Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
Dec. 21, 1893

N. A. MORRISON is now occupying the MENDELSSOHN property in northeast part of town.

G. H. GREEN has moved in the BALDWIN house at southeast corner of school ground.

The council of Sac City has passed an ordinance prohibiting the licensing or running of billiard and pool tables.

T. P. GREGG, of Lake Creek township has purchased the WILCOX property in the north part of town, and expects to move into it in February.

W. TYSON, of Manson, is canvassing lake City in the interest of weather strips on doors, which excludes every particle of wind from the house through such an opening. It is a new device, practical and unique. Don't fail to see them.

Rev. S. W. STEELE, of Estherville, Iowa, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday morning and evening. His discourses gave evidence of biblical research, and were delivered with much force, carrying conviction. As previously announced, the pulpit was formally declared vacant, and the session empowered to supply the pulpit until the spring meeting of Presbytery. However, should the congregation decide to call a pastor, a special meeting of Presbytery can be convened.

On next Sabbath, Rev. J. M. LINN, president of Buena Vista college, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Prof. LINN is a very able divine, and should have a large congregation.

Miss Mable BURT returned from Mt. Vernon, Iowa, yesterday, where she has been attending Cornell college, one of the best institutions of learning in the state. The disposition of the young ladies and gentlemen to get a finished education is a very laudable ambition, and is always helpful in raising the tone of any community. We wish that every young person might be able to secure a complete collegiate course.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County