Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
June 22, 1893

Rev. and Mrs. STOPHLET are enjoying a visit from the parents and two sisters of Mrs. S. They are Mr. And Mrs. Wm. GAILEY and Misses Stella and Nettiel Gailey, and their home is at Orrville, Ohio. The young ladies are engaged as teachers in the Mary Allen seminary, of Crockett, Texas.

P. S. MILES was at Manson over Sunday.

Mrs. DOLLMEYER returned to De Kalb last Friday.

Ray MOSELEY of Auburn, was in the city over Sunday.

Miss Mabel GARNER visited friends at Lohrville last week.

G. C. SMITH arrived home from his Chicago trip Monday.

The town received its new road grading machine last week.

EGNLESBY BROS. Are prepared to furnish pure ice for family use.

Dr. McVAY is giving his home residence a thorough repainting.

Mr. And Mrs. A. B. LOSEE started for the world's fair last Saturday.

Dr. R. G. PINNEY, dentist, Lake City will visit Lohrville every Tuesday.

S. N. EARLE went to Chicago with a car load of horses last Saturday night.

Mr. And Mrs. John BENTENBENDER visited friends at Coon Rapids last week.

Gus. GOFF began an engagement in J. O. SMITHS grocery store last Friday.

Capt. Sam GOODWIN is building a new house in Moody and Davy's addition.

A sister of John CHURCHILL, from down the road, made him a pleasant visit last week.

BROWN, the barber, and Jess COPIO (?) went to Lake View Monday on a fishing and outing excursion.

Mrs. F. A. BARNES, of Roanoke, Virginia, accompanied by her son Charles and daughter Louse, is visiting her brothers, Mrs. J. J. and S. T. HUTCHINSON, and families.

Miss Lizzie STROUSE, of this city and Mr. ATKINS, of Lincoln, Neb., were married Tuesday evening at the home of Elder ROSS. The happy couple left Wednesday for Lincoln.

Mrs. Emma CHAFFIN, of Santa Maria California, a sister of the STEWART brothers, is here for a few weeks visit. She will extend her trip to the world's fair before returning home.

A very pleasant party of young people was handsomely entertained last evening by Mr. And Mrs. L. E. NOKES, at their home.

Fred McMACKIN is expected home today from his visit to his old Illinois home and the world's fair.

E. L. CLARK, of Algona, is visiting his brother, John CLARK, near Lake City.

Mrs. W. C. SNYDER went last week on a visit to relatives and friends in Waterloo.

W. A. TOWNSEND went east Monday to meet Mrs. TOWNSEND and visit the world's fair.

The Missess HOCKETTS, of Toledo, cousins of Mrs. Arthur WICK, are here for a two weeks' visit.

Mrs. C. E. MAXIM returned last Saturday to her home at Winona, Minn., after a pleasant week's visit with her sister, Mrs. H. M. BURT.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County