Iowa Old Press

Lewis Independent
Lewis, Cass County, Iowa
December 5, 1883


Lew Swingle and wife were blest with a new boy last week.

A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Green last week.

Hugh Carpenter of Anita, made a visit to his parents at Hancock last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunt of Atlantic visited their daughter, Mrs. R.S. Keihl last week.

Frank Porter, who lately returned from Oregon, is at his old post at Haymaker's livery stable.

S.C. Murnan has purchased L. Steele's residence property and moved his family to town the first of this week.

Mrs. B.P. Lewis visited her husband at Wiota last week for the first time since he commenced business at that place.

Rev. L.F. Chamberlain, formerly of Galton is now at Pleasantville, Marion County, Iowa, and directs us to send the Independent to that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster, residing 12 miles west of Lewis, called on Dr. Gannon last Saturday night, and the doctor informs us they are now caring for their firstborn. It is a girl.

Married: At the residence of the bride's parents, three miles northwest of Lewis on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 29, by Rev. W.F. Arnold, Mr. John T. Pierce and Miss Jennie E. Wilson.

Mr. W.R. Smith from California, a brother of Mrs. J.H. Barhite, whom she has not seen for 18 years, is in Lewis to stay. He has made arrangements to put in a stock of goods in the old animonopoly store. He is an old gentleman, has traveled extensively, and has been in the mercantile business more or less all his life.


Lewis Independent
Lewis, Cass County, Iowa
December 12, 1883

Mr. L. Harriman, our new jeweler, is located in the Kennedy block. Call on him for all work in his line.

The Red Oak Express has changed hands, Mr. J.W. Chaffin having sold the paper to Mr. Snyder, of Cedar Falls.

Miss Lily Porter, who has been in Green County with her sister, Mrs. Press Perkins, for some time past, has returned to Lewis to stay.

Miss Alice Battersby is teaching in the primary department, in Miss Morphy's place. The latter will probably take her customary position after the holiday recess.

The young friends of Miss Jennie Chizum called on her the other evening for a final visit before the family would leave for Atlantic. They left her an elegant autograph album.

Dr. J.C. Newlon and bride are in the city visiting Dr. Newlon's parents, C.S. Newlon and wife. The doctor has been married but a few days, and the Telegraph wishes him and his worthy lady much joy.

The new M.E. Church of Lewis will be dedicated on next Sabbath, Dec. 16th. Rev. C.W. Blodgett, of Des Moines, has been secured to preach on that occasion. All friends are invited to be present. Former pastors also invited to participate in the exercises. J.B. Harris, Pastor.


Lewis Independent
Lewis, Cass County, Iowa
December 19, 1883


Mr. I. Abbott of Greenfield is in Lewis visiting his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shores.

V.M. Conrad has been appointed Justice of the Peace in place of G.I. Chizum. He has moved to Lewis, and occupies the Chizum residence.

Mr. Mills of Washington County has been visiting his brother, Hon. Oliver Mills for the past week. He expected to leave for home last Tuesday, but was taken sick Monday night, and was compelled to prolong his stay.


Abbott Post, No. 201, of the G.A.R. Department of Iowa have arranged for a grand ball to be given at their hall over Kennedy Bros.’ hardware store on Friday evening of this week, Dec. 21. The McCall Orchestra of Atlantic has been secured to furnish the music for the occasion. Supper will be served in the Remig building west of the square, at 50 cents per couple. A general invitation is extended to all who may desire to be present. A special invitation is given to all members of the G.A.R., and to all old soldiers, whether members or not, to be present with their families. Everything possible will be done to make this meeting a pleasant and profitable one. Again we invite all who enjoy a good supper and a social evening, or who love to trip the fantastic toe of sweet music, to be present with us.


