Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
August 1, 1889

BALDWIN & EVANS have just put up a large sausage machine, which will save much labor. This machine is big enough for the largest dogs and cats to be put in whole.

Mr. Eugene GLINES took the train Tuesday afternoon for Lake City, Minn., where he will visit a few days return with Mrs. GLINES and children who preceded him some weeks.

The north brick yard is putting out a large lot of brick for the school house contractor and will have them burned and delivered on the school grounds by the 1st of September.

The candid say of Mr. N. R. HUTCHINSON for the office of Auditor is received with considerable favor in all parts of the county. N. R. will poll a good vote. See his card I card column.

The temperance orator James M. DUNN, closed his very successful series of meetings at the M. E. church on Monday evening. Mr. DUNN is an interesting speaker and is power for good wherever he goes.

Young David EATON was up from Glidden last week on his bycicle (sic) and remained over Sabbath visiting Allen CHAFEE'S. Mr. EATON makes ten miles per hour upon his wheel over country roads with perfect ease.

Fireman Fred WESTERING has purchased the lot adjoining the Poland place on the west from W. A. TOWNSEND and will build a residence there. Mr. T. reserved the red barn and will move it to some other point.

Doctor WILDER and wife of Kingsley, former residents of Lake City, visited the MORSE family last week. Mrs. WILDER and Mrs. MORSE are sisters. We are pleased to know that Dr. WILDER has prospered well since leaving here.

The Journal gives an obituary notice of Mr. William JUDGE, who died Sunday night, July 21, in his 59th year. Deceased has resided in Calhoun county since 1856. The Journal says "Mr. JUDGE organized the first Sunday school in Lake City and for many years proved himself to be a capable, earnest and successful worker in that most excellent cause, and to the hour of his death retained a lively interest in the cause of morality and religion."

REAMES.- Lilly May REAMES daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. REAMES, died at her home near Chadron, Nebraska, July 19th, 1889. She was born Oct. 23, 1888. Age 8 months and 26 days. Her funeral services were held at the house on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the pastor of the M. E. Church. He read from the 90th Psalm and a part of 1st Corinthians. They have the sympathy of relatives and the entire community. She leaves a father, mother and brother to mourn her loss, but they know she is safe in the arms of Jesus and that they will meet her again in Heaven.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
August 15, 1889

Mrs. C. CONNERS of Chicago, sister of Mrs. W. F. MARCY, who has been visiting here for the past six weeks, returned home today. Mrs. MARCY and family will accompany her and visit friends in Janesville, Wis., and Chicago and will return home about the 1st of September.

A genuine Attraction- Union Square Cabin Company at Smith's Opera Hall Thursday evening August 22d.

Wm. REX of Auburn is attending a sick horse for Mr. SNELLBACHER.

A. T. WILLIAMS is constructing a new barn.

The rain Tuesday evening stopped threshing and stacking for a few days.

Amos HOLLISTER'S threshing machine is laid off for repairs.

Richard BUNTING has rented his home farm to Theo SNELLBACHER for three years.

We are in receipt from Bonus, Ills, of an invitation to attend the wedding of cousin Kate L. SANFORD to Mr. Geo. A. KENNEDY, the event to take place at the hospitable home of the parents of the bride, Mr. And Mrs. S. D. SANFORD on Wednesday evening Sept. 4, 1889, at 8 o'clock p.m. We would much love to accept.

A commendation- To whom it may concern. I hereby certify that I employed Sam'l HAVERFIELD as auctioneer at my late auction sale and that his services were entirely satisfactory. I recommend him to all parties wishing the services of a first class auctioneer.

Died- Elias MARKSAN, aged 19 years, a native of Russia, came to U. S. in April 1888, died in Lake City, Iowa, Sunday, Aug. 11th, at 10 o'clock p.m., of a disease by doctors pronounced to be contagious and was buried at 10 o'clock a.m. Deceased was a first cousin to B. MENDLESSOHN born of Jewish parents and brought up in that faith.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
Aug. 22, 1889

Col. J. M. ROCKWELL and E. J. PRICE were in town Saturday morning in quest of a single family driving horse.

Wall lake came down and played the Lake City 2d nine last Thursday. The score stood 13 to 22 in favor the Lakes.

