Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
March 16, 1916


Bride Buys a License
Des Moines - Miss Augusta Knies, 25 years old, of Lansing, Mich, proposed to Harley Deckert, aged 29, of Des Moines. She admitted it when she applied for a marriage license at the court house. The sight of a woman applying for a license was so unusual License Clerk Baldwin asked her if she "popped the question." She answered, "Yes, and I'm not ashamed of it either. It's leap year, you know." Deckert is a well to do young business man. The young couple became acquainted when Miss Knies came here to visit relatives. She is pretty and does not in the least look the part of a suffraget or other militant woman's rights person.

Dies at Age of 103.
Fort Dodge - Grandma Winnifred C. Jenkins, 103 years of age, died here from grip. She was born in Trenton, N.J. in 1813. Mrs. Jenkins came here in 1856 after marriage to a railroad contractor with whom she traveled over what was then a wilderness. Mrs. Jenkins lived to greet five generations of descendants. Hard work and cheerfulness were her watchwords. She was progressive to the end and in full possession of her faculties. She said shortly before death that she wanted to take an aeroplane ride, as she had ridden in all other modern vehicles.

Society Woman Asks Divorce
Des Moines - That he complained of household expenses, forced her to do her own housework, encouraged her to enter society and then refused to pay for her clothing and continually taunted "that she was a poor girl when he married her and he had introduced her into the highest society in Des Moines," were a part of the complaints made by Mrs. Hazel Entrikin Saturday in her petition for divorce from Dr. Joseph B. Entrikin, a well known dentist in Des Moines. She asks for $1,000 temporary and $10,000 permanent alimony.

90, Looks After Big Farm
Logan- "Uncle Jim" Kennedy is Harrison county's oldest active farmer. He celebrated his ninetieth birthday anniversary last week. He owns a stock farm of 320 acres, on which he has lived since 1856, and he looks after it just as actively and carefully as he did years ago.

Woman Fatally Burned.
Lake Park - Mrs. William Small, while trying to start a fire in a heating stove at her home in Lake Park, used gasoline and an explosion followed. She was so badly burned that she cannot recover. The house was set on fire, but was saved.

LaPorte City - The "kissing case" came to an abrupt ending in court here when Mrs. William Bunce withdrew her complaint charging "assault with intent to kiss and hug" against J.V. Rhodes, a Waterloo insurance agent. She had charged that Rhodes attempts to hug and kiss her while at her home on business.

Commander Soldiers' Home
B.C. Whitehill of Marshall county has been named as new commander of the soldiers' home at Marshalltown, to take the place recently vacated by the resignation of Col. Horton. Whitehill is a veteran of the Spanish-American war.

Drug Act Upheld
Judge Wade of the federal court has upheld the Harrison drug act and ruled that druggists have no right to sell drugs to dope fiends under guise of prescribing for medical purposes.

- Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Gohlman of Sabula have a record reacted by but few people - that of 61 years of married life.
- Chris Vespested, aged 30, fell from the third story of the new Northwestern hotel in Des Moines and was instantly killed.
- In the arrest of Mike Pittenicchio, 24 years old, following his attempt to pass a $50 counterfeit bill at the Boston market in Des Moines, police believe that they have the man who has been passing counterfeit and raised bills at a dozen business places in Des Moines during the past two weeks.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]

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