Iowa Old Press

New Hampton Gazette
New Hampton, Chickasaw co.
Thursday, October 7, 1909

Bassett News
Mrs. G.H. Potter passed away at her home Sept. 28, after a long illness. She was loved and respected by all who knew her.

Obituary -
Rebecca Haslett was born August 4, 1836 in Manchester, Ohio. When quite young she moved with her mother to Port Huron, Michigan. In the year 1858 she was united in marriage with George H. Potter. In 1867 they moved to Iowa and lived on a farm near Ionia, where they lived until 1894, when they moved to Bassett, where they have resided since. Seven children were born to this union - Mrs. H. Crooks of Ft. Pierre, S.D.; Mrs. Jennie Bigelow of Bassett; Minnie, deceased; Elmer of Horton, Iowa; Herbert of Nashua; Edward of Kalispell, Mont.; and Orlo of Bassett. she is also mourned by one sister, Mrs. Jane Long, of Kansas City, Missouri. On March 4, 1908, she suffered a paralytic stroke from which she never fully recovered, although at times she was so improved as to be able to be taken out in her invalid chair. About four weeks ago she began failing daily and peacefully passed Tuesday, September 28, 1909, at 3 p.m. She was a loving mother and a true wife and a good, kind neighbor; always ready to assist the needy and a good word for those who met. Her memory will be cherished by all who knew her, and her many kind words and deeds of kindness are a rich heritage left to her family. The funeral was held at the Congregational church Thursday, Sept. 30, conducted by Rev. Skeels, and interment was in Rowley Hill cemetery, where she was laid to rest by the side of her daughter Minnie. A large circle of friends sympathize with the family in their sad bereavement, and especially with the aged husband, who had shared the sorrows and cares of his companion though life.

[submitted by R.F., Feb. 2004]

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