Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
Nov. 9, 1893

Eggs are worth 18 cents per dozen.

Butter of good quality brings 20 cents now.

G. E. HANEY, of Manson, was a Lake City visitor today.

Hogs are quoted at $5.50 this morning, with a downward tendency.

HANSEN and MADSEN have on hand, the best grade of buck wheat flour.

Go to HUTCHINSON and WHITE for fresh, staple and fancy groceries.

Mrs. C. E. SYVERSON returned from Eldora last Saturday accompanied by her sister.

Rev. John A. KETTLE and wife, of Lohrville, visited Tuesday with Rev. C. B. WINTER and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. COLEMAN visited in Eagle Grove and other parts of Wright county last week.

Dr. BARTHOLOMEW will preach in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening. All are cordially invited.

Latest reports give the intelligence that Gov. BOLES is much better, and hopes are entertained for his speedy recovery.

T. B. HOTCHKISS and S. S. BELLESFIELD drove over to Pomeroy today. They will return tomorrow accompanied by F. W. SPRAGUE

Election returns and the additional work incident to change of the management of the GRAPHIC makes us one day late with the GRAPHIC this week.

The marriage of Mr. Frank WORTH and Miss Laura YOUNG took place at the residence of the bride's parents two and half miles north of town last Wednesday, Nov. 1. R. H. ROSS performed the sermony which made the contracting parties husband and wife.

The bride is a young lady well known in this community, and highly esteemed for her many excellent qualities and sweet disposition. She has been connected with the Presbyterian church for a number of years.

Mr. Worth is a farmer living near town. He is quite well known and has many friends. (Cannot read the end of article)

Teachers in Calhoun county Schools
Martha McCurdy
Abbie E. Curtis
Gert'de Van Houser
Minnie Patrick
Oney Price
Belle Robertson
Mattie E. Campbell
M. F. Morgan, Prin.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
November 23, 1893


B.A.A.C. Mc MACKIN Bros., exclusive agents

Dr. R. G. PINNEY, dentist, Lake City will visit Lohrville every Tuesday.

LOSEE has the exclusive sale of the "Comrade." Smoke it.

Johnathan BISHOP has accepted the Camp Creek school for the winter, and will take charge of it next Monday.

Revs. WINTER and VAN HORNE are conducting a series of protracted meetings at the Cottonwood church, four and half miles west of town.

Brakeman Lewis SULLIVAN, who has been very sick with pheumonia, is now on the mend, and it is hoped he will soon be able to be out again.

Mrs. Walter LEVEY is now lying quite low with pneumonia. The turn of the disease is awaited with much apprehension, but all hope for her recovery.

Contractor Ernest BERRY, returned last Tuesday, from Appanoose county, Iowa, where he has been since spring putting in several miles of railroad grades.

Brakeman E. F. SMITH, who lost a leg in the recent railroad wreck near Dayton, was able to ride out last Sunday. It is a pleasure to chronicle his speedy recovery.

The Good Templars of Lake city invite all friends of the cause to meet with them at their hall next Friday evening at 7:30. This meeting is for all who desire to come.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City Iowa
November 30, 1893

In accordance with the proclamation of the president and governor, the GRAPHIC force will take a rest tomorrow, in thankfulness for past favors received and in hopeful anticipation for the future. All people have much to be thankful for, and all business should be suspended for a few hours, and thanks given to the giver of every good and perfect gift for the blessing of the past year.

Last Thursday, while working around the gearing of a windmill at his place, five miles northeast of Lake City, Mr. W. P. MAPLE had the misfortune to get his left hand caught and badly lacerated. Medical assistance was immediately summoned, when it was found necessary to amputate the little finger and part of the middle finger. Dr. McVAY did the dressing act and Mr. MAPLE is now as well as could be expected.

