Iowa Old Press

The Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Calhoun co., Iowa
February 7, 1901

-O. L. White’s grocery store has phone NO. 104.
-John M. Fickle is the new clerk at O. L. White’s grocery store.
-John Rasmess attended the Saunders Short horn sale at Manetta Tuesday.
-Sac City citizens are organizing a company for the manufacture of brooms.
-District court, before Judge Church, opens Monday, February 18, at Rockwell City.
-John M. Mitchel has purchased a Short Horn bull from ?rickle Bros. Of State Center.
-Carpenters are calling for a good “natural lather” to settle in Lake City for business.
-Bradley Bros. sold Coady & Sebern four of their heaviest horses last week for shipment to Boston.
-E. F. Pangborn went to Rands Monday and disinfected two houses out of quarantine from smallpox.
-S. E. Bishop and Paul Ralston completed a farm house last week for S. G. Edmonds, east of town.
-H. B. Darr will have a farm auction sale on the L. E. Arney farm 31/2 miles south-east of town during February.

-E. C. Flinn of Carroll was in town Tuesday.
-W. ?. Bell returned from Chicago Tuesday.
-Geo. E. Haney of Manson was in town Sunday.
-Dr. Penrose came home from Chicago Tuesday.
-Mrs. W. H. Mankey visited in Auburn Friday.
-John Dobie did business in Chicago Saturday.
-Mrs. C. W. Ripley is still in very poor health.
-Clarence Moore was over from Lohrville Friday.
-F. J. Berger is in town after a week at Carroll.
-H. H. Hutchinson of Sac City spent Sunday in town.
-Mrs. Geo. Smith returned from Scranton Saturday.
-Halsey Odell was in town on business last Thursday.
-Mrs. Alice Carroll of Auburn passed Sunday with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Zane.
-Mrs. J. A. Roland visited with her sister, Mrs. Searight at Moville Tuesday.
-Rev. and Mrs. Ed Wright and May Gates, of Stanhope, are passing the week with their many friends here.
-Mrs. E. C. Kramer and children returned Friday evening from a weeks visit with friends in Cherokee.
-Mrs. R. T. Jolly returned to her home in Wall Lake Friday after a two weeks visit with her son Robert.
-Mollie Hauskens who makes her home with an aunt in Eagle Grove, is here visiting her father Ed Hauskens.
-Miss Athelia Russell has been confined to her home with the grippe for the past ten days but is improving.
-Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Manson returned home Friday after a weeks visit with her brother, John Mitchell.
-J. H. Walker of the late firm of Walker & Bennett, goes on the road for the McCormick people the first of March.
-J. R. McCrary of Farnhamville was in town over Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Geo. B. McCrary.
-Mrs. Sherman Bellesfield arrived Tuesday from Creede, Colorado, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Millie Ripley.
-Mrs. C. O. Hutchison went to Monticello Wednesday to visit and uncle who has lately been stricken with paralysis.
-John Nicholson left Wednesday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he expects to remain for some time for his health.
-On Thursday last, C. E. Preston and wife moved to the rooms over the store, formerly occupied by the M. Litman family.
-The Maurice Sheehy family from Irwin, Illinois, are nicely located on their new farm five miles north-east of town.
-W. J. Moad has rented the J. H. Ketterer farm, just north of Mr. Overacker’s homestead, and will take possession soon.
-John Rasmess left Monday afternoon for Manilla, Iowa, to be present at a short horn sale of C. A. Saunders on February 5th.
-Mrs. Wm. Fuller, who lives between Sac City and Yetter is visiting this week her grandsons, ? and Clyde Fuller.
-Mrs. Daniel Stanton returned Tuesday from a six weeks visit with her father, Mr. Henry Kenyon, of Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
-Miss Flora Ripley returned Sunday evening from Oregon and California where she has resided for the past year and a half.
-R. R. Keck and wife will move about the first of next month into the Mrs. J. D. McVay property now occupied by Dr. Humphrey.
-Miss Zora Armstrong of Frankfort, Indiana, a sister of Mrs. C. E. Preston, is the new saleslady at the Preston dry goods store.
-Dr. H. M. Humphrey and wife will move into their own residence, now occupied by W. F. Segner, about the first of next month.
-Mrs. Alta Fuller from Independence, Colorado, arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. D. A. Miller.
-Mrs. A. T. King, sister of Mrs. W. D. Fuller, visited at the Fuller home from Monday until Thursday and returned to her home in Vail.
-J. E. Wiggans went to Chicago Tuesday to remain several weeks. Mrs. W. will make her home meanwhile with her father, Jerry Warner.
-Mrs. Morrison, mother of Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. W. E. Rash, after a weeks visit with them, returned to her home in Tama Monday.
-G. L. Hartman, who lately withdrew form the firm of White & Hartman, went to Iowa City last night to be treated for a bad case of hernia.
