Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
April 23, 1896


Mrs. BALES is in LeMars on a visit.

P. R. MOSELEY was over from Auburn last Sunday.

Born on Friday April 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TUBBS, a boy.

Mrs. R. McKIM and son Walter went to Denison last Friday for a visit.

Henry HAUSER came back from Cripple Creek the later part of last week.

Clarence RUSSELL came down form Sac City to visit over Sunday with his folks.

Miss Alta MILLER has opened a dressmaking establishment at Jewell Junction.

Born, on Friday, April 17, 1896, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett BAIN, at DeKalb, Ills.

Dr. McVAY was taken quite ill Wednesday and was unable to attend to his practice.

George FEIGE went to Des Moines this morning for a few days visit with his parents.

Geo. KEPNER passed Sunday in town and returned Monday to his work at Ft. Dodge.

Greer DAVIS of Coon Rapids, IA., brother of Mrs. Harvey RUSSELL, arrived last Saturday.

Train-dispatcher HARDEN made a trip to Sioux City and return on the first fast train.

Dr. Henry FORBES locates at Moorland near Ft. Dodge where he has already procured rooms.

Miss Helen EARLE daughter of Dana EARLE south of town, has returned home from Neb.

Pearl SMITH, Hugh BALES and Frank GREEN left overland for Oklahoma last Sunday night.

Messrs J. H. BRADT and A. J. SCOTT called yesterday. They report the Hub in a thriving condition.

Mr. and Mrs. James FLEECE came home from Pomeroy last Friday. David McKEEN drove them over.

H. A. MADSEN arrived from Chicago last Tuesday morning, where he has been for medical treatment.

Sol ANDERSON, a former employee of the Railroad Company at the depot, stopped off at this place over Sunday.

J. H. McCORD, the Lake View banker was obliged to quit work a few days last week on account of illness.

Mr. R. B. ROBBINS moved into the EVAN'S property adjoining the Henry FLINN place on the south, yesterday.

Henry HARSHBARGER and B. E. BOAM will attend the state G. A. R. encampment at Cedar Rapids next Tuesday.

Robert FICKLE will move his family to Alabama the latter part of this week where he intends to reside in the future.

Mr. A. WANNFRIED of the American Typo Founder's co. made this office a call last Thursday. He is set to "blow off" at five pounds of steam.

J. B. PAULLl went to Chicago Saturday night to bring home his wife who has been there for treatment. A. C. CURTIS wears the marshal insignia during the absence of Mr. PAULL.

Captain KILGORE has been seriously handicapped in his janitor duties at the school by reason of a severe cold. Uncle Hiram GIST filled his place the latter part of last week.


The Citizens' Bank collects taxes this year as usual.

G. C. SMITH has some money to loan on farms, cheaper than the cheapest.

A.G. MILLER is repainting his residence in fourth ward.

The whooping-cough is quite prevalent among the school children at present.

Emil LIEBLING will be her May 6th. Be prepared for a high grade entertainment.

John WAREHIME has bought the completest threshing outfit ever brought to this country.

There's a case of scarlet fever in town. It is in so light a form a to be hardly perceptible, but is under strict quarantine just the same.

A sort of glass famine has struck the towns visited by the wind and hail storm of Sunday night. The immediate vicinity of this town was spared, however.

The small boy who manages to escape an evening's work in the garden and passes his time on the banks of Lake Creek is now rewarded by an obliging bullhead.

At eight 9'clock last evening at the residence of Dr. W. W. McMACKIN, on Woodlawn avenue, in the presence of a few relatives and friends, J. D. KENNEDY of Lake City and Miss Rose MEYERS of Salem, Ills., were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. C. B. WINTER of the M. E. church. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. W. McMACKIN and first met Mr. KENNEDY three years ago while visiting here. She is both beautiful and accomplished, and possesses in a rare degree those traits of character that will make her an amiable and loving wife. The groom has been a resident of Lake City for nearly four years and by his genial disposition and gentlemanly manner has won the confidence and respect of the entire community and as this worthy young couple start on life's voyage under the most favorable circumstances, surrounded by friends, their lot is a happy one; and, while life has its shadows as well as its joys we believe we voice the sentiment of all our people in whishing Mr. and Mrs. J. D. KENNEDY a happy and prosperous journey along lifes pathway. They were the recipients of many costly ad handsome presents as tokens of esteem from their friends. Mr. and Mrs. KENNEDY will go to housekeeping and will soon be "at home" to their many friends.

Wilson Calvin BUTRICK, at the home of Leonard LOTT, 14 miles north-west of Lake City, at 10 o'clock Thursday night, Apr. 16th, age, 55 years and 3 months. Wilson Calvin BUTRICK was born in Crawford county, Penn., August 11th., 1840. He was for 35 years a resident of Carroll county, moving to Calhoun county four years ago where he had since resided. Mr. BUTRICK was an honest, industrious, unpretentious man whose word was always taken with credence. The funeral was held at the M. E. church near Kendall bridge at 1 o'clock, Saturday, April 18th. The funeral sermon was preached by Benan SAULISBURY of the Latter Day Saints, with which Church Mr. BUTRICK had been affiliated for the past twenty-five years.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County