds that worked and helped to make this a success.

An open air program was held on the street in the evening and the crowds listened to addresses by Mayor Garmen, Messrs. M.F. Condon, C. H. Kenyon, F. J. Conley, M.E. Geiser, W. J. Springer, C.C. Sheakley, W. G. Shaffer, Re. Giblete. The crowds cheered lustily and in song sang heartily.
A free dance was pulled off at the Auditorium in the evening. A local orchestra was made up of men who had not practiced together -- but who cared. Everybody was full of joy anyway.

The Cross and the Cross & Capps markets gave away 300 pounds of hot weiners on the street Monday night.

It was one of the greatest days of world history and the world over, almost all the people stopped to celebrate. Business had to wait. The good feelings and celebrations will probably go on for some time yet but will probably not be as public as this one. Those here will never forget it.

Mathias A. J. Hugebach Dies At Archadia, Florida, And Is Buried At San Jose, California. Thursday, October 31st. --
The following is a clipping from the San Jose, California, Daily on Friday morning, November 1st.
Imposing funeral services were conducted yesterday at the Thomas Mountain undertaking parlors and at the Sante Clara Catholic cemetery for the late Mathias A. J. Hugebach, U.S.A. whose death occurred at Dorrfield, Florida, October 23. The services at the grave were conducted by Rev. Father Frances of St. Mary's church of this city, assisted by a number of soldiers from Camp Freemont who acted as pall bearers and as an escort to the cortège.

Appropriate music was rendered by the choir of St. Mary's church and at the conclusion of the services taps were sounded by Baz -- Demezyzan as the body was assigned to its last resting place. Those attending , besides several n------ -- Miss Rose Hoffman, of St. Louis, Minnesota, several personal friends and the immediate relatives were Sergeant A. Finney Privates F- & J. J. Babay. J. Compton, G. Smith, F. Janecek, A Wilkens, A. Gresor, OF. Gannon of Camp Fremont.

The deceased who was idolized by his parents, was born at New Hampton, Iowa, February 12, 1899. He enlisted at Granite Falls, Minnesota as a private in the aviation signal corps, April 1, 1918; was sent to Kelly base, Texas, in September, where he graduated, but was afterwards transferred to Arcadia, Florida, where he passed away at the army hospital. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hugebach, reside at 350 West San Carles street.

United War Work Campaigns Opening Addressed By Noted Men At Firemens Theater
Will Be Put Over This Week
The United War Work Campaign received a good start last Sunday when several hundred people from different parts of the county met at the Firemen's Theater Sunday. The meeting was in charge of M. Kennedy, County Chairman, of this drive. He introduced the speakers and numbers of the program. The musical numbers were in charge of Miss Kenyon of this city who led the audience in rousing song. Miss Rinehart, of Alta Vista, a beautiful singer favored the crowd with a solo. The address were made by Miss Spencer of Chicago, C. H. McNider, of Mason City, and C. E. Pickett, of Waterloo. The campaign is bound to succeed because of the splendid organization Mr. Kennedy and his workers have and because most of the people feel the justice of the cause

Government Demands However That All Questionnaires Be Filled Out And Returned To Draft Boards.
The Local Draft Board For Chickasaw County received notice Monday to cancel all draft calls and to not entrain another man for camp. There were 56 men to leave for camp this week from this county. 30 were to go to Camp Dodge today, and 26 more to go to Camp Greenleaf Georgia tomorrow. These men will have no chance to go for the present. Every man who has received a questionnaire should have it filled out within the time required and returned to the Local Draft Board. To fail to do this will put a man on the delinquent list. The Government wants the record that has been asked and you are required to furnish it.

[transcribed by C.D., October 2006]

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