Robert GABRIEL, of Armstong, Iowa, for many years a resident of Lake City, and a jeweler by trade, was married last Tuesday to Miss KEGLEY, or Ledyard, Iowa, also a former resident of this place, and a milliner.

Mr. and Mrs. GABRIEL will make their home at Armstrong, where Mr. GABRIEL has a fine jewelry store and is doing a good business. Their host of friends in Lake City will wish them a joyous voyage o'er life's matrimonial sea, and substantial financial success as well.

On Tuesday afternoon a number of ladies met and organized a "Benevolent Society" for the purpose of aiding any in our vicinity who are in need. Any person knowing people who should receive help will confer a favor by reporting to any of the following committee who will also gladly receive contributions: Mesdames R.A. SMITH, R.L. McCORD, A. H. GRANT, A. C. CURTIS, J. WILSON, Ira R. ARNEY, G. C. SMITH, J. O. WHITE, Bierly, B. F. REYNOLDS, Miss Maggie McCRARY, Miss Ruby RICE.


Attend the union thanksgiving service at the Methodist church tomorrow.

Rev. S. W. STEELE, of Estherville, will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sabbath.

Geo. VOGEL has erected a neat little barn on his property opposite the U. B. church.

Timothy MURPHY, of Ottumwa, has been employed by Geo. L. GABRIEL in his cigar factory.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BURLEY rejoice over the arrival of a fine baby boy at their home on Monday last.

Don't fail to see the new line of Hanging Lamps, Chamber Sets and Fancy Dishes at HANSEN and EAKIN'S.

Ye editor and family are moving into the Pangborne property, one block north and one-half block east of square.

Harvey CHAFEE has accepted the position vacated by the resignation of Chas. DANIELS in Cretzler Bros. Store.

E. F. HAYWARD sold fifteen tailor systems for dress cutting last week, and taught the same number of persons how to use them.

Our town is full of ailing people, the grip again engaging the attention of many. We had hoped this scourge was a thing of the past.

Miss Catherine HUNTER, who has been teaching in Carroll township this fall, will teach a winter term in Calhoun county near Lake City. - Carroll Herald.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. CAVETT, father and mother of Dr. CAVETT, have located in Lake City, and are living in the McKANE residence east of Emporium block.

The Citizens' Bank has just received one of the Smith-Premier type-writers. It is a dandy, and the people at the bank are well pleased, as they ought to be.

H. W. NOBLE, managing Plumber for the Paige Company of Sioux City, is on the ground to put in the water-works extension, and now the dirt will fly so as to complete the work this fall.


Dr. COLVIG is visiting at Jefferson this week.

Frank KETTLES went to Des Moines last Friday.

T. B. HOTCHKISS returned from New York Tuesday.

Isadore MENDELSSOHN is visiting friends in this city.

Miss Mae STRONG is spending the week in Jefferson.

Rev. C. A. BERGER, of Sac City was a Lake City visitor last Friday.

Joe CARTER, the tonsorial artist at Dayton was over to see "the boys", on Sunday.

Miss Minnie GABRIEL, who has been employed at dressmaking at Fonda during the summer and fall, came home on Monday.

Walter J. THOMPKINS, a former conductor on this division, but now running north from Eagle Grove, was shaking hands with the boys her last Friday.

Mrs. Emily TOWNSEND, and daughter, Mrs. J. V. ROWE, mother and sister of W. A. TOWNSEND arrived at the home of the latter last Saturday. Mrs. TOWNSEND will make her home with her son during the winter. Mrs. ROWE, after a short visit returned to Early.

Chas. DANIELS, salesman for CRETZLER Bros., has resigned his position and gone to his former home at Mitchellville, Iowa. Mrs. DANIELS has made many friends while sojourning among us, who will regret his departure.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing term at the meeting of Cyprus Chapter No. 90, R. A. M., last Wednesday evening:
Geo. C. HILL, E. S.
V. W. COOK, Treas.
E. W. TOWNSEND, Sec'y.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County