Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
August 23, 1900

Called to His Home
John Usher died in the hospital at Independence Monday, Aug. 20, at the age of 52 years. Deceased was born in Cornwall, Canada, Feb. 20, 1848. He came to the United States when but a small boy and has lived here ever since. About a year ago he was judged insane and sent to the asylum at Independence at which
place he died. He leaves two children, a boy and a girl, two sisters, Mrs. Mary Rowley, of Niles Corners, and Emma Usher, of Nashua, and one brother, Frank. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.A. Sutton, and the remains were interred in Oak Hill to await the call that bids all sleepers arise.

[submitted by C.J.L., Oct. 2003]

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