Iowa Old Press

Daily Atlantic Telegraph
Atlantic, Cass Co. Iowa
October 24, 1882

The low prices I have been making on knit underwear, are for the season. I.L. CADY.
If you are in need of a Dress Pattern, Fancy Goods, Cashmeres, Jamestown Worsted or anything else of the kind, you will save money by going to CADY's.

To the public: I have secured a first class cook. I am prepared to get up meals in connection with my oyster business. S.N. HAVENS.

Mr. P.A. OSTREM will leave tomorrow morning for Los Angeles, California, to pass the winter. Mr. OSTREM's health is poor and he goes in the hope of receiving some benefit from the mountain air. If suited with the country he will probably locate there.

As an inducement to matrimony, and for the purpose of saving the removal of goods CUSHING Bros. & MONERIEF today offer a discount of twenty-five per cent of everything in the crockery and glassware department. Grand Clearing Sale. 25 per cent discount, one-quarter off regular price. We expect to remove to our new and elegant quarters in Whitney's Masonic Hall Block. Our stock comprises a full and elegant [illegible]. Dinner, Tea and Chamber Setts, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Bohemian Vases, Majolica, Table Cutlery -- all of which will be sold at the above offered prices. Come early. Theodore Cushing, Francis J. Cushing & Alex. S. Monerief

C.H. TAYLOR has just secured a number of new and stylish Turnout buggies, horses etc, and is prepared to accommodate all who want first class livery rigs.

If you want a glass of ice cold lemonade, a bottle of pop, or a glass of cider, call on CARIGG & [illegible], proprietors of the temperance saloon, John YAGER's old stand. Free lunch every night from 9 to 11.

The "Old Nick" [illegible]. An inside circus Thursday evening by the well-known "Nick" ROBERTS' Humpty Dumpty company. It will be very laughable, sure cure for the blues, headaches, cold feet or hands. Price 50 cents for reserved seats for sale by [illegible], for which I get four dollars, and the "villian still pursued her".

The following is the programme which is to be given at the young people's meeting in the Presbyterian church this evening:
First, the printing press, by Willmot TEAGARDEN
2d, a reading of poetry by Miss Alice HOPPER
3d, a Shakesperian recitation, by Mr. John SEIDY
4th, an essay, "The Holy Grail", by Miss Stella GERBERICH
5th, an essay "The Mail Bag", by Miss Ella BROWN
6th, [illegible]
1st, an author, Miss Hattie NEIMEYER
2nd, a soldier, Miss Carrie BENJAMIN
3d, a city, Miss Nola NEWTON
4th, a commodity, Miss Eloine McDANIELS.
At some future meeting the Womans Suffrage question will be debated. These meetings are open to the public and all are cordialy invited to attend.

A.L. BOSTEDO & Son. [ad cut off]

No lady in this city or vicinity need be out of fashion so long as the favorite milliner, Miss DOREY, continues to keep such a large variety of hats, bonnets, ribbons, laces, and ladies' fancy goods and notions, and to sell them at such reasonable prices, as to enable all to buy. Miss DOREY deservedly takes the lead, and is justly popular with the ladies of Atlantic and Cass county, and it is with pleasure that the Telegraph announces that on her recent trip to the Eastern markets she bought everything that was pretty and new, and on Friday and Saturday, October 27th and 28th, she will give a formal exhibition of her goods, or keep open house, as it were.

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