Iowa Old Press

The Lake City Graphic
Calhoun Co. Iowa
August 24, 1893

They are becoming too Common for comfort in Iowa.
It Makes too Great a Temptation for the Tramps and Thieves—Terrible Tragedy at Cherokee—Robberies at Fort Dodge and Dallas Center. It would seem that the people throughout the country who have been drawing their money from banks that are absolutely sound and secreting it at their homes or in out-of –the –way places, thus throwing out as it were a standing challenge for thieves and tramps to scour the country and commit depredations in search of plunder, would begin to feel anything but proud of what they are accomplishing. But for their action the banks would be all right, and in most cases they are anyway, but business is greatly hampered by the withdrawal of money from the usual channels and the crimes which are being committed in the hope of securing hidden treasure are becoming really appalling. The following are only a few examples of what are being reported by the newspapers every day. They should remind everyone who has drawn his money from the bank that he may be a marked man, and there is no telling when his turn may come:


CHEROKEE, Aug. 17, Special: Martin Shultz and wife were murdered last night at their house, sixteen miles southwest of this city, in the most brutal manner. They had the appearance or being killed with a hammer or club. Mr. Shultz was in bed when found, with his skull crushed. Mrs. Shultz laid outside the door and had several bad bruises about the head. Six teeth were found on the floor where she had fallen, her head being pounded to a jelly. The motive was robbery, as the house had been ransacked from one end to the other. It is thought that the murderers succeeded in finding about $300 or $400, as an empty pocketbook as well as other indications pointed to this fact. The sum of $895 was found untouched in the house this morning.

Omaha Bee: Plumton Babcock, a wealthy farmer of Calhoun county, Iowa, is the defendant in a rather sensational lawsuit which has just been filed in the district court of Council Bluffs by Mrs. Jennie Babcock. He and his wife were married in Rockwell City, in Calhoun county, June 9, 1892, but lived together less than a year, the cruelty and systematic abuse which the husband systematically visited upon the wife causing her to leave home the April following the marriage. About three weeks of separation ensued, during which time the defendant, according to the story told by Mrs. Babcock in her petition, put in his best licks to effect a reconciliation. Upon his promising never to mistreat her again she returned to his home and dismissed the divorce suit which she had commenced a few days before. He then renewed his abuses, she says, choking her, calling her vile names, threatening to kill her, accusing her of unchastity, and compelling her to do all sorts of labor when her health was bad. He taunted her on account of her return, telling her the only reason he had urged her to come back was that he might get out of paying her the alimony which a court would be likely to exact from him, and telling her that after she had come back to his home she could never get a divorce, and that he could do as he pleased with her. Mrs. Babcock gives her husband’s personal property as $10,000 and his real estate as $ 16,000 more. Besides these amounts she says he has property enough to bring the total amount up to the $40,000 or $50,000. She demands a monthly allowance or $200, pending the final settlement of the lawsuit, besides $2,000 for attorney fees and $500 for the expense of securing witnesses. She also demands a judgment of $2,500 for permanent alimony.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
Aug. 31, 1893

M. S. KING went to Columbia, Missouri, Monday, to take charge of his school at that place.

Mrs. WILCOX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. DENNY, returned to her home at Renwick, Tuesday.

Sheriff STEWART was in town Monday, looking after his interests as a candidate for re-election.

H. H. FEIGE and wife are visitors in Des Moines this week, with relatives and taking in the state fair.

During the next three weeks I will offer for sale my farm, 41/2 miles southeast of Lake City. F. M. McCAULLEY.

Mrs. John GUENTHER and Mrs. W. C. GUENTHER are visiting the state fair and relatives in Des Moines this week.

Mr. F. W. SPRAGUE, editor of the GRAPHIC, is engaged in work at Pomeroy and will be out of the city for several weeks.

Mrs. M. G. SACRIDER will have new goods in this week. Wait and see the latest styles. First door north of post office.

Misses VINNIE and Myrtle MOWRY left last week for Cassopolis, Mich. Where the former is engaged as teacher in the city schools.

J. B. SCOTT left Wednesday for Oklahoma. The Cherokee strip opens up on the 19th and Mr. SCOTT expects to get a share of the land.

G. G. HADDEN and family returned Monday from their visit with relatives in Kansas. They report crops in bad condition in portions of that state.

H. B. FARMER, proprietor of the steam laundry at Odebolt, was burned out recently. Mr. FARMER was formerly a resident of this place and will come her to live.

The Lake city public school opened Monday with a good enrollment.

Mrs. J. W. WILSON visited friends at Dayton last week.

Mrs. Walt TOMPKINS visited friends in the city, Tuesday.

Mrs. F. W. SPRAGUE is visiting her parents in Des Moines.

Mrs. C. L. SYVERSON visited her parents at Eldora, last week.

Frank LOGSDON and family started for the world's fair last Thursday.

Look at LASEL and CHAPMAN'S new line of fancy dishes, water sets, etc.

A new and fresh line of jewelry and watches just received at H. H. FEIGE'S.

Call on ARNEY BROS. & CRAWFORD for four ton Scales and Wind mills.

E. E. OLIVER returned Monday after a two weeks' visit with relatives in Eagle Grove.

Frank SIFFORD has just completed a large new addition to his farm house north of town.

Messrs. LAVENDER and CASE were down from Rockwell Monday, looking after political matters.

Try our Medelia flour. It is the very best. Try a sack. A. H. GRANT AND SON.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County