Iowa Old Press

Daily Telegraph
Atlantic, Cass Co. Iowa
Tuesday, January 18, 1910


The Greatest Social Event in the Neighborhood of Wiota for Sometime
This morning at ten o’clock occurred the wedding of MISS EVALINE BALLENSEIFER to MR. ERNEST BURKE and that of MISS LIZZIE BALLENSEIFER to MR. WILL STRITTMATTER. The wedding ceremony was performed in the Catholic church of Wiota by FATHER MCALLISTER of Casey. Following the ceremony the couples at once drove to the Ballenseifer home two miles northeast of Wiota. Here a fine wedding dinner was served. At the home nearly two hundred guests were assembled to greet the two brides and grooms. A large platform had been constructed over which a large tent was placed. Special music is being rendered this afternoon and this evening a dance will be in progress until quite late. The event is one of the largest of its kind ever held in the vicinity of Wiota, and for sometime preparations have been going on to properly celebrate it. Many beautiful presents were presented to the young people who are among the most popular young folks in the vicinities in which they reside. It is understood that parents of the grooms expect to hold large receptions at their homes later.

[transcribed by J.P., January 2009]


Atlantic Evening News
Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa
Wednesday, January 19, 1910

Ernest Burke and Miss Evaline Ballensiefer and Wm. Strittmatter and Miss Lizzie Ballensiefer United in Marriage at Wiota
At St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at Wiota at ten o’clock yesterday morning, ERNEST BURKE, son of MRS. TOM BURKE, was united in marriage to MISS EVALINE BALLENSIEFER, daughter of GUS BALLENSIEFER and wife of near Wiota, and WILLIAM STRITTMATTER, son of FRANK STRITTMATTER and wife, was married to MISS LIZZIE BALLENSIEFER. The big double wedding was attended by a large concourse of the relatives and friends and was of more than passing interest from the fact that all the contracting parties are well known and popular in this locality. The contracting parties have a host of friends. All have grown to manhood and womanhood in the county and are established young people in every way, whose friends are limited only by the limit of their acquaintance. A big reception was held at the home of the brides in the evening. Tomorrow evening a reception is to be held at the Strittmatter home south-west of town for Wm. Strittmatter and bride and Friday evening Mrs. Burke is to give a reception for her son and his bride. The News extends its best wishes to these young people for a long and happy wedded life.

[transcribed by J.P., January 2009]


Atlantic Evening News
Atlantic, Cass Co., Iowa
Thursday, January 20, 1910

At St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock occurred the double wedding of WM. STRITTMATTER to LIZZIEE BALLENSIEFER and of ERNEST BURKE to EFFIE BALLENSIEFER. Promptly at 10 o’clock the bridal party entered to the strains of the wedding march played by the bride’s sister, MISS LENA BALLENSIEFER. The ceremony was performed by FATHER DANIEL MCALLISTER of Casey, a most beautiful and impressive ring service being used. The brides were very tastefully gowned in blue silk with lace trimmings and wore blue velvet picture hats. The grooms wore the conventional black. After the ceremony the guests repaired to the home of the bride’s parents, MR. and MRS. A. G. BALLENSIEFER, where a reception was given. Three hundred guests were present. The happy couples have the hearty congratulations of a host of friends.

[transcribed by J.P., January 2009]

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