The store room lately occupied by Mr. LOVCHINSKY is all ready except the painting for it's new occupants, MENDLESOHN & COHEN.

J. L. JONES has been farming a little this summer. Among his experiments he threshed 21 bushels of oats from one town lot 4 x 8 rods in size.

M. A. W. JACKSON, formerly of the LEADER at the Hub, was in the county visiting on Sunday, taking the train west Monday for home at Ord, Neb.

Mr. A. HOPKINS and wife, Mrs. John HUFF, Mr. And Mrs. N. BILNEY and Charles West return today or tomorrow from a sojourn at Twin Lakes.

Mr. Geo. HIGGINS and his calvacade of men commenced work on the McMillen block Monday. Mr. HIGGINS is an artist in his line and his work speaks for itself.

Hugh CHAMBERS and family drove over to Pomeroy Tuesday where Mrs. CHAMBERS took the train for Freeport, Ills. To remain four or five weeks. Mr. CHAMBERS will follow her in a few days.

Robert BUCHANAN the celebrated play actor and violin soloist, is coming this way again. He has a new play that he is going to put on the boards, entitled "The Fireman's Ward". We sincerely hope he will get dates here.

Mr. and Mrs. E. W. TOWNSEND and daughter took the train west Tuesday afternoon for Linwood, Nebr., for a visit with W. D. ENGLESBY and family. E. W. will take a look a the country visiting SPRAGUE at Rushville.

Messrs. KREGER and THRASHER with their familie will "camp a little while in the wilderness" at Lake View.

Hon. T. P. DANIELS and wife, of Mitchellville, are here for a few weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. W. C. GUENTHER.

Mrs. V. W. COOK has been visiting her parents in Jackson this week, and V. W. has done the act bacheloric at the city hotel.

Miss Nellie CUSHMAN went east yesterday for a visit in Crawfordswille, Ind. She will tarry a few days with friends in Chicago.

Mr. B. MENDELSSOHN settled the bill at the Huff House in full, growing out of the illness and death of his cousin, there, at $150.00.

Mr. L. W. MOODY of Pomeroy was calling on friends about town today. He came down yesterday. Mrs. Amanda RIDGEWAY came with him and will visit her parents for a few days.

HOPKINS and Son have the biggest stock of furniture ever before shown in the town and doubtless the largest in the county. Their prices will favorably compare with any western town.

The Carroll races Sep. 16 to 19.

T. H. WHERRY was in town Tuesday night.

Kendall Bridge campmeeting will draw big crowds.

Democratic State convention at Sioux City, Stp. 18.

Mr. Ira B. ARNEY has returned from a lengthy visit in and about Marshalltown.

Conductor Wm. ERB and wife move into the new Townsend block September 1st.

Mrs. P. SMITH and Mrs. E. J. ELLISON are enjoying the hospitalities of Colfax Springs.

Mr. L. E. NOKES is at Danbury for six or eight weeks taking charge of the station.

J D. SAGGAN, formerly of Lake City, is a candidate for clerk of the courts in his home county in Colorado.

Wild plums are ripe.

Uncle Tom's Cabin tonight.

The ice supply is running short.

Farmers picnic at Twin Lakes next Thursday.

Charles OLISBEE, of Cassopolis, Mich., is dead.

Carl SMITH is visiting in Chicago and Sycamore.

Hon. J. M. TOLIVER and wife passed Sabbath in Jefferson..

The birth of a babe at the home of Wm. OSBORNE is announced.

One of the Townsend store rooms has been rented to a foreign party.

Mr. B. B. BLACKSTONE, of Garfield township, was in town last evening.

M. MERRIAM has over one hundred bushels of the Duchess apple this year.

Mrs. ATKINSON and children returned Saturday from their visit to Jamaica.

Dr. McVAY and wife and Mrs. LOSEE leave for Milwaukee on Saturday afternoon.

Granville SMITH is off for a visit to Neenah Wisconsin. He will take in Milwaukee.

Mr. Chas. S. EASTMAN and wife are expected home from the east the last of the week.

Mr. Eugene GLINES and family returned from Lake City, Minnesota, Tuesday afternoon.

Mr. Thos. McCRARY will start next Monday on a trip through Dakota, looking at the country.

