Iowa Old Press

Mason City Globe-Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo co., Iowa
February 3, 1944

Robert Vollbrecht Is Lost in Bomber Plane

Riceville—Mrs. Nellie Vollbrecht has received word that her son, S/Sgt. Robert Vollbrecht is missing in action in the raid Jan. 11, over Germany. Robert was chief engineer on a bomber plane. Riceville has 260 stars on her honor roll for those serving their country and this is the first one listed missing and none dead.

Osage—Mr. and Mrs. William Canny have heard from their son, Pfc. Dean Canny, since he was wounded at Bougainville but he was not permitted to refer to his injury. A message came from the War Department to his parents about 2 weeks ago. At the time he wrote his message, he was apparently in good spirits, so they feel that he was not wounded badly. He is with the Marines and has been in service for more than a year.

There are 3 other brothers in service, Pfc. Clifford Canny is in Italy; Pfc. Glen Canny is in Texas; and Pfc. Gerald Canny was last heard from in California, preparing for a change of address.

[transcribed by L.Z., November 2014]

Mason City Globe-Gazette, February 10, 1944


Mrs. Harry Dolter, 511 Jackson N.W., has received the Purple Heart award for her brother, Pvt. Martin Shinn, who died on Nov. 21 from wounds received in action on the Italian front. The citation signed by Henry L. Stimson, secretary of war, reads:

“This is to certify that the President of the United States of America pursuant to authority invested in him by Congress has awarded the Purple Heart, established by Gen. George Washington at Newburgh, N.Y., Aug. 7, 1782, to Pvt. Martin Shinn for military merit and for wounds received in action resulting in his death Nov. 21, 1943, given under my hand in the city of Washington this 12th day of January, 1944.”

Memorial services for Pvt. Shinn were held at the First Methodist church on Jan. 27, with Doctor Marvin B. Kober, speaker, and the Rainbow Division veterans of World War I in charge of arrangements.

[transcribed by LZ, Dec 2019]

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