Iowa Old Press

Mason City Globe-Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo co. Iowa
November 13, 1939

Elmer J. Lennon Buried Sunday; Was Victim of Gun Battle
Postville - More than 1,100 persons attended the funeral here Sunday afternoon for Elmer J. Lennon, 55, Postville town marshal, who died last Thursday morning from gunshot wounds which he received when attempting to arrest Carroll Berres. The Rev. Frederick R. Ludwig returned especially from a vacation visit to Illinois to officiate at the services. Burial was in the Postville cemetery. Pallbearers were members of the Postville town council. The Iowa Safety Patrol furnished the escort and a guard of honor was furnished by the Dubuque police department in the persons of Police Chief Joseph H. Strub, Capt. John Derabery, Sergt. A.M. Aliman and Officer John Osterhoff.

Mr. Lennon was born in Freeport, Winneshiek county, on Nov. 25, 1883, and with his parents moved to Frankville township at an early age. He was married Sept. 14, 1904, to Miss Cora French at Waukon and for many years farmed in Frankville township, moving to Postville 14 years ago. On Dec. 21, 1930, he was appointed town marshal by W.J. Clark, then mayor, and held that position to the time of his death. He was a member of the Iowa Association of Police Chiefs.

Surviving are his widow, two sons, James of Postville and Howard of Greenville, Ill.; daughter, Mrs. Edward Nelson of Postville; brother, Herchel of Decorah; two sisters, Mrs. Bessie McManus of Waterloo, and Mrs. Nelson Hovey of Decorah, and four grandchildren.

100 Men Husk Corn for Injured Farmer
Lonerock - Approximately 100 men husked corn Friday for Roy Hines, who farms one-fourth mile north of Lonerock. He was seriously injured when a horse kicked him in the head causing a T-shaped fracture. He is in the Koxxuth hospital at Algona.

Know Your Iowa - A Fact a Day About Ioway!
Iowa belonged to Spain once and to France twice before the Louisiana Purchase.

Services Held
New Hampton - Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Mrs. John Sweeter, 82, who died Saturday morning. Mrs. Sweeter died from heart disease. She had been bedfast for two weeks. She was born in Germany. When 18 years old she came to Charles City. She was married to John Sweeter on Sept. 26, 1877, at Charles City. They moved to Chickasaw county and retired to New Hampton in 1913, from a farm. Mr. Sweeter died five years ago. Surviving is an adopted daughter, Mrs. Edna Robinson of Waterlo. Burial was in Graceland cemetery.

Allison Man Dies at Home
Allison - Lee Whiteside, 31, died Sunday morning at his home here of a heart attack. Funeral services were to be held Wednesday afternoon at the Unity church here with the Rev. E.J. Fessler of Dumont officiating. Burial will be at Waverly. He lived in Butler county 15 years and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Whiteside, living southeast of Allison. Surviving are his parents, three sisters, Mrs. Lester Anderson of Sargeant, Minn., Irma and Mildred of Allison and a brother, Kenneth of Allison.

Nine Killed in Weekend Wrecks
Des Moines - Motor vehicle accidents on Iowa highways - including two auto-train collisions Sunday - took nine lives during the week ended Monday, boosting the 1939 victim roll to 433, which is 39 more than the total for the corresponding 1938 period.

A mother of five children, whose ages range from 1 1/2 to 10 years, Mrs. Walter Eickelberg, 34, of Bremer, was the 433rd victim. She was instantly killed when the car in which she was riding collided with a Great Western freight train at a Waverly grade crossing. Most seriously injured of the five Eickelberg children in the car was Ramona, 7, who sustained a coupound skull fracture. The others, also hospitalized at Waverly and their injuries: Donna, 10, leg injury; Victor, 9, broken leg; Ruth, 3, cuts and bruises; and Irene, 1 1/2, head injuries. The family was returning home from church.

The other auto-train victim was Roger Nurnberg, 51, Arispe farmer, whose car was demolished by another Great Western train at Arispe.

Additional weekend auto victims were Carl E. Carlson, 37, of Sioux City; Joan Simpson, 6, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson of Estherville; William Beckwith, 49, of Council Bluffs, and Robert Neimier, 14, of Sheldahl.

At least four other persons, including a three month old child and a 73 year old widow, met violent death off the highways. The widow, Mrs. Kate Farnell, who had lived in a shack outside Fort Madison penitentiary walls since 1921 "so I could be close to my boy," was fatally burned Saturday. Her son, Jean Farnell, 45, was allowed to leave his cell and be with his mother when she died. Authorities said her clothing caught on fire from an overheated stove in her shack built on the dump at the bottom of Prison Hill.

Gerald Long, three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Long, Jr., died of strangulation after choking on milk taken from a bottle, Deputy Coroner R.E. Munden reported. He said death was caused when the child coughed and milk fell back into the respiratory passages.

