Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 6, 1889


Too late for last week

Chess is at a discount since foot ball came.

E. SPANGLER returned from the east last week.

D. DECKER started east on a short trip last Saturday.

Quite a number of hogs were delivered her on Tuesday.

Elmer KELSEY and wife spent last Sunday in Gilmore City.

Frank EKSTRAND returned from his western trip last Friday.

Mr. WHERRY is repairing the roof of the Northwestern Hotel.

Every body has the foot ball craze in town and are kicking at all hours.

The Methodists have organized a Sunday school at their church.

Mrs. WILSON of the Northwestern hotel spent Sunday in Rockwell.

Mrs. J. G. PARKER is still on the sick list. She is under the care of Dr. McVAY.

Our new street commissioner is doing some good work on the streets this week.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave that building a thorough scrubbing out last Thursday.

One of the SIMMONS' little girls broke her arm last week by falling out of a small express wagon. She is under the care of Dr. TOWNSEND and is doing well.

Mrs. TOMPKINS came down from Lake city on Saturday of last week.

D. J. TOWNSEND shot a jack rabbit on decoration day.

Quite a number of Lohrvilleites decorated at Lake City.

The new sidewalks in front of the hotel and barber shop are appreciated.

Frank EKSTRAND drove to Lake City on Friday.

Three small flags were unfurled in Lohrville on decoration day.

J. B. CRAWFORD started for Sterling, Ill., on Friday to be gone about two weeks.

Dr. SHAFER went to Adel last Saturday returning the same day.

Ed. RITCHIE was in town Sunday and Monday.

W. J. GILLAM went to Perry on Monday where he will visit with his parents a few days.

Jno. LAMPHIER and family passed decoration day out in the country.

Jno. ALLISON has an Alaska humming bird on exhibition at his hardware store.

Geo. KNIPP is doing good work with his paint brush in various parts of town.

Deman DECKER returned on Monday from his trip east and north east.

A few Lohrville people took in the play at Lake City on Tuesday eve.

Quite a number of our young people went up to the Lakes last Sunday.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 18, 1889

Died- Almira PARKER.
Almira BROWN was born in Rutland county, Vermont, June 26. 1847. She accompanied her parents to Indiana in 1849. Was married to her now bereaved husband, James PARKER, June 25, 1866. Died at Lohrville, Iowa, June 6, 1889.
Services were held at Lohrville June 7, by Rev. E. G. Swem.
She was born into this world in the month of June and was married and died in the month of June.
Sister PARKER gave her heart to God in a meeting held in March of the present year and died in Peace. The church was too small to accommodate the many friends and neighbors who came to shed tears of sympathy with the bereaved family.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 18, 1889

On yesterday forenoon at 10:30 Mr. Grant FOX of Lake City, was married to Mrs. B. B. STEWART at the home of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MACKEY, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. FOX will take up their abode in the residence on the west side, formerly owned by Dr. G. L. SHERMAN.
We welcome them to their home in Lake City with the hope that their future may be one of unalloyed happiness. Mr. FOX will still remain with the L. F. DANFORTH business house.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 20, 1889

Married At the M. E. parsonage, Wednesday evening, June 19, at 7 o'clock, Miss Ida DAVIS to Mr. Edward TOMLINSON. Mr. Mort McCALLISTER and Miss Rachel PARKER accompanied the bridal couple.

Mr. and Mrs. TOMLINSON returned to their home in Lohrville immediately after the ceremony, where their many friends will unite with the Graphic in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 20, 1889

Married - At the M. E. parsonage, Tuesday morning at half-past ten, Miss Maggie RESSLER to Mr. Ernest McCREADY, both parties of Lohrville. Lorenzo DECKER and Miss McCREADY accompanied the bride and groom.

The Graphic extends to the happy couple its hearty congratulations.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
June 27, 1889

Emiline S. HARRIS, born August 13, 1808, in state of New York, died June 22, 1889, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Rev. A. T. WILKINS, near Lake City, Iowa. She was converted in 1882 and has been a member of the church for fifty-six years. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon, June 23, at the Cottonwood Church. Sister HARRIS died in great peace having been a consistent Christian. She had triumph in death. She said to her daughter, "the other world is a mystery to some people but to me it is very bright and there is a shining path which leads to glory." She remarked to her son-in-law, 'I am almost home, I shall be so glad when it is all over and I am at rest." Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. E.G.S.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County