Esquire ZANE came out 2d best among the thirty-six insurance agents in his district last month.

W. R. SANDY and O. E. HIBBS assisted Judge EARLE in conducting the primary election last Saturday.

Mrs. Hud STEWART and children from Pierce, Neb., is visiting relatives and friends in town and vicinity.

Mr. F. E. LAWTON found a lady's pocketbook last week. It may be recovered on proof of ownership.

Mr. H. F. JACOBS was nominated last Saturday for Supervisor in the 3d district and A. F. StONEBRAKER in the 5th.

Mr. P. S. MILES was elected Marshal and Street Commissioner at a special meeting of the town council yesterday in place of Mr. HARSHBARGER, resigned.

Miss (?) SMITH'S party at her home on last Friday upon the occasion of her 18th birthday, was a very enjoyable affair. Some thirty young ladies and gentlemen were present.

J. L. TOMPKINS has a hen that out did Tanner two to one. The hen was fastened up in a solid compartment under a barn on the 14th day of May last where she remained until the 18th of August without having had anything to eat. The hen came out able to resume her former avocations.


The GABRIEL building is complete.

The school house brick are ready for delivery.

The MOSELEY residence is ready for occupancy.


Dr. McMACKIN and family expect to break camp and return to Lake City on Friday.

The HOTCHKISS family pulled up their tents and went home on Tuesday having had a pleasant ten days camp life and boating.

What a crowd we had here Sunday last. At one o'clock p.m. four hundred teams were counted. By a fair estimate two thousand people were present. The crowd was so great that the supply of well water was exhausted early in the day. Such a calamity will not be allowed to occur again.


Camp Meeting at Kendall Bridge, Sept. 5th 1889. A camp meeting of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will open at Kendall Bridge camp grounds Sept. 5th 1889, to continue over Sabbath or perhaps a week. Some of the best speakers of the church will be present. All are invited to attend regardless of sect or belief.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


The Lake City Graphic
Lake City Iowa
Aug. 29, 1889

GREEN BROS.. Purchased of Colonel BLANDEN, of Manson, Iowa, last Saturday, the fine two year old standard bred trotting stallion, Arno, for which they paid $500.00.

J. H. RUSSELL and family have been living partly in a tent pitched in the dooryard for some time past while painting and reconstruction has been going on in their residence.

The Uncle Tom’s Cabin company at SMITH’S Opera Hall last Thursday evening was fairly good. Their scheme of giving away a hundred tickets to young ladies in the country is a success in getting young people from the country to the show. The donkey was great in the street parade but did not appear behind the curtain.

Rev. YOUNG of Stratford, concluded his efforts at the Twin Lakes Camp meeting by a trip to Sac City, where he clandestinely walked off with a child four years old who had lived with his (YOUNG’S ) parents since it was but a few days old. The elder YOUNG and wife followed to Twin Lakes to recover the child but the Rev. YOUNG by the use of a boat eluded the pursuers and at last accounts was still in possession. We hear that the child was his own, its mother, the first wife of Rev. YOUNG, being dead.

Fresh Vaccine Virus at McMACKIN’S drug store on Saturday. Children must have Certificates of Vaccination before entering the public schools.

Camp Meeting at Kendall Bridge, Sept. 5th 1889. A camp meeting of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will open at Kendall Bridge camp grounds Sept. 5th 1889, to continue over Sabbath or perhaps a week. Some of the best speakers of the church will be present. All are invited to attend regardless of sect or belief.


Beauchiful (sic) weather… Fall plowing and drawing out fertilizer is now the order of the day… Corn is getting there Ell these warm nights… Matt BURDICK is building a new house… WHEELER, the lumber man, has built an addition to his lumber shed… ATZEL and MARTIN have their scales all o.k. and are now ready to take in the hay, (I don’t mean any harm by that rhyme.)…KRUCKMAN is stacking his large crop of flax. He had two wells bored last week to supply his many bovines with water… If it is not too old I would like to mention the facts that PRINDELL has a new boy, Charlie RIENHART a girl the Rev. Hon. Washington IRVING a girl, and still they come… Orvil LEWIS has shut up his butcher shop. GRIMES now has the job of furnishing the dog, (I mean the bologna.)
Signed: Uncle Josh

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County