Iowa Old Press

Nashua Reporter
Nashua, Chickasaw, Iowa
February 23, 1899

When people through force of circumstances are compelled to travel on the Chicago Great Western, they should take out accident insurance before they step foot on the cars. In fact the company should issue a policy with every ticket. The daily papers of Tuesday, February 14, chronicled three bad wrecks on that
road inside of 48 hours. One was a freight wreck at Elma and another at Almoral and the third was a passenger wreck at Dyersville. In the first two there were no serious accidents to any trainmen or passengers, but in the passenger wreck, the engineer and fireman were badly and perhaps fatally burned. The record of this road is something terrible and seems to grow worse as time advances.

[submitter: C.J.L.; Sept. 2003]

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