Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
May 14, 1891

Haggard is this week building the brick walls for an addition to the Hayward residence 16x34

Somebody's team ran away Monday morning and dumped a load of hay into D. H. Parker's door yard.

Dr. McMackin observes that no one has thrown a stone through his street lamp for the past two weeks or more.

Veterinary Surgeon Hutchinson has a great ride this season, and people have great confidence in his skill in his profession.

The annual Congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday p.m. of next week the 19 at 2 o'clock. All members are expected to be present.

Screen doors and windows are now being put in place for the summer and the ice men are getting ready to descend upon the populace.

The Republican State Convention will be held at Cedar Rapids July 1st. Attorney general Stone is to be temporary chairman.

A girl baby arrived this week at the home of Mr. And Mrs. A. B. Losee. " Grandpa" McVay is probably as happy as any of the interested parties in this event.

The Ft. Dodge Collegiate Institution may change its location. The Ft. Dodge Collegiate Institution was established five years ago and has grown continually in attendance and influence. It is under the care of the Presbyteries of Ft. Dodge and Sioux City. It has become evident that the college has a bright future, and that the development of it into a large and influential institution, commanding a great number of students, will be limited only by adequate facilities for their accommodation. A larger building is needed at once. The Presbyteries having it in charge have announced the fact and propositions are coming in from other places. The town of Rolfe has offered a ten-acre site and $17,000.00 to be used in the construction of a building. Storm Lake having heard of this possible change of location has offered a beautiful site consisting of ten acres overlooking the lake a college building proper to cost no less that $20,000., a ladies' dormitory to cost not less than $5,000 and a dormitory for gentlemen to cost not less $5,000; the buildings to be completed by September 125, 1891. A meeting of the two Presbyteries has been called to convene in Storm Lake on next Monday evening when the offers from the different localities will be considered and location finally determined.

Local Mention

Cheap John did the town Monday.

Olmstead sold three organs last week.

Frank King has returned to Cincinnati.

W. H. Canfield is painting his residence.

Frank Roosa is nearly laid up with the grip.

Recorder Scott and family were in town yesterday.

The Bradley outfit is in Auburn moving buildings.

Geo. Kepner has a young hay maker at his house.

S. S. Fields has put up a gay awning, 4th of July color.

The grounds of the Pangborn residence are being graded.

Toliver sold his carriage horse yesterday to a Boston buyer.

John Iler is almost on crutches, the result of a sprained ankle.

H. A. Hamm reports 120 young pigs at his farm of extra fine breeding.

Dr. Cavett assisted Dr. Wright at Carroll in a surgical operation Tuesday.

L. C. Quiggle has rock piled upon his lots in south-west town road for building.

A little babe, child of Mr. And Mrs. G. D. Mabee was buried last Saturday.

Mrs. J. Inman, the lady who has opened the confectionery room at Mendlesshon's brick, is from Pierre, Dakota, and was directed to locate here by her son who resides in Des Moines.

Cy Smith keeps seven cats, Rev. Stophlet left his fish on the grass near the barn while he unhitched his horse one evening late. The seven cats gobbled the fish.

C. H. Taylor's new residence in southwest town is a much larger house than we had anticipated it to be before seeing it. It has full cellar walls throughout is two stories high and will be when completed one of the best in town.

Sheriff Stewart left Rockwell City at 6:30 Tuesday morning and drove to Fonda, Pocahontas county, thence to Auburn, Sac county, thence to Lake City arriving at 1:30 p.m. Here he took dinner and returned to Rockwell City, arriving at 6:30 p.m.

Frank L. Fifield, a compositor on the Sioux City Journal, dropped dead from heart disease Tuesday afternoon while attending a meeting of the Typographical Union of Sioux City. Mr. Fifield served his apprenticeship as a printer in the office of the Calhoun County Journal when it was published at Pomeroy by the present publisher of The Graphic.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


The Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
May 28, 1891

Mr. Abe White's new house in south-west town is up and enclosed.

Robt. Gabriel has embarked in the jewelry business at Farnhamville.

Guenther's restaurant has taken in more shelving and been nicely painted.

Mrs. A. J. Scott and son, H. A., were in the city yesterday from the Hub.

We are pleased to note that Mr. M. Easton is greatly improving in health.

E. W. Townsend was at the Hub yesterday, in company with Elbert Flinn.

C. S. Hopkins is putting up a handsome wove wire fence about his grounds.

Josiah Hartley has gone to Kansas City for a few days, to return Saturday.

M. K. Snyder has been wearing a crutch on account of a kick received from a horse.

Lue Bradley, the cutter at Englesby's market, is a home again after a three weeks lay off.

A Gypsy camp is located in Lake Creek timber near town, trading horses and begging ham bones.

Judge Early throws open his spacious residence grounds for use in celebrating the 4th at Sac City.

There will be no difficulty this year in procuring a plentiful supply of the necessary material for decorative purposes on memorial day. The woods are alive with ferns and flowers.

Mrs. W. C. Hungerford has returned from her ten days visit at Belle Plaine. Her brother E. N. Brown, who is yardmaster at What Cheer, returned with her and made a short visit.

Either Mr. Moody or Mr. Davy will be in town next Saturday, on business connected with their town lots. Parties interested in dealing direct with the proprietors of the new addition please take notice.

Lake City people have been doing good work beautifying the Lake Creek cemetery this spring. It will be well, reader, if you have a lot in this cemetery to see that it is put in presentable from before memorial day, Saturday.

W. C. Snyder, editor of the Lake City Blade, was in the city Monday, procuring bills for the Fourth of July celebration at the place. Hon. J. P. Dolliver, congressman from the Tenth Iowa District will be orator of the day.

Local Mention

C. F. Mighell is visiting in Sycamore, Ills.

Dr. McMackin has been fixing up his store room.

The season for gathering maple seeds has arrived.

F. D. Williams is off duty on account of ill health.Arthur D. Whittemoe has returned to Utica, N. Y.

Geo. L. Brower is at home at 703 7th street Des Moines.

J. H. Gortner visited in Fontanette for the past week.

Frank Morse is with H. H. Feige in the jewelry business.

Nels Jensen has purchased lot 5, block 8, Moody's addition.

Frank Roosa has purchased lot 7, block 5, Moody's addition

Charley Hill returned from Arkansas with Cy. Fulkerson, jr.

A boy baby was born to Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Ross Monday night.

Mr. And Mrs. Frank Cloud are the happy parents of a new girl baby.

S. A. Smith has built a new sidewalk at his place in south town.

Lasell & Chapman have purchased lot 6, block 5, Moody's addition.

West & Son completed the Clark Smith residence building yesterday.

J. M. Horigan's family have been wrestling with measles successfully.

It is pronounced "Fi-ga" - the name of our new jeweler, H. H. Feige.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County