-Mrs. Henry Wheeler returned Tuesday from Mitchellville, where she was present at the death and funeral of her sister, Mrs. Martin Wheeler.
-Mrs. Hugh Chambers sustained an operation by Dr. Chas. O. Seaman of Cherokee Tuesday of this week for the removal of a cancer from her face.
-Mrs. Norman Mead of Colorado Springs came Friday for a visit with her brother, Capt. Wm. Fitch, sister Mrs. Alice Hartman, and other relatives and friends.
-C. J. Eckland found and left at this office for the owner a small purse containing a small sum of money a ring and some jim-cracks.
-A spark from the stove in school house No. 2, Elm Grove township, burned a hole in the floor two feet by four last Thursday night and then ? out of itself.
-L. E. Arney and a dozen or more residents on the route will try to get a telephone line between Lake City and Yetter, connecting with their several homes.
-J. C. Torrance drove into Lake City at three o’clock last Saturday and drove around town to find a place to hitch his horses without success. There was a crowd in town for certain.
-The Odebolt Chronicle will move into new quarters in May, at which time a new and speedier newspaper press will be installed and other improvements added. Editor Hamilton deserves the best his town affords.
-Mgr. Rotnour, of the Flora DeVoss Co., announces that on Thursday night his company will put on “The Galley Slave.” This play has a national reputation and the people of Lake City should not miss this opportunity of seeing this grand production.
-Ten cents will be the price of admission on Saturday afternoon to the Matinee of the Flora DeVoss company. As there will no doubt be a large attendance we advise everyone wishing to attend to be on hand early. A souvenir will be given to every person attending.
-BORN to Mr. And Mrs. A. L. Seelinger, Jan 31, 1901, a daughter.
-Dr. F. E. Kauffman was called to Lohrville professionally on Tuesday.
-W. A. Amlot returned from Kankakee, Illinois, Tuesday morning.
-Miss Nellie Barber of Glidden visited friends in this city Sunday.
-Mr. Eugene Hoover and Mrs. Wm. V. Leet visited in Onawa last week.
-Wm. Hackett and wife left for their home in Onawa Tuesday morning.
-John S. Jones and wife are each suffering with a fierce attack of grippe.
-John E. Clark is in Esmond, Illinois, to visit his mother who is quite ill.
-R. W. Reynolds left Thursday evening for his old home at Fitchville, Ohio, for a visit with his mother, who is quite feeble, having reached the mature age of 86 years.
-M. T. Foley has had a month respite from his labors as chief cook at the Adams farm near Odebolt. He did the cooking for the Catholic fair and on Monday returned home.
-Mrs. A. Moat of Waterloo, Iowa, after attending the funeral of Miss Nellie Moat of Ida Grove last Wednesday, visited with her parents, Mr. And Mrs. J. L. Jones until Thursday. Afternoon.
-Mr. And Mrs. Alvin McClurg of Jefferson visited over Sunday at the J. M. Toliver home. Mrs. McClurg is a sister of Mr. T. They departed for their new home at Snyder, Colorado, Monday.
-L. Frantz, uncle of Mrs. J. B. Smith, accompanied by his bride, whom he married recently at Pittsburg, Pa., arrived in town yesterday morning for a few days visit, when they will go to Wagner, South Dakota.
-Nels Jensen expects to leave his business in the hands of his foreman and with his family make a trip to Denmark late next summer, returning the following spring. Business matters at his former home require his attention.
-Harmon P. Scott, who has been here at home with his mother, Mrs. Melvina Scott for the past three months, leaves next Monday for Baker City, Oregon, where he is to have charge of the boiler and engine of an electrical plant.
-Misses Verta, Jessie and Jennie Lowe entertained Miss Myrtle Ingram of Sac City, Miss Nellie Ressegue and Miss Mabel Honeyman of Lake View; Messrs. Chas. Schulte and Wm Elwood of Sac City and B. Simmons of Omaha, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
-J. B. Johnson returned Tuesday evening from the Pacific coast. His wife returned early last month. Mr. Johnson informs our reporter that he has invested in the oil fields of Bakersfield, Cal., and will incorporate a company for business under the Iowa laws.
-John O’Conner and wife, parents of Thos. And Michael O’Conner and Mrs. M. J. Sheehy, will soon remove from Irwin, Ill., and occupy the Clements place, north Center street. Their daughter, Mrs. Ward, whose husband met with a fatal accident a few days ago, will doubtless remove from Council Bluffs and make her home with them.
-Miss Ethel Doghty entertained the following little folks at a party at her home last Thursday evening: Helen Mighell, Fannie Moseley, Laura Gabriel, Austa Lewis, Harmie Peffley, Bertha Wood, Margie Horner, Alice Sands, Maud Dobson, Addie Smith, Mary Arthur, Elgie Deadman, Edith Schnellbacher, Walter Guenther, Guy Hibbs, Chas. Lee, Edward Westring, Gail Jacobs, Earl Smith, Lafe Morgan, Ira Soper, Floyd Russell and Ray Williams.

