Iowa Old Press


The Carroll Herald
Carroll City, Carroll County, Iowa
Wednesday, May 31, 1871

Appointed - We learn that the former proprietor of The Herald, Mr. J.F.H. Sugg, has been appointed post master at the new and thriving town of Preston, in Jackson county. Mr. S. is also engaged at that place in the mercantile business.

Left Us - Mr. W.P. Evans, who has during the past seven months been employed in the Herald office, left last week for Storm Lake, where he will work in the Pilot office. Mr. Evans is a tip-top printer and a thorough gentleman, and we wish him abundant success in his new location.

Base Ball - If the weather is favorable a return game of Base Ball will be played at Glidden tomorrow between the Novelty club of that place and the Carroll club. the following will probably be the nine who will represent this place: Barger, O.R. Gray, Wagner, Colelo, Hastings, Russell, C.C. Gray, Tibbils and Frank Smith. The club have recently lost two of their strongest players and as Barger has a badly broken finger, the result is far from certain.

A New Paper - The first number of Messrs. Griffith & Deal's new paper made its appearance last week. It is called the Real Estate Guide, and as its name suggests, will be devoted to advertising that branch of their business. The present number contains five columns of interesting reading matter, and which contain important information for those contemplating making this country their home, and it cannot fail to prove a great benefit in attracting settlers to this country.

-H.I. Sutton's Grocery has just received a splendid stock of Groceries. Sample Tea given away. Pop, Pepper-sauce, extra Fine-cut Tobacco and Shorts, always fresh.
-F.E. Dennett's Agricultural Warehouse. One door west of the Drug store in Carroll city, sells Moline wagons, considered the easiest running and best made. He also has a large lot of excellent pumps, paints and oils.
-Mrs. Fred M. Cole's Millinery - the largest and best selected stock of Hats, flowers, Ribbons, Laces and Millinery ever brought into the county.
-L. Kniest's - notions, dress trimmings, cords, bindings, silk fringes, mosquito bars, carpet warps, table spreads, &c, &c.
-Millinery and Dress-Making at Furniture Rooms, Fifth st., Nettie D.F. Bosworth and Mrs. Ella B. Gifford.
-D. Wayne, Grocer
-L.C. Bailey, dealer in Lime, Coal and Buiding stone
-F.A. Warrick, watch maker and dealer in clocks.
-Carroll House, J.H. Colclo, proprietor. Corner of Main and Fifth Sts., Carroll.
-City Hotel, Geo. Smith, Proprietor. Livery stable attached.
-I.W. Collamore, boot and shoemaker.
-C. Burk, dealer in groceries and confectioneries. Beer and Farmers' Lunch.
-J.L. Barger, proprietor, Saddle and Harness Shop

Professional Cards
-Chas L. Bailey, Attorney-at-Law
-H.H. Hoagland, M.D., Physician and surgeon
-Griffith & Deal, Attorneys-at-Law and Real Estate Agents
-Fred M. Cole, Attorney-at-Law
-Wm. H. Tibbils, Attorney-at-Law
-O.H. Manning & E.R. Hastings, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law and Solicitors in Chancery
-D.Carr Early and Ed. R. Duffie, Attorneys-at-Law and Real Estate Agents, Sac City, Iowa
-Dr. Thomas Elwood, Physician and Surgeon, Carrollton, Iowa

[transcribed by S.F., September 2013]

Iowa Old Press
Carroll County