Iowa Old Press

Lake City graphic
Lake City, Iowa
June 4, 1891

L. P. ELLIOTT has bought the Browning town lots west of the north church.

Miss Zelma ZEDIKER was presented with a fine piano yesterday by her mother.

J. H. GORTNER returned from Fontanelle, Friday, with an elegant bay driving team.

The Lake City schools picnicked on Coon river Wednesday. All report a pleasant time.

JACOBS blacksmith shop roof caught fire yesterday afternoon but was promptly put out.

Dr. WILDER was in town yesterday visiting the MORSE family and his many other old friends.

By the bursting of an emery wheel at Ida Grove, Will COLE, formerly of Lake City, was badly hurt.

C. F. EASTON and wife are visiting at Manson. Mrs. EASTON is about to visit relatives at Mount Forest, Ontario.

Lightning smashed some trees for Lewis LAWTON Tuesday morning. A year ago the same thing transpired at the same place.

Mrs. E. LIGHT returned home from Chicago Monday. The operation upon Her face for cancer is expected to prove effectual.

Mrs. L. F. DANFORTH arrived home last Thursday from an extended visit in the south. Her last stop in Dixie was with relatives at Vicksburg.

Fred AMES expects soon to begin the work of selling nursery stock for a Lake City, Minn., firm. It is an old established concern with a solid reputation.

At the close of the school term most of the scholars, especially the smaller ones, had so many books that they had to "Go twice" to carry them all home.

Cows tied out to graze across the streets and over sidewalks are becoming an intolerable nuisance throughout the town. The new pound will be completed in a few days.

It has finally been settled that the new sail boat, which Doctors McMACKIN and TOWNSEND will shortly launce upon the placid waters of Wall Lake shall be christened the "Paradox."

Al EVAN'S team took a run through town one afternoon last week and made things howl for a few minutes, raking out a veranda post at the Huff House and hitching posts all along the street.

An elegant supper was served at MACK'S restaurant last Tuesday evening for the Chapter Masons who were then in session. Messrs. BROWER, BRADT, LAVENDER, and KERR from the Hub were in attendance.

The democrats of Calhoun township are called to meet in caucus Saturday evening, June 13th, to select 17 delegates to the county convention to be held at Rockwell, June 20th. L. F. DANFORTH , Township committee.

A bicycle is a vehicle and is entitled to the streets and highways. The rider who can get along the sidewalk without running over people is never complained of. It is the poor rider who runs over people that is complained of.

John HANSON has traded his new red barn in north town to Greenwood for brick to be delivered on block one, Moody's addition, where he will this season build a fine residence. Greenwood will move the barn to his lots in the same addition.

Geo. C. SPRAGUE dropped in unexpectedly from Brandon, Miss., last Friday, for a brief visit, combining business with pleasure. George enjoys hugely visiting with old-time friends here, but he is a thouroughly a southerner now as is Capt. HARRIS or Patrick HENRY.

Geo. And Will MISHLER were nearly drowned in Coon river about ten days ago. One of the boys was helplessly drowning and the other went to his rescue and himself became helpless. Others of the fishing party succeeded in getting them out, but it took much lively work to resuscitate them.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County