Iowa Old Press


The Coon Rapids Enterprise
Coon Rapids, Carroll co., Iowa
Friday, June 3, 1887

Cooning the Rapids - Local Lyrics Purloined While Performing the Perilous Pranks
-Our friend, Billy Preston, has been rusticating about town for a few days.
-Mrs. F.C. Jones left yesterday for a week's sojourn among friends in Shelby county.
-The Garst's have hoisted some dandy awnings above their store windows and put up screen doors.
-Mrs. W.J. Jackley is to receive her life insurance soon, the company having so written a short time ago.

The sixth gas well has just been sunk at Herndon, and at a depth of 127 feet gas was struck, and being lighted the flames run up to a height of from ten to twelve feet. The first well sunk by Mr. Booth seems to have a stronger flow now than at first.

Morrow Alexander was down from Dedham Wednesday and while at our office we managed to extract the following news from him: B.H. Shute is to soon run his elevator by steam; the frame of the new M.E. church has been raised and Mrs. Gus Hoch left for Kansas Tuesday where she has a sister lying at the point of death.

H.D. Mosier has taken charge of O.D. Houghton's meat market and the new firm will be styled Mosier & Co. Mr. Mosier being a practical butcher is prepared to furnish the best of meats and solicits your patronage.

Mrs. Graves, from Riverside, Cal., the mother of A.W. Graves, is now visiting with her son and thinks of remaining all summer. The visit was quite unexpected and was a genuine surprise to A.W. He received a letter from his father a few days previous saying that he would send him a valuable package soon, and wished him to be at the depot on a certain date to receive it. Graves was promptly on hand and found the "package" to be his mother. She is greatly pleased with the California climate and says they are prospering finely.

Iowa News Items

Mrs. Daniel Lahey, of French Creek township, near Waukon, was found dead in her hog yard May 23. The body was badly torn by the hogs. She is supposed to have fallen in the enclosure in a fit.

Stuart - May 28 - A nine year old daughter of R. Hawley, of this city, was terribly burned by gasoline to-day. In the absence of her mother the child took a gasoline can, supposing it to be kerosene and poured the contents on some kindling in the cook stove which, when ignited, exploded the can that set near by, setting fire to her clothing and buring the flesh to a crisp from her breast to her knees before it was extinguished by the neighbors. She is still alive but with no hopes of recovery.

Capt M.C. Jones, mayor of Ames, died May 28. Early in february last, Capt. Jones went to Florida for the purpose of recruiting his health, but that usually fatal and dread disease consumption had sapped the foundation of his life. He served in a Vermont regiment during the war, and was true and faithful in the discharge of his duty. Capt. Jones was recognized as the brightest Mason in Iowa, and the lodge has suffered in his death an irreparable loss. He was universally loves and leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and loving father.

The Indian school buildings near Keokuk and which were valued at $12,000 were totally destroyed by fire last Saturday.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2015]

Iowa Old Press
Carroll County