Patsy Youngberg, 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Youngberg of Red Oak, died of burns which resulted when she lighted matches near gasoline her mother was using to power a washing machine.

Cherokee county Treasurer Floyd Knox, 48, of Marcus, was found dead in a Cherokee hotel room, his throat slashed by a razor.

Other auto deaths recorded were Norma Smith, 6, of Council Bluffs; Lloyd Eugene Kite, 3 year old son of Earl Kite, of Keokuk and George Conway, 65, of Pleasantville.

Named Member of Hobo Fellowship
R.R. Roberts of Britt has been named an honorary life member of the Rambling Hobo Fellowship of America, it was announced Monday. The honor was issued by Dr. J. Leon Lazarowitz, official chief justice of the supreme hobo kangaroo court. Dr. Lazarowitz also holds a degree of doctor of hobology.

Charles City Briefs
Don K. Sandell, Mgr. News Correspondent

-Marriage licenses were issued Saturday to Lawrence Springer and Mildred Lahey, both of Charles City; and Merle F. Daiker and Margaret L. Gates, both of Marble Rock.
-Charles Bonzer had a major operation in the Cedar Valley hospital Saturday.
-Fred Sprung of Osage who has been in the Cedar Valley hospital receiving treatment for a fractured leg has returned to his home.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Siplon were called to Muskegon, Mich., to see Mr. Siplon's father who is ill.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hughes of Madison, Wis., spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Hughes.
-Mr. and Mrs. Merrill G. Smith, Jr., were hosts of a housewarming party Saturday evening in their new house, 408 Second avenue.
-Mrs. Howard Lewis of Osage is a patient in the Cedar Valley hospital.
-W. Earl Hall, managing editor of the Mason City Globe-Gazette, will be the speaker at the meeting of the Congregational Men's club Wednesday evening at the regular monthly dinner.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burnham have returned from Algona where they spent a week with Mrs. Burnham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Towne.
-Harry M. Clark, principal of the high school, is ill at his home, suffering from a heart attack.

Maxine Francis Weds John Dostart, Osage
Charles City - Miss Maxine Francis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otha Francis of Osage, and John Dostart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dostart, also of Osage, were married Saturday by C.H. Jones, justice of the peace, in his office. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Cagley, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom, witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dostart will live in Mitchell county on a farm.

Here and There - Miscellaneous Items from 125 Globe-Gazette Correspondents in North Iowa and Southern Minnesota

Popejoy - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bessman and family and Mrs. Fred Bessman visited the Oscar Brand family at Hollandale, Minn., Sunday.

Forest City - Among those who attended the Iowa-Notre Dame game at Iowa City Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Thompson, Dr. and Mrs. H.M. Ehred, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. L.D. Prewitt, Mr. and Mrs. M.M. Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Eyman.
Forest City - Among the babies born recently at the Irish hospital are: An 8 pound 2 ounce son, Ronald Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dalton of Forest City on Nov. 6; an 8 pound daughter, Lois Arlene, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Donovan of Wesley on Nov. 4; an 8 pound 7 ounce daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thorland of Forest City, Nov. 2.

Bradford - Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nelson are the parents of a daughter born Thursday at the Ellsworth hospital at Iowa Falls.

Northwood - Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Lilly of Toledo, Ohio, left for home Friday after a visit of three days with Mrs. Martha Lilly, mother of Mr. Lilly, who lives at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Wagner, in Northwood. Mrs. Lilly is 98 years of age and Worth county's oldest resident.
Northwood - Mrs. Mable T. Madson returned this week from a trip to Cozad, Nebr., where she spent a few days in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Stevenson. Returning she stopped for two days with her daughters, the Misses Katherine and Charlotte Nadson, students at Grinnell college, Grinnell.
Northwood - Mrs. E. Rodlun of Minneapolis was a visitor in the O.H. Anderson home part of last week.

Britt - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillon are the parents of a son born on Nov 2. He has been named Larry.
Britt - Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jacobson of Duluth, Minn., arrived Friday for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Anton Jacobson, and other relatives.

Eagle Grove - Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Billings have returned from a visit of several weeks in Rochester, N.Y., at the home of their son, Eugene and wife.

Stacyville - Ren Anderson, John McNulty of Osage, Mrs. Laura Anderson and Alvin Gerhart of here drove to Milwaukee, Wis., Thursday to visit the Harry Dankerts, John Voss, and other relatives.

Garner - Mrs. Lloyd Blank and two children of Red Oak concluded a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Daly.

Luverne - Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller left Friday for a 10 day visit with relatives at Melvin, Ill.

Ridgeway - Mr. and Mrs. George Kuntz and children left Friday on a week's visit to Running Water, S. Dak., at the home of his sister, Mrs. G. Dykstra.

