Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw co., Iowa
February 23, 1905

The citizens of the counties of Webster, Pocahontas, Calhoun and Humbolt, in the northwestern part of the state, are terribly exercised at the supposed appearance of ghosts in a farm house situated five miles south of Gilmore City which is on the border line of Humbolt and Pocahontas counties. The farm was up to a few weeks ago, occupied by Will Henneberry, a newly married young man. While seated at supper with his wife and a young lady friend strange noises were heard in the attick above. The young lady jocularly invited the guests to come down and join them in their supper. The visitors took her at her word and presently sounds were heard as of a trunk being lifted down the stairs one step at a time and a figure clad in a fur coat appeared, driving the occupants out of the house. Since that time the house has not been occupied, Henneberry going there in the day time to do the chores. Parties have been formed from neighboring towns. Some claim to have heard noises and seen things, while others claim to have been undisturbed. The whole country is worked up over the sensation and up to date the mystery, if any, remains unexplained.

[submitted by C.J.L., Nov. 2003]

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