Iowa Old Press


The Carroll Herald
Carroll, Carroll co. Iowa
Wednesday, April 17, 1893

City and Country
-V. Jannssen has started a second-hand store in our city.
-Dr. Kessler is having a new barn built on his residence lot.
-N.H. Letts will move into the house occupied by Mrs. Cook, soon.
-Miss Ada Cheasbro has been assisting in the postoffice at intervals.
-Mrs. W.H. Burwell lately built a barn on her premises on Adams street.
-W.L. Culbertson is pushing work on his new house, corner of Eighth and Carroll streets.
-N.R. Parmely, expressman at Rochelle, Ill., visited briefly with his daughter, Mrs. Eugene Shepherd of this city, the latter part of last week.
-W.L. Culbertson is absent on a business trip to Arkansas in the interest of his large land holdings in that state. He will be absent about ten days.

Prof. Rose, Mrs. W.T. Minchen and Miss Louise Minchen will leave tomorrow for Grinnell, where Miss Louise will represent the Carroll schools in the state oratorical contest which occurs Friday evening. The Professor told us confidentially that they would bring the medal home with them.

After a sickness of a few days the infant child of Mrs. Maggie Westlund died of pneumonia, aged nine months. Mrs. Westlund surely has the sympathy of the entire city in her affliction, as it has only been six weeks since she followed the remains of her husband to his last resting place. The funeral ceremonies were held at the Doud residence by Rev. Nash, of Denison, last Thursday afternoon at three o'clock.

Bill Kinney and wife who spent their honeymoon in the Carroll County jail were discharged by the Sac county grand jury and they are now at Odebolt free as these April winds.

Arcadia Correspondence
-Mr. J. Stall returned to Arcadia after a few weeks roaming in Nebraska, has taken leave for Oklahoma.
-The inhabitants of our town have been increased by three the last week, two boys and one girl. the boys at the home of H.W. Prouter and C.H. Wilson. the girl at Dr. Butmann's.
-Rev. Jas. Helloigel, who has for the past five years in the Roman Catholic church, has taken a much needed recreation and gone to Hot Springs, New Mexico. We hope that he may fully regain his health during his sojourn and then resume his work here.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Carroll County