Iowa Old Press


The Carroll Times
Carroll, Carroll co. Iowa
Wednesday, October 12, 1927

Local Happenings
R.M. Moehn made a business trip to Omaha Tuesday.

J.H. Post left for Des Moines Tuesday to attend the postmasters' convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pille and family of Maple River spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George O'Brien and family.

A.F. Owen has taken a position with the Tire Service company. Mr. Owen is greatly experienced along automobile lines and should prove invaluable help to Mr. Willenburg.

Mrs. Agnes Hanssen left for Soiux City Tuesday morning for a visit of several weeks at the William Lindau home. Mrs. Lindau was formerly Miss Helene Marchand of this city.

Harold Smith of Glidden had the misfortune to get a bad cut from his eye down his cheek when a gun which he was firing kicked. The cut is one and a half-inches long. The youth was hunting when the accident occurred.

Miss Cahterine Shollenberger has returned from Ames where she spent a few days with friends.

Isadore Pomerantz had the misfortune to break his leg Saturday while substituting on the Carroll football team.

Mrs. F.A. Myers was called to Wells, Minn., last week by the serious illness of her father, Matt Barr. Mr. Barr has been in poor health for over a year and Mrs. Myers has been spending much time with him.

Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder and family are making arrangements to move into the Zurn property on South Carroll street. Mr. Wilder recently bought the battery business on Fourth street from A.F. Owen.

John Beiter left for Iowa City to spend "Dads" day with his daughter, Josephine, who is attending Iowa university. He also attended the Iowa-Ohio football game and enjoyed it immensely, as it was the first university game he had ever attended.

Carroll friends of the E.J. Stoddard family of Cedar Rapids will hear with regret of Mr. Stoddard's poor health. His daughter, Mabel, has written Carroll friends that her father suffered a stroke of paralysis in June and since that time is only able to sit up in a wheel chair two or three times a week. He is paralyzed on his left side. It will be remembered that Mrs. Stoddard died about two years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Moser are moving to Carroll from Ida Grove. Mr. Moser is a salesman for the Purina Feed company.

George Russell and Carl Johnson figured in auto accidents last week but fortunately in both accidents no one was injured.

Mrs. William Onken has left the St. Anthony hospital and returned to her home after undergoing a serious operation.

Mrs. Walter Handy of Chariton came Thursday evening and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Shoemaker. She will returned to Chariton Saturday.

Dr. A.R. Pascoe and Dr. R.H. Lott will leave for Kansas City, Mo., Sunday to take a post graduate course in connection with the North America Medical society meeting.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Carroll County