Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
July 4, 1918

Mr. Richard F. Artes was born in the Province of Saxony in Germany, June 7, 1859 and passed away at his home in Ionia, Iowa, Tuesday, June 25, 1918, at 8:30 a.m. He was 59 years and 18 days old at the time of his death. At the age of 14 he was confirmed in the Lutheran church and was a faithful member
of that church. When 20 years old he joined the army and served for three years. In 1886 he came to America and stayed with his brother in New York City for about two years and then came to New Hampton, where he worked in a meat market for some time until he came to Ionia and started our first meat market in this city. On May 10, 1891, he was united in marriage to Miss Ella Schultz of this city. Three sons were born to this happy union, the first born dying in infancy. Mr. Artes was an ambitious, hard working man and was very industrious even beyond his strength. In 18?7 his health broke down and ever since he has been an invalid suffering from locomotor ataxia. Everything human skill and science can do was done to relieve his pain and suffering but of no avail for June 25, at 8:30 a.m. the Lord called him to his heavenly abode. He is survived by his beloved wife, who so tenderly cared for him during his long sickness and also by his two sons Walter who is married and in business at Ackley, Iowa and Edward who is still at home and engaged in the egg and poultry business. He is also survived by one little grandson, Robert Artes. Besides these other relatives and a great number of old friends mourn his death. The funeral was held Thursday at 2
p.m. at the Lutheran church here conducted by Rev. E.H. Mueller of Harmony, Minn., formerly of Ionia, and assisted by Rev. G. Heldke of Ionia, and burial was in the family lot at Chickasaw cemetery.

[submitted by S.F., Feb. 2004]

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