For the Year 1901 Summoned to Appear February 19th at 9 o’clock a.m.
Geo Miller, Rockwell City
Henry Helmbrecht, Fonda
W. S. Chambers, Lake City
J. J. Foley, Manson
J. J. Heide, Pomeroy
Pat Houlihan, Lohrville
Blaas, Rockwell City
Jas Hoskins, Rockwell City
C. E. Bain, Lake City
A Muesberger, Lytton
W. H. Powers, Rands

For the February Term Summoned to Appear February 19th at 1:30 p.m
J. L. Jones, Lake City
W. H. Marquardt, Manson
L. M. Jenks, Lohrville
John Redinus, Lohrville
T. B. Lindsay, Jolley
Frank McCarville, Lavinia
O. L. Fowler, Farnhamville
Chas. Biewen, Jolley
Wm Soy, Lohrville
A. McDonald, Lohrville
H. Snyder, Rockwell City
A. G. Schilling, Jolley
E. Kilgore, Lake City
J. W. Stimson, Rockwell City
Frank Glaze, Somers
Wm Acklin, Rockwell City
Pat Welsh, Lohrville
B. R. McCloud, Lohrville

[transcribed by C.H.V., January 2006]


The Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Calhoun co., Iowa
February 15, 1901

A telegram received by O. L. White from his father at Iowa City Saturday evening stated that G. L. Hartman passed through his operation successfully and was getting along all right at that time.

Dr. Katharyn E. Keith of Panora, Iowa, was at the Methodist parsonage over Sunday, being called to see Mrs. Keith who has been very sick with Grippe and pleuritis. We are glad to note that Mrs. Keith is getting better now.

Mr. Irving E. White, after a pleasant and enjoyable visit of three weeks with his brother, Clarence White, returned Thursday via Algona, Iowa, where he will visit a week with an uncle, thence home to Waterloo, Wisconsin.

Fourth ward people heartily welcome to the neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Townsend who will soon move to their newly purchased home, lots 3 and 4 block 3, Moody & Davey’s addition, just east of the Mrs. Cap’t. Hobbs home.

Roy Bryan, who for some time has assisted J. H. Russell of the Queal Lumber Co., of this place, has received a well earned promotion. He left last week to take charge of a yard at Ireton, Iowa. His family will remain in Lake City until spring.

The following songs were very beautifully rendered at the Catholic Fair by the three young ladies named:
Newcomb…. Miss Edna Townsend
Good-bye, Tost!…..Miss Ada Zane
Allab!Chadwick, Bercense, Vinal….. Miss Grace Wilson

We acknowledge a pleasant call on last Friday from T. P. Cassen of Story City, formerly of Morris, Grundy county, Iowa. Mr. Cassen and his family, consisting of six boys from four to nineteen years and Miss Cora, eight years of age, will move to the John L. Larson section 34, five miles southeast of Lake City, some time this month. He will bring with him twelve or fifteen head of horses.

-Frank Evans of Carroll was a Lake City caller last week.
-N. Jackson did business on the Denison branch last Friday.
-150 carloads of stock passed through the Lake City yards Sunday.
-C. A. Lichty, of Boone passed Sunday in this city with his family.
-Superintendent Sanborn visited R. C. Harden who is very ill at Boone.
-Frank M. Morgan made a business trip to Chicago last week returning Thursday.
-C. E. Fitch is here from Boone assisting in the train dispatcher’s department.
-Fireman Chas. Coats returned from Kansas City last Thursday and has reported for duty.
-W. C. Bell returned to Chicago last Thursday night to remain a few days with his brother who is not improving as fast as could be desired.
-Ed Warner has resigned his position as ticket agent at the depot and with his family will remove to Sac City where he has a farm. He gains possession about March 15.
-N. J. Thompson who has been employed at the round house in this city removed his family to Boone Thursday where he has accepted a similar place in the shops at that place.
-Claude Hoffman received a message from Grant City last Thursday announcing the death of his sister who expired at her home of typhoid fever. It has only been two weeks since his father was taken from same disease.


Tim Brady took up a homestead while he was in Oklahoma but expects to remain in Iowa for another season.

Mr. & Mrs. Norm Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Williams and Mrs. Fronia Oxenford are on the sick list.

Peter Wilger left Thursday for Oklahoma looking for a location. If the place suits him he may sell his farm here.

