Iowa Old Press

Mason City Globe-Gazette
Mason City, Cerro Gordo co. Iowa
Monday, May 23, 1932

Body Identified as Local Woman
The body of a woman found dead in bed in a hotel in Marshalltown Wednesday, was identified Sunday as that of Mrs. Emil Gustavsen, 517 Van Buren avenue southwest, who had been missing from Mason City eight months. The identification was made by her mother, Mrs. Caroline Patterson, and her father, A.W. Patterson, both of Mason City.

Death was caused by "lesions of the heart, brot on by a stimulant, probably alcohol," according to Dr. J.J. Noonan who made an autopsy. Mrs. Gustavsen, who had assumed the name of Virginia Clark, was last seen in a car with an unknown man here last fall, according to police.

The body will probably be buried at Marshalltown, it was learned here. No inquest was held.

The dead woman is survived, in addition to her parents, by her husband and two children, Violet, 8, and Mamie, 5.

Margie Marie Mommer, 10, Died in Iowa City Hospital
Rock Falls, May 23 - Margie Marie Mommer, 10, only child of Mrs. Lillis Brodrecht Mommer, died at the children's hospital in Iowa City, Saturday morning, where she had been for observation and treatment the past six weeks. Tho she had been in poor health for over a year, she was able to attend school until a short time before going to the hospital. She was born in Cedar Falls, Jan. 18, 1922.

She leaves her mother, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brodrecht and her father, Arthur Mommer, Cedar Falls.

Luverne Pioneer - Civil War Veteran Dies in St. Paul
Luverne, May 23 - Word has been received here the H.S. Benedict died at a hospital in St. Paul Friday afternoon. Mr. Benedict was a pioneer of Luverne but for several years has been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Lauda Newville of St. Paul. He celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday Feb. 24.

He was a Civil war veteran and served during the war with the First Minnesota Field Artillery. He was active for many years in the Garfield post of the G.A.R. of St. Paul.

His son J.H. Benedict, left for St. Paul to attend the funeral which was held there on Sunday afternoon with burial in St. Paul.

Birth Certificates
Birth certificates have been filed in the office of the clerk for Jerry Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Bailey, Mason City, born May 16; and Laurence William, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pinneke, Sheffied, born may 8th.

Injured Boy Better
James Andrew Stifter, 7 years old, 319 Eighteenth street southeast, injured when he fell from a cliff along Willow creek Saturday forenoon, spent a good night Sunday and his condition was reported favorable Monday by attendants at Park hospital where he was taken.

Funeral Services for Mrs. Pille Held
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth mary Pille, who lived ona farm about a half mile east of the Taylor bridge on highway 18, were held at St. Joseph's Catholic church Saturday with the Rev. J.J. Oilinger in charge. Mrs. Pille, who was 39 years old, died at her home Friday morning. She is survived by her husband and five children.

[transcribed by S.F. September 2014]

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