Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co. Iowa
November 21, 1907

George Bell and Geo. Huffman, two youths whose parents reside near Volney, are lying at death's door at Postville from injuries received in a runaway near that place Saturday evening. The boys drove to town with a pair of four-year-old colts belonging to James Bell, father of one of them. During their stay they became intoxicated and in that condition started for home about 7 p.m. It' is supposed they lost control of their team going downhill near George Thomas' place on the county line road east of Postville and were hurled out upon the frozen highway. Both were found unconscious near their demolished buggy several hours later and it is feared they have sustained fatal injuries.—Waukon Democrat

[transcribed by C.B.L., June 2012 - note: a fuller account of this incident appeared in the Postville Review, Allamakee co. Iowa, Nov. 22, 1907 issue]

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