Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co., Iowa
February 15, 1912

Wedded at Postville, Louis Hill Surrenders Before Cupid's Darts and is Married on Saint Valentine's Day.

A wedding of special interest to this locality was that which took place at Postville yesterday, St. Valentine's day, when Mr. Louis L. Hill was untied in marriage to Miss Hattie S. Leui. The ceremony was performed at high noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Leui, by Rev. Childress, pastor of the Congregational church , of that city, and was witnessed by the family and a number of friends. The young couple ........ [illegible words] ......... The decorations were in keeping with St. Valentine's day, and bouquets of American Beauty roses. Immediately following the ceremony an elaborate wedding dinner was served. The favors being heart shaped pink boxes containing pieces of the bride's and grooms cakes, and the bride's [illegible] was farther adorned with a bouquet of large pale pink roses. The bride is one of Postville's fairest daughters, loved and admired by all who know her for her beautiful character and womanly ways. She graduated from the Postville High school in 19?4, and later from the University of Wisconsin. For some thime she has been a successful teacher of English in the Mason City High schools. The groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, of this city. He is a young man who has lived his life in this county, and one whom we are glad to point to as a Nashua product. Clean in morals and with an ambition to succeed in whatever he undertakes, we bespeak for him a bright future. He graduated from the Nashua High school in 190[5 or6], and from the State University of Iowa in 1909. For a year he taught successfully in the public schools at Monona, and then gave up his teaching to take the position as traveling representative for Allyn & Bacon, publishers, of Chicago, and that he has been advanced in salary the past winter is evidence that he is making good in that line of work. The young couple left Postville yesterday afternoon for Omaha and Lincoln, Neb., and other points. After March 1 they will be at home at 717 South Fourteenth Street, Lincoln, Nebr., from which city Mr. Hill makes his territory to the best advantage. Lou's host of friends in Nashua will extend hartiest congratulations to himself and bride.

A Farewell Surprise
Neighbors and friends to the muber of seventy or more gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman tupper, east of town Tuesday evening to give Mr. and Mrs. tupper and Mrs. Tupper's mother, Mrs. Susan McCreary, a farewell party prior to their removal to Nashua. The affair was planned, and successfully carried out, as a surprise on these good people. the evening was spent in various social amusements and a bounteous supper, furnished by the invaders, was partaken of. Mr. Tupper and family expect to move to Nashua about March 1, and this large gathering of neighbors and friends was a mark of the high esteem in which they are held in that community.

New Idea
Prof. F.L. McCreary, secretary of the Cedar Falls, Iowa, Commercial club, has inaugurated a new idea of advertising for the city and also one which he thinks will benefit the local merchants. As soon as the weather permits, a large gathering will be held in front of the Commercial club rooms to which everybody will be invited. An immense bonfire will be built and each and every person in the city will be asked to bring all the mail order catalogues they can find and consign them to the flames, making one of the grandest as well as one of the most useful conflagrations ever witnessed there. The Cedar Falls band will head a procession to the spot in which the catalogues will be hauled on a funeral car. The band will play a funeral dirge while the catalogues are being burned.

The annual Chickasaw County Good Roads Convention was held at the Court House last thursday. the attendance was small, due to the very bad weather. Many trustees, clerks and superintendents who had signified their intention of being present, were unable to make the trip. Those that registered at the meeting were:

A. Blanchard, Dresden
F.C. Clark, Deerfield
Joe Roether, Deerfield
A.H. Felder, Dayton
John Denner, Dayton
Chas. Kendall, Dayton
August Felder, Dayton
Wm. Pieggenkuhle, Fredericksburg
A.J. Weston, Fredericksburg
Joe Koudelka, Utica
A.F.Schwarzenstine, New Hampton
Theo. Roths, Chickasaw

Allen Case, Chickasaw
G.M. Cagley, Chickasaw
Wm. Rochlord, Stapleton [may be Rochford]
P.H. Galligan, Stapleton
J. DeBettignies, New Hampton
H.P. Buebler, Stapleton
E.J. Burns, Stapleton
Ed Sullivan, Utica
Math. Diederich, Dayton
Frank Reich, New Hampton
F.M. Ackley, Chickasaw

County Supervisors, J.F. Gray, C.F. Kepple and L.F. Benz were also present.

During a spell of temporary mental derangement, Frank Edson, a retired farmer living just this side of Greenwood bridge, sent himself to eternity about 2 o'clock Monday afternoon by putting the muzzle of a single barreled shotgun to his breast and with the cleaning rod pushed the trigger. The reason that the tragedy is thought to have occurred at that time was that Miss Iowa Badger, just starting to town after having had her dinner, heard the report of a gun in that direction. Mrs. Edson has been quite sick for some time and Mr. Edson had been over anxious as to her condition. In fact he had expressed the fear that she might precede him to the grave, which he did not wish. Last week their son's wife, Mrs. Fred Edson, came down from Rudd for a visit at the bedside of the sick woman and intended to return home Monday noon but he persuaded her to remain until the next day. He also talked over business affairs with his wife that morning, which is an indication that the desperate act must have been on his mind. Also an indication that he wasn't himself was the fact that his neighbors noticed his peculiar actions in feeding his cattle. He carried the feed to them from the barn, and after a few minutes return it the barn, only to carry it out again a little later. Monday afternoon, Mr. Edson was extremely nervous and spent much time poking the fire. About 2 o'clock he went out of doors. It must have been nearly two hours later when Mrs. Edson, becoming concerned over his absence, sent Miss Hattie Beck, who has been helping in the household, out to look for him. Miss Beck went out to the barn, and found the lower part of the door hooked on the inside. The upper part of the door, however, was ajar and, looking in, she beheld the feet of the man at the foot of one of the stalls. Returning to the house she told the daughter-in-law, who, after taking a look for herself, raised the alarm and the family physician, Dr. Goodale, was summoned. However, the latter was already on his way there to make a call on the sick wife and soon on the scene. He found Mr. Edson lying in the stall with the gun beside him. An examination disclosed the fact that the charge of shot had passed nearly through the body just below the heart and, with the exception of a single shot which passed clear through was found with a clot of blood just beneath the skin at his back. The coroner was notified, but as he was only on his way home from a trip to Texas, and as the facts of the case were so self evident that an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The deceased had moved to town about ten years ago from near Republic and was living a life of retirement. He was about 67 years of age. The funeral was held from the home yesterday afternoon and the burial was at Greenwood. there are left besides the sick wife, two sons, Charles, of near Republic, Fred of Rudd, and an adopted daughter, Miss Gipy.


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