Iowa Old Press

The Globe Gazette, Mason City, Iowa, Saturday, March 14, 1942

In Service

Various Counties           

EAGLE GROVE [Wright Co.] – Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Noonan have received word of the recent appointment of their son, Maurice, J., as naval aviation cadet, and his transfer to the naval air station at Pensacola, Fla.

SHEFFIELD [Franklin Co.] – Misses Norman Timmernan and Jeanne Thurston will leave Saturday for Washington, D.C., where they will be employed as senior typists in government offices.

GOODELL [Hancock Co.] – Atty. Bill Butts left Thursday for army service. Warner Butts, vice-president of the State Savings bank will take Bill’s position as cashier. The United Brethren Sunday school elected O. C. Evanson as superintendent to fill the vacancy caused by Butt’s resignation.

KANAWHA [Hancock Co.] – Robert Harting, son of Mrs. R. H. Harting, left Wednesday evening from Des Moines for the Great Lakes naval training station where he will enter the U. S. naval reserve.

AREDALE [Butler Co.] – Eldon Noelting, stationed with the navy in San Francisco, Cal., is home for a two weeks visit. His parents moved to a farm north of Bristow this spring.

TITONKA [Kossuth Co.] – Mr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove have received word from their son, Donald, who is stationed with our armed forces at Kodiak, Alaska, that he has suffered a broken ankle, and is a present confined to the hospital with his foot in a cast.

RAKE [Winnebago Co.] – Pvt. Maynard Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobson, has arrived home from Camp Pendleton, VA., for a 10 day furlough.

TITONKA [Kossuth Co.] – Glen Miller, who enlisted in the U. S. navy some time ago completed his training Thursday at the Great Lakes naval training station. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller, left here Thursday for Chicago in order to pay him a visit. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, who will visit their son.

GARNER [Hancock Co.] – Gwen O’Connor left Monday evening for Camp Bowie, Tex., to visit Bob Brezee who is in training there.

NORTHWOOD [Worth Co.] – Mrs. Hershel Drury, who recently resigned her position at radio station KGLO in Mason City, is spending a week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McQuatters. Mrs. Drury plans to go to Douglas, Ariz., next week. Her husband is stationed as troop clerk with the 14th cavalry. Mrs. Drury will go to Arizona in company wither husband’s parents, who plan to visit their son.

POSTVILLE [Allamakee Co.] – Lloyd Palmer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Palmer, has been appointed to the U. S. naval academy at Annapolis, subject to preliminary examinations in April. He is at present an engineering student at the University of Iowa and was graduated from Postville high school in 1941, where he was an athlete.

[transcribed by SRB, Dec 2012]

Iowa Old Press
Cerro Gordo County