Iowa Old Press


The Coon Rapids Enterprise
Coon Rapids, Carroll co., Iowa
Friday, March 25, 1892

Ripples of the Rapids - Local Sprays Caught Flying on the Surface of Town and Country Society
- M.E. chicken pie sociable tonight at V.M. Johnson's.
- R.B. Tucker was in Carroll Tuesday.
- Hersh Vradenburg has returned from Nebraska.
- Mrs. Dana Reed has been very ill for several days.
- Mrs. W.H. Asher has been in Des Moines this week.
- Miss Cora Hall will teach the Prairie Hall school this spring.
- A sister of Mr. Stockwell, from Boston, is visiting the family.
- Mrs. Neva Jack is visiting her folks in the Rapids and will remain till Monday.
- W.J. Sheaffer was at home most of the week, being partially laid up with a severe cold.
- The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Garst has been dangerously ill, but is now much better.

A friend of Dr. Raugh, whom the doctor says is a very competent young man, and of fine social and moral standing, is expected to take Dr. Raugh's place at the Rapids.

Mrs. Mary C. Stitt, widow of Judge John B. Stitt and mother of Mrs. H.S. Jones, made application in 1868 for a pension and after twenty-four years of perseverance, was granted $12 a month and $2,500 back pay. The first Mrs. Jones knew of her mother's good fortune was when she received a letter containing a draft for a hundred dollars as a gift.

This is to certify that I have this day given my son, Elmo J. Reed, called Bob, his time, and will not hereafter be responsible for any debts he may contract, or for any of his acts. All the money he earns after this date is his own. Ira C. Reed, Coon Rapids, Ia., March 18, 1892.

Just as The Enterprise was ready for press we received a communication from Dedham giving account of the marriage of Miss Ida McCuen to Mr. John Wagner, the event being one of the most notable of the neighborhood and attended by a very large number of friends. We regret that we are unable to publish the article on account of lack of time.

Carroll is to have a $15,000 new stone church, to be known as the St. Joseph.

Star School House
- Miss Maggie Doran closed a sucessful term of school at the Star last Friday.
- Mr. Clavins' have moved onto a farm three miles north east of Scranton.
- Asa Connor has rented the R.B. Tucker farm.
- Jo Raygor has returned from a pleasant visit at his old home in Henry county, this state. It has been thirteen years since he came from there and this was his first visit.
- We think Richland township can boast of the youngest bridegroom in the county, he being but sixteen years of age.

West Viola Jottings
- A.E. Allen finished threshing his oats last week. Chas. Levi's new steamer did the work.
- Ed Prather killed three beeves last Saturday morning before dinner.
- Wm. Sibsen returned home from the Highland Park school last week. Will expects to farm for himself this summer.
- Mr. Moreland is building a large barn on his farm in south Viola. Mr. Moreland is one of our south Viola ranchers and is making a success at farming.

Viola Center
- Al Griffin has at last got rid of his old horse.
- Elisha Carver and Mrs. Carver have gotten down to regular old fashioned housekeeping, and have hung out their latch string for the season.
- F.M. Carpenter got his neighbors out and with a dozen teams, hauled the old Andrews house over to his home farm to weld on his house.
- We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. R.C. Carpenter is still very sick at the old home farm, requiring the constant attendance of the squire at her bed side.

Carrollton Cullings
- Abe Knight has erected quite an extensive barn on the lots he now occupies.
- H.L. Squires had rented his farm and we understand intends going into the stock business.
- Mr. and Mrs. Owen, from near Dedham, called on some of their old friends in this vicinity sometime last week.

Orange Items
- Mrs. David Miller is visiting in Nebraska.
- Dib Wheeler and family have moved to Colorado.
- Mr. C. Coblentz started for Oklahoma last week.
- James Hampton starts for Nebraska as soon as the roads get good.
- J.W. Handy was elected president of the school board for the ensuing year.
- A.B. Shafer is making some improvements on the place he bought of Sardine Smith.
- Jim Martin is looking for some one to keep house for him.

Southeast Orange Items
- Charles Handy has gone to Michigan on a visit.
- Suminer Osborn's little girl has been sick the past week.
- J. Blazer has sold his 80-acre farm to P.V. Herron for &80 per acre.
- David Boyles has been confined to the house with tonsilitus the past week.
- Sardine Smith has bought the east 80 of the Kay farm. He gave $10 an acre.
- Mrs. Addie Wandeling and her husband, of Nebraska, are visiting their parents, David Miller's.
- Ernie Smith came near being killed by being thrown from a horse. He is doing well at this writing.
- David Cahail's have been prevented from moving by the sickness of their children, who have the lung fever.

Dedham Local Jottings
- John Gilbert sold a fine mare to J.S. Downing last week.
- H. Ramsey and family moved onto the old Rieby farm last week.
- James Horton will teach at the Hardie school house the coming summer.
- Geo. Curtis, of Redfield, was an over Sunday visitor with the Curtis family of this place.
- Miss Ettie Lewis and Rachel Davis are in Carroll working at the dressmaking business.
- David Orr's father-in-law has rented David's farm for this season and has arrived here and moved onto the place.
- David Burkhart and others are building a house for Chas. Else on the farm he bought of John Hardie, south-east of town.
- M. Hanford went to Chicago with two cars of fine cattle of his own feeding. This is the finest lot of cattle that has been shipped from this place.
- Mr. Basom is better at this writing.
-Otis Smith has quit clerking at the drug store.

Last week we stated that John Hardie's little girl was much better, but a change set in and the little one passed away last Monday night. The family have the sympathy of all.

Died, March 22, 1891 (sic - 1892), Ida Hardie, aged 6 years, 8 months and 12 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hardie. The funeral services were conducted at the M.E. church Thursday, the 23rd, by Rev. O'Flyng with a large attendance. In the presence of this great over-shadowing sorrow words seem inadequate to express the measure of sympathy which goes out to the bereaved ones. Only the Great Father of all knows why Ida has been removed from earth, and to him they will turn for that consolation which can only proceed from the author of our being.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hardie wish to thank their friends for their kindness through their daughter's sickness.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Carroll County