Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co. Iowa
September 19, 1912

Lou Hill, of Lincoln, Neb., drapped into town the latter part of last week for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Hill. His wife, who had been visiting her parents at Postville, came over and joined him here Monday. They will remain here about a week, going then to Chicago before returning home.

Mrs. Thos. Barr and daughter, Leta, went to Waverly Monday to assist Mrs. Emma Franke in her restaurant during the fair.

C.H. Bauder left Tuesday night with a party of land seekers for Canada. He expects to visit his son, Ray, at Saskatoon before returning home.

Miss Beatrice Weller, who had been attending a convention of chautauqua and lyceum workers at Winona Lake, Ind., came Saturday for an over-Sunday visit with her parents, leaving again Monday.

The increased population the past week has been all of the male persuasion. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ness in the small hours of Friday morning the stork left a bright little baby boy, and before midnight the same day Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw were rejoicing over the arrival of a young son at their home.

A new 2-cent stamp in commemoration of the Panama-Pacific exposition in San Francisco in 1915, has been approved by Postmaster General Hitchcock.

Mr. and Mrs. David Bowen, of Sherrard, Ill., who had been spending a week or more at Minneapolis, came down Tuesday evening for a short visit with Mr. B.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bowen, before returning home.

H.T. Dexter is enjoying his second crop of roasting ears, and he says they tast pretty good. After he had harvested his early potatoes he planted the ground to sweet corn and is thus making the land pay him double toll.

D.C. Van Winkle, who recently sold his farm here for $125 an acre, has purchased an 80 acre farm near Jewel Junction , Iowa for which he paid a trifle better than $160 an acre. It is not his intention to move there however, and he has put the land back on the market and has already been offered more than he paid for it.

Miss Neve Johnson went to Greenfield Monday night, where she has accepted a situation as music teacher in the public schools there. Greenfield is a county seat town of 1,500 population and the situation is a good one but we have no doubts but that Miss Johnson will make good for, she is a natural musician, with plenty of musical training besides.

Miss Anna Hagens underwent an operation Tuesday morning at Mercy hospital in Waverly. Miss Hagen was operated upon some time ago for appendicitis and this operation is for adhesion following the first operation. Her mother, Mrs. John Hagens, and Mrs. Philip Reichert went down Tuesday morning to be with her during the ordeal and her physician, Dr. McDannell, went down to assist in the operation.

There was a fatal accident at Shell Rock Saturday afternoon when John Mullen, a painter by trade, fell from an scaffolding on a barn he was painting and was killed. The accident happened during the afternoon, there being no eye witness, the lifeless body being found under the scaffold. Mr. Muller was about 75 years old and had been a resident of Shell Rock for may years, and was highly respected. -- Green Recorder.

Mrs. Mary Arnott, who had been visiting relatives at Powersville, returned to Waterloo yesterday morning.

Mrs. Fred Liggett underwent a serious operation at Mercy hospital yesterday but is reprted recovering nicely.

Lawrence Walker, of Waterloo, visited Sunday at the home of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haselman.

Mrs. R.A. Butler, of Wilmot, Minn., who had been spending the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wait, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Wait accompanied her for a short visit, and were hoping to get through without encountering any more railroad wrecks.

At a regualer meeting of the Knights of Phthias, held Tuesday evening, it was decided to hold a social session in their hall onthe evening of October 8. The wives and sweethearts of the Knights and the Phthian Sisters and their husbands will be guests. Messrs. G.W. Smith, M.B. Farr and G.F. Ellison were appointed a committee on program and Messrs. R.A. ??fus, C.L. Knight and E.I. Hall a committee on refreshments.

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