Owing to the illness of Mrs. Keith, Rev. Keith was unable to be at his appointment and Rev. Wilkins preached. Only a few were present but the sermon was excellent.


Sherman Noel is visiting at Thomas Moulds.

Mrs. Bert Trullinger is visiting in Rockwell City.

Mr. Woodyard has lost two head of cattle recently.

Mrs. Nora Peebles visited Mrs. Fred Madden Monday.

Ida Hulser was a guest of Blanche Rex one night last week.

Harvey Satterlee went to Iowa Falls to visit his brother Jasper.

Wesley Fickle purchased a cow and calf of Geo. Hulser Saturday.

Nolan Buckles visited friends at Cottonwood Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster Boyles visited at Joe Wright’s the first of the week.

Amor Long was in our neighborhood at his work as assessor last week.

Will Mishler has rented a farm in Fayette Co., so listen for wedding bells.

A crowd of Yetterites were on the Creek skating last week Tuesday night.

Mrs. Geo. Hulser attended the lecture at the M. E. church Tuesday night.

Mr. Rex was quite ill Thursday night but is as well s usual at this writing.

Mrs. Charlie Peebles and Mrs. H. Satterlee visited Mrs. Thomas Moulds Wednesday.

The wedding bells will ring at several of our homes between now and grass time.

Mr. and Mrs. Lark Williams are confined to their rooms with lagrippe and require watchers at night.

Arthur Desart and Frank Patterson are running the saw in our neighborhood this week.

Albert Binkert has rented the Haskins farm and it has been said he was planning to bach.

Mr. and Mrs. Ordnung visited Mrs. O’s sister and father near Lake City the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodyard spent Sunday at his father’s and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ripley at Mr. Taylor’s near Auburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Clark are visiting in Fayette Co., and Roy and his wife are caring for thing during their absence.

Geo. Mowry has purchased a driving team a new buggy and harness. He has decided to farm his own place another year.

Mrs. Grant Madden and son Roy and Rachel Trullinger spent last week visiting their sister Mrs. Geo. Spencer at Rockwell City.

Dan Trullinger has rented the Mead farm for another year and the old neighbors will be glad to welcome him back into the neighborhood.


A. D. Twogood, living 6 miles southeast of Lake City, is the owner of a 9 months old colt whose right foot is formed like that of a cow. A photo of it was taken last Monday, by L. D. Hawkins, which will be sent to Mr. Twogood’s brother-in-law, I. N. Weymore of Chicago who will try to enter the animal in a museum.

S. P. Elliott bought of J. H. Fuller two calves eleven months and six days old that weighed 1620 lbs and brought $64.85.

Hotel Columbia, under the management of Drake & Hammond, has undergone several improvements in the last few weeks. Every room in the house has received a coat of paper or calcimine. The house has been connected with the new sewer and toilet rooms have been added to both lower and upper floors. The new management seems to be giving entire satisfaction as the house is filled with guests every day.

Supervisor Geo. W. Reeves called Friday. He was in town in the inter-of caring for the effects of his brother, D. B. Reeves, in which trust he is doing conscientious service. We were permitted to read a letter received by Attorney gray of Rockwell City from D. B. which seems to give evidence that he is recovering and will ultimately regain full health.

Best & Son’s restaurant is O. K.
Take meals at the O. K. restaurant.

John N. Freeman’s auction sale next Wednesday.

Lewis Ihrke moves next week to the old McMeekin farm which he purchased.

The Lake City K. of P. degree team goes to Glidden Monday evening, Feb. 25, to do some floor work.

Hon. D. J. Townsend will be re-elected to the legislature from this county without opposition.

The county has an expert, Miss Denny, employed at the court house looking for taxable property which has escaped the notice of assessors. She is to receive 15 per cent of the moneys actually collected.

B. Mendelssohn and Mayor McCrary removed an obstruction upon the sidewalk near the Presbyterian church Sunday evening that might have crippled someone. Such dastardly work deserves punishment.

Barney Mendelssohn drew the fine double barreled shot gun put up by G. W. Ripley Monday. What will he do with it?

Geo. W. Reeves has filed an inventory and made a report in the matter of the estate of D. B. Reeves.

John Ross has rented his farm to Thos. Clark and will buy a home in Lake City this week, to which he will soon remove.

D. E. Ellis lost his colt that took 1st premium at Pittman’s colt show last fall. It injured itself internally while at play about the yard.

Mayor McCrary and Recorder Hibbs have received a large number of bound volumes of government documents to be placed in the city archives.

G. B. Mabee has moved his music store into the Blue Front where he has more commodious quarters for his large and increasing business.

The Maccabees initiated seventeen new members into their order last Thursday night. They have a band of seventeen pieces and claim to have the largest lodge in the state.

[transcribed by C.H.V., January 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County