Lime Springs - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish spent Sunday in Austin, Minn., guests at the Judd home.

The Voter
by Ray Murray of Buffalo Center
The voter is a comic bird
His actions brand him as absurd.
He shows but little thoughtfulness
And gets his country in a mess.
He falls for manners debonaire
And seems to welcome plain hot air
Or anyone who shows a flare
For kissing babies here and there.
The only type he understands
Is one who's good at shaking hands.
Though he himself, will slave and toil
He seems to go for the old oil.
He falls victim in some phony
Who pumps him full of rich baloney.
And thus he votes in manner hazy
He isn't nuts, he's just plain crazy.

Mrs. Knott is Given Divorce
Mrs. Evelyn Viola Knott, Clear Lake, has been granted a divorce from Theran Knott on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, records in the office of the clerk of the district court showed Monday. The decree was signed by Judge M.F. Edwards who granted Mrs. Knott custody of a minor daughter, while Mr. Knott was given custody of a baby son on the condition that the child remain in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donley, Eldora. Mr. Knott is to pay $10 monthly for support of his daughter. Mrs. Knott files suit on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment charging in her petition that her husband "uses intoxicating liquors habitually" and abused her. She adked $50 temporary alimony, $35 monthly permanent alimony, $50 for attorney fees and custody of both children. Mr. Knott in a cross petition asked that her petition be dismissed and that he be granted a divorce on grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. According to his petition, Mrs. Knott did not care properly for the children and several times disappeared from home leaving the children unattended. The couple was married Nov. 18, 1935, at Kahoka, Mo., and lived together until July 24, 1939, according to the petitions. They lived at Eldora formerly.

Marriage Licenses Issued at Mason City
Marriage licenses have been issued by the clerk of the district court here to Howard R. Combacker, 38, and Clara M. Wendl, 37, both of Minneapolis; Clarence Ristau, 27, Ventura, and Bernice Hockenson, 19, Thornton; Joseph Sweeney, 29, Dougherty and Viola O'Keefe, 26, Cartersville; Sam H. Davison, 37, and Corrine Dreher, 21, both of Mason City; Merrill H. Olson, 22, and Helen Winter, 18, both of Mason City; J.W. Winkler, 28, and Irma Peterson, 22, both of Clear Lake; Orville Johnson, 23, and Orla Bailey, 21, both of Mason City; Adolph Netland, 40, and Mildred Henthorne, 30, both of St. Paul; Alfred Peterson, 49, and Marie A. Miske, 46, both of Mason City, and Dale Matle, 21, and Phyllis Gould, 19, both of Nora Springs.

Marriage Licenses Issued at Allison
Marriage licenses were issued here to Harold Chris Luders, 21, Cedar Falls, and Verna Mae Smith, 21, New Hartford; and to John F. Miller, 68, of Lyle, Minn., and Clara B. Miller, 65, Shell Rock.

Lawler Couple to be Married.
Banns of marriage wree published at Our Lady of Mount Carmel church in Lawler Sunday, between Ann Morriss and John Carlin.

Rites Arranged
Funeral services for Clifford C. Baumgartner, 137 Fourteenth street northwest, 22 years a resident of Mason City, will be held in the memorial chapel of the Major funeral home Tuesday afternoon with the Rev. Oliver L.N. Wigdahl, pastor of the Trinity Lutheran church, in charge. Mr. Baumgartner died in an Iowa City hospital Saturday afternoon following an illness of approximately a year. He had been an employee of the Northwestern States Portland cement company since coming here 22 years ago.

Mr. Baumgartner was born Jan. 26, 1894, at Garner. He is survived by his wife; three daughters, LaVern, Mrs. Henry Legler, Jr., and Marilyn, all of Mason City; and a son, Dean, also of Mason City. Also surviving are his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baumgartner, Mason City; a brother, Clarence Baumgartner, Clear Lake; and a sister, Mrs. J.J. Judson, Mason City.

The body will lie in state at the funeral home until the time of services Tuesday. Burial will be made in the Memorial park cemtery.

Services Held at Rockwell
Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Methodist church at Rockwell for Mrs. Beulah Holloway, with the Rev. Oswald Sandbach in charge. Singers for the services were Audrey Campbell, Jeanne Geer, Doris Coleman and Salina Gossweiller. They sang two selections, "The Old Rugged Cross," and "Face to Face". They were accompanied by A.M. Geer. Pallbearers were Hilbert Frenz, William Hansen, Fred Hansen, Albert Burke, Harry Frenz and Frank Kelch. In charge of flower arrangements were Mrs. Arthur Jackson, Mrs. Frank Kirk, Mrs. Leo Gallagher and Mrs. Theodore Eddy. Burial was in the cemetery at Rockwell.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2008]


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