Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
March 3, 1910

Farmer Swallows Dollar at Party
Peter Christianson, a young farmer, swallowed a silver dollar while playing a parlor game at a party in Low Moor, and carried the coin in his stomach for six days without any ill effects. The doctors finally got it out and he will wear it as a watch charm.

Bad Fire at Delhi
The town of Delhi was visited by a disastrous fire which destroyed two buildings, one being occupied by Geo. Toomer as a restaurant and one by Dr. E.W. Warner as an office. Both were burned to the ground and most of the contents was also destroyed.

Eddyville Man Found Unconscious
Walter Putton, aged 36, of Eddyville, was found in a bruised and unconscious condition in the Iowa Central yards at Oskaloosa and died two hours later. Foul play is suspected.

- Edgar McLain, a well known young man of Tipton, is under indictment for passing forged checks. He is out on bonds.

- C.C. Fell, city assessor, committed suicide in Charles City by drinking carbolic acid. Financial troubles are the supposed cause.

- Syrus Igo of Palmyra was elected president of the State Aberdeen-Angus Association to succeed C.J. Martin of Churdan at Des Moines.

- The Roland Bros., who have conducted the Leader store in Adel for some years, sold out the business to Silvers & Co., of Corning.

- B. Kemper & Sons, growers of Muscatine Island, have on exhibition a lemon that weighs three pounds and two ounces and which was grown in one of their hothouses.

- Mrs. Charles Copeland, aged 40, wife of the city marshal of Batavia, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid. She leaves a husband and six daughters. There is no known cause for the act.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]


Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co., Iowa
March 10, 1910


- Everett Pratt and Will Heywood, popular Des Moines young men, have opened a brokerage office in Denver.

- The large barn on the Perry Taylor farm east of Sully was burned to the ground. The loss is estimated at $3,000.

- Mrs. Charles Copeland, aged 40 years, committed suicide at Batavia by drinking carbolic acid. No reason is given for the deed.

- Henry Murdock of Lone Tree is suffering from a dislocated shoulder and ton tendons, due to a violent throw, in a wrestling match.

- Mrs. Lacky, wife of a prominent farmer living near Knoxville, is dead from a dose of antipyrene which she used to prevent headache.

- William Hoyt, accused of incendiarism, has been arrested at Lone Tree and will jointly face the charge of arson with William Minder.

- Fire at Walton damaged the McCartney restaurant and the building adjoining, owned by Mrs. Mayweather, to the extent of about $5,000.

- The residence of the city librarian, Miss Kittie Fread, was destroyed by fire at Ames. The property was valued at about $3,000 with $2,000 insurance.

- Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bush of Mason City celebrated the sixty-first anniversary of their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bush came to Mason City in 1871.

- After twenty-four hours of intense suffering, the 2-year-old son of Chas. C. Orvis, a former city attorney of Oskaloosa, died as the result of being scalded.

- Mrs. Mary Gregory of Council Bluffs, proprietor of the Revere Hotel, has complained to the police that her clerk, F.L. Paddon, has absconded with $37 that belonged to her.

- While on his way to the depot to take the train for Murray, J.E. Glass of Atlantic, special agent for the Capital Insurance Company, was run down and instantly killed at Shannon City.

- Word was received at Clarksville that Albert Skinner, aged 50 years, was killed in San Francisco. He was born and reared in Clarksville and went west five years ago. He leaves a wife.

- Charles Novaine shot himself through the head with a revolver while lying in bed in Iowa City. He died five minutes later. Ill health was the cause. He was 21 years old and unmarried.

- The stork recently presented Mr. and Mrs. George Norton of Osceola with triplets. The parents now have four boys under 1 years old. Eleven months ago Mrs. Norton gave birth to a boy.

- Maggie Ryan, a spinster, aged 45, and a sister of J.J. Ryan, a capitalist, was burned to death at Fort Dodge by an explosion of gasoline in her home. The woman had been blind for a number of years.

- Glen Mitchell, while lighting the gasoline lights in his father's store at Manly, was seriously burned about the face and hands by the explosion of the wood alcohol he was using to generate the lights with.

- Fred J. Bailey, aged about 50 years, agent for the Northern Mutual Life Insurance Company, has been notified that he has fallen heir to $125,000 and several years' interest in a California estate. He is a well known resident of Oskaloosa.

- Miss Jennifer Gerhardt, aged 20, attempted suicide in the street in Clinton by swallowing the contents of a bottle of laudanum, because her mother had just told her that her relations with her lover, George Smith, must cease. She was taken to the hospital and is thought to be out of danger.

- Clyde Scott, a fireman, was instantly killed and Fred Campbell, an engineer, had a leg broken when a special passenger train on the Chicago Great Western collided with a switch engine in the Waterloo yards.

[transcribed by C.J.L., March 2007]

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