The M.E. Church was filled to overflowing last Sabbath morning, the occasion being the dedication of the new church building. Rev. C.W. Blodgett of Des Moines, preaches the sermon and conducted the dedication ceremonies, assisted by Rev. Harris, resident pastor. Mr. Blodgett is a learned man and an eloquent speaker, and delivered an excellent discourse. In our judgement, however, he excels in raising money for lifting indebtedness from church property. At the moment the Rev. gentleman entered the pulpit there was a debt of $310.00 hanging over the new building, and when he left it, lo, the indebtedness had disappeared as if by magic, and there was nearly fifty dollars of a surplus on hand. We congratulate the M.E. Society and their young minister on their success in thus erecting a neat and cozy place of worship and dedicating it to the service of God, free of encumbrance.


Lewis Independent
Lewis, Cass County, Iowa
December 26, 1883


Mr. J. DeVoss reached home from Kansas for the holidays.

Ira Odell and family of Council Bluffs were at Lewis over Christmas.

Wm. Morphy will return to his business at Des Moines the first of the week.

C.L. Shipman, the wild Englishman will start across the big pond this week.

A Christmas gift in the shape of a girl baby arrived at the home of Geo. Ralph yesterday.

Miss Ella Schonfield and Geo. Barey were joined in the bonds of wedlock today at noon.

Ed Everly is home again from beyond the Rockies, and will probably remain during the winter.

Mrs. Cary, the aged mother of Mrs. Geo. Littlefield, died at the home of the latter about noon today.

Arthur Harris, a Des Moines medical student is the guest of his cousin, Bert Harris and other relatives in Lewis.

John Woodward, the Council Bluffs hardware man, came in on the Monday noon train to visit his parents, and will return tomorrow.

The largest funeral procession we have ever seen pass through Lewis, followed the remains of Mrs. Spoor to the cemetery last Friday.

David Lehman has sold his farm to Milton Funk, and is now in Nebraska looking up a location. This is his second trip on that same business.

Miss Kate Harris and her brother Charley of Nebraska City are with their relatives, the Harrises and Worthingtons for the holidays.

The Porter elevator at Clarinda owned by John Lindenholm, of Essex was burned Dec. 20th. There was $5.500 insurance on stock and building.

L. Harriman, watch, clock, and jewelry repairer may be found in the Kennedy block until January 5th. All persons wanting work in his line, call soon.

O.W. Griffith returned from his trip through Cass and Guthrie Counties the last of the week. A niece of Mrs. G.'s accompanied him.

Miss Nellie Royal of Norwood, New York, arrived at Lewis last week with the intention of remaining some months with her cousin, Mrs. W.A. Royal.

Mr. Charley Carr of Baxter, Jasper County, a station on the new Diagonal is in Lewis to spend New Year with his brother George, and sister, Mrs. J.W. Bates.

Charley Everly came in from Omaha last Saturday, and visited his relatives and friends, returning to business today. He is engaged with a wholesale flour house.

Jud Fuson and his brother John-our devil-started for Council Bluffs by wagon this morning. They will either find some kind of employment, or be back in a short time.

Mrs. J.R. Embree of Chicago is with her parents at the Clayton homestead, to remain until after the holidays. She staid overnight with her old friend, Miss Anna Langdon last week.

The Clayton family are enjoying a reunion. The boys are home from school, and the daughter and her husband from Chicago. Mr. R.W. Clayton of Council Bluffs, it is said, will bring home a young wife of his choosing from Oskaloosa, about January 5th, to join the family circle.

Johnny Rishel left Lewis last Monday for the purpose of taking charge of a night office at Menlo. He is quite popular with the telegraph boys along the line, and if he sticks to business as modestly and faithfully in the future as he has in the past, he will some day secure for himself a good position. We wish him success.

E.V. Burke, the Atlantic "tooter" has for some time been instructing the Wiota boys in music, (in a horn) and last Thursday evening as he was about to be carried away on the wings of the wind, his class of brass rose up and caned him severely. It was a solid silver headed walking stick of which E.V. is very proud. Mr. Burke is a popular instructor in music.

Mr. M.H. Elliott, residing about six miles northwest of Lewis, met with an accident last week which will keep him on his back for some time. He was driving cattle on horseback when, in making a short turn, the animal fell, badly crushing Mr. Elliott's leg below the knee. Dr. Gannon of Lewis was called, and set the limb leaving the patient as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances.

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