Iowa Old Press

Lewis Independent
Lewis, Cass County, Iowa
April 2, 1884


Mrs. Bramson of Nebraska came last week to meet her daughter Mrs. J.C. Brown a long visit.

Mrs. Harry Means, who has been absent all winter on a visit to his old home in Pennsylvania is with us again.

Died:-In this township, March 23, Mrs. Huntoon, mother of H.D. Huntoon. The funeral took place at the Methodist Church in Atlantic, the following Wednesday. Mrs. Grout, daughter of the deceased is very sick at present at the residence of her brother.


James Waugh of Indiana is visiting with the family of his uncle, J.H. Chizum.

Frank J. Macomber has just returned from a visit to his brother, J.K., in Des Moines.

Married:–In Bear Grove, March 26th, by Rev. Chas. Little, Mr. Alfred S. Roth and Miss Hattie F.Farmer.

Miss Lena Snodgrass, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Albright for some time, took the Friday noon train for Emerson, her home.

Frank Kenyon and family started yesterday for Oswego, N.Y., where he has been tendered his old position as section boss, a business in which he has had five years experience. Frank is a good, trusty and industrious man, and his neighbors part with him and his family, reluctantly, and many good wishes follow them.

C.N. Newcomb goes to Omaha today to prepare a home for his family in that city. For years he has been improving and perfecting a loom of his own invention, in which he thinks he has a fortune, and we trust he may not be disappointed. It is truly an ingenious and exceedingly practical machine, displaying considerable inventive genius. Charley was one of our most quiet, industrious, and useful citizens, and while all our glad to hear of his success, they, at the same time, will be sorry to see him leave Lewis. His family will remain here for a short time.

Sometime in the early part of last summer, a Mr. Mariner, living in Fremont County, died of consumption, leaving two small children and a wife in a delicate condition. In July, Mrs. Mariner came with her family to Lewis, she being a sister of Milton Fuson, of this place. She has ever since resided in K.W. Macomber’s house across the street from Botna Hall, where her child was born, and where she was only able to keep the wolf from the door through the kindness of relatives and neighbors. Finally, her case was reported to the township trustees, who furnished the helpless family with limited supplies at the expense of the county. More recently, she expressed a wish to go to relatives in Kansas, and Mrs. Casad, who has probably did more to make the family comfortable than any other one person, started out and raised a sum of money sufficient to pay their expenses to the desired point. Yesterday they started, and we hope they will arrive safely at their destination. Mrs. Mariner, although so very poor and unable to take care of herself and little ones, has always been spoken of with respect.

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