Iowa Old Press

Atlantic Telegraph
Atlantic, Iowa
December 15, 1880

The Fort Dodge coal company shipped a carload of not coal to Fonda last week and it was divided between 48 men, any one of whom would have been glad to take half of it.

Keokuk has her canning establishment secured.  The amount of stock required was subscribed as soon as the project was fairly proposed, and now she adds one more, to her home industries.

The owner of several horses in Iowa Falls, all of which had the epizooty, has contracted the disease from them.  His symptoms are similar in all respects to those evidenced by the horses.  His suffering is said to be intense, and his life, even, is despaired of.

J. D. Donakel, night caller in the employ of the B. C. R. & N. company at Cedar Rapids, was drowned near the bridge over the Cedar, in that city Sunday night while crossing on the ice to call some of employees living on the other side of the river.

Nan Hough, of Smoky Row, Ottumwa, perforated her “boarder,” John Wilhite, of whom she had grown jealous for alleged attentions to another frail sister, on Saturday night of last week.  The shooting was quite effective:  Wilhite is liable to pass in his checks, and Nan is in limbo awaiting developments. 

Mrs. R. Z. Bell, of Dubuque, was found dead on Saturday morning in the cellar of her residence.  For sometime she had been very despondent, and it finally culminated in affecting her brain and causing her to take her own life.  Her husband was expected to arrive that day from California to spend the holidays with his wife and children.

Mrs. Elizabeth Houtz, of South Muscatine, was examined by the Insane Commisioners yesterday and ordered removed to the county poor farm.  Since the birth of a child, eleven days ago, the woman has been deranged.  She recently put her children out on the roof of a shed running up to the window and filled the house with fumes of burning brimstone.

[transcribed by LZ, Nov 2019]

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