Iowa Old Press

Mason City Globe-Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo co. Iowa
August 31, 1945

PAY LAST HONOR TO ALGONA YANK - S. Sgt. Elmer W. Alt Killed on Mindanao
Algona—Memorial services were held here for S/Sgt. Elmer W. Alt, who died June 10 of wounds at Mindanao, Philippine Islands. The service was at rural Christian Apostolic church with the Rev. Joseph Banwart, assisted by his son, the Rev. Paul Banwart officiating.

Elmer was inducted into service Feb. 3, 1942, and received basic training at Camp Wolters, Tex. From there he was transferred to Angel Island, San Francisco, where he remained two weeks and was then ordered to Hawaii.

In early June 1942, he was sent to the S. Pacific, and had served in Hollandia, Leyte, New Guinea, and Mindanao. A member of Company D, 19th Infantry, his company June 9 had taken a strategic hill overlooking the little town of Mandog, eight miles north of the city Davao.

A defense was established which was held through the night of June 9, but on the morning of June 10, the Japs counter-attacked and during the ensuing battle young Alt was wounded by machine gun fire. All possible medical aid was given but he died an hour later.

Last week his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Alt, received the purple heart which had been awarded posthumously.

Sgt. Alt was born Jan. 6, 1914, on a farm near Stephens, Minn. At 5 years the family moved to Corwith, then to Union township, Kossuth county where he helped his father until he was inducted into the Army. He is survived by his parents, and 9 brothers and sisters.

Former Osage Woman Dies at Topeka, Kans.
Osage—Mrs. Oliver Pierce, 69, former resident of Osage, died at her home in Topeka, Kans., Tuesday, according to word received here. Mr. Pierce formerly operated a laundry in Osage. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darius Coon, early residents of Mitchell county. Her first husband was Arthur Bixby. A son, Leo Bixby, is in veteran’s hospital at Denver, Colo., with injuries suffered in Germany. She also leaves 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

[transcribed by L.Z. May 2015]

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