Iowa Old Press

The Semi-Weekly Democrate
Cherokee, Cherokee co., Iowa
November 18, 1918

Jas. A. Campbell, traveling salesman, is very ill of pneumonia at his home, 800 West Cedar street.

Postmaster Claude M. Sullivan went to Davenport, Ia., Saturday night to spend Sunday with friends.

The party who has the two geese which do not belong to him will please return them at once and avoid trouble.

Remember Miller & Foust's big public sale to be held tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 19, on the Ed Timmins farm 2 1/2 miles east and 1 mile north of Cherokee.

Miss Pauline Perry, trimmer at the Vollmar Style Shop, yesterday morning left for her home in Kansas City. Miss Vollmar and Miss Werdell accompanied her as far as Sioux City.

Mrs. John T. Hogan, who has been ill with influenza, is convalescing.

Miss Marie Werdell gave a six o'clock dinner Saturday evening at her home on West Cedar street, complimentary to Miss Pauline Perry. Her guests were Misses Perry, Vollmar, Totman, Bloodgood and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swensen.

Mrs. Maher of Fort Dodge arrived Friday for a visit in the home of her son, Carl J. Maher.

Al Bensley yesterday returned to his farm in South Dakota after a few days; visit in Cherokee.

Willard Stace, Who has been at the Great Lakes naval training school, is now at the U.S. Naval Radio school, Cambridge, Mass.

Mrs. V. E. Vaughn and son Billy arrived yesterday from St. Paul for a visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saddon. Mr. Vaughn and other members of the family will be here for a Thanksgiving family reunion.

Judge Hutchinson convened the district court this morning. The grand jury will be empannelled and put to work. One of the first cases to be considered is that of E. Erickson, charged with illegal voting.

Attorney W.P. McCulla returned on Thursday from a business trip to Aikin, Mo.

Mrs. Wm. Barnes died at 3 o'clock this morning at her home in Quimby. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. The deceased was the mother of Lyle Barnes, who was killed in action in France.

[contributed by C.M., Aug. 2003]

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