Iowa Old Press

Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
April 4, 1889

Capt. FITCH sold LULL two short horn heifers on Saturday that weighed 3300 lbs. An average of 1650 lbs. each.

The M. E. Sunday School will give an easter service in their church Sunday evening April 28th. All are invited.

Messrs. T. D. MURPHY and M. I. FORD are looking for work on a farm as there is no work for them on the railroad.

Mr. H. T. ANDERSON was out of town last week. He made an inspection of Ft. Dodge and visited E. G. HOLM at Badger.

Miss Amanda MOORE began the summer tern of school in Lake Creek township three miles north of town last Monday.

HOPKINS & Son are building a house at the rear of their furniture store for their new hearse that will arrive about the first of May.

There's something loose in the big wheel of the water works engine that rattles and keeps nervous people in the vicinity awake nights.

Attention of cattle men is called to the pedigree of a fine animal recently purchased at Wet Liberty by Mr. A. H. GRANT on opposite page.

The report that Mr. LOVCHINSKY will make his new store front of 7 x 9 glass is erroneous. Nothing will do Mr. L. but full plate front like the Townsend block adjoining.

Hon. Thos. BEAUMONT returned from Burlington on Saturday afternoon. While there he was elected Senior Vice Commander and President of Prisoners War Association.

Rev. W. H. TOWNSEND and wife received a telephone dispatch on Wednesday telling them to come to Scranton at once, their daughter Mrs. WILHITE, being dangerously ill.

The LOVCHINSKY block basement walls are done and ready for brick laying, which begin in a day or two. The full bill of brick is piled up alongside so there will be no delay in completing the building.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, IA
April 18, 1889

Mr. A. O. WICK received the sad news on Monday of the death of Mr. F. N. PIERCE, the young man tha accompanied him on his western trip last fall. He died at his home near Mr. Auburn, Ia., March 25th.

Mrs. S. S. FIELD will build a residence on his quarter block in Smith's addition this spring. The foundation walls will be built quite four feet high and when all is completed it will be a neat structure.

Mr. STOPHLET had WILCOX the painter, putting a new dressing of paint on the interior of the GLINES hardware store last week and so the stock was meanwhile piled up on the floor. This was as much as a match for ATKINSON'S muddle of doing business in the street.

Mr. J. F. ATKINSON went to Lohrville last Thursday afternoon where he met his wife and children who arrived from Jamaica on the narrow gauge express. The children are a baby boy aged 17 months and a little miss six years of age. The family will be at home at the G. EASTON residence after this week, The ATKINSON family are a worthy addition to our social and business community.

The sociable given by the Presbyterian ladies at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. SACRIDER last Tuesday evening was very largely attended. About one hundred persons present who enjoyed themselves in the fullest sense of the word. The cordial features of the program were given special attention and added greatly to the evenings entertainment. The young ladies deserve special mention for their success.

Married. - At the residence of the brides parents, April 11, 1889, at one o'clock p.m. Mr. Elsworth C. McLAUGHLIN and Miss Stella I. SPRINGER. There were no invited guests except Miss McLAUGHLIN, sister of the groom, from Shelby Co. The happy couple took the afternoon train for Mapleton, their future home. Lake City looses one of her choice young ladies. The groom is an extensive farmer near Mapleton, Iowa.

EASTON & WALKER BROS. Fired up the engine for the first time last Friday. The machinery moved off nicely. The force pump which raises water from the creek below the bluff works well and the boys will be ready for business in a few days. Hereafter the clay will be drawn from the bank, forty rods distant, by steam cable. The weight of the empty car will run it from the works down the hiss to the clay beds and drag the cable, dispensing with horse power entirely.

DANFORTH Getting There! Our old store building has been on the move for some days and will finally bring up standing first door west of the corner where our new building is going up. Do not think for a moment that we suspend business while the new building is going up, or that we will fail to carry our usual spring and summer stock of goods. We are right on deck as usual and will welcome all our customers at the old store while the workmen are building new quarters for our accommodation.

LASELL & CHAPMANSell the best of Flour-the best of Ham and Bacon-the very best and Freshest Canned Goods and in Groceries we keep a full and complete line. This we want you to know and fully understand, so that you may make no mistake when you come into Lake City to buy goods in our line. We are here to sell goods and we want your trade. Come in and see us.

A New Highway

Steps toward the establishment of a new highway extending from the FLEECE farm north to the old T. J. SMITH are being taken. The new road will be a great accommodation to the brick and tile company and to many other people.

A Move on the Hub.

Rockwell City is building a creamery "right now" and they want everybody to know that it will be ready for business in thirty days. Mr. Thos. TENNANT is the proprietor.

We Have Come.

We want to inform the people of Lohrville and vicinity that the portable car photograph gallery, owned by HAWKINS BROS., is established west of the post office and we are prepared to do first-class work in our line. Give us a call and we guarantee satisfaction.

Uncle Robert SHIDELER died on Tuesday morning last. The funeral will take place under the suspices of the Masonic fraternity, at or about 2 o'clock p.m. from the Presbyterian church tomarrow, Friday. Rev. D. G. YONKER, of Gowrie or Rev. SKINNER, of Manson, will officiate. The circumstances attending the demise of Mrs. and Mr. SHIDELER are heartrendering in the extreme. The obituary will appear next week.

Mr. HEEFNER Sure to Build

Mr. HEEFNER of Goshen, Ind. telegraphed Dr. McVAY on Tuesday to purchase the sand for his new brick building and have it placed on the ground at once. This will certainly remove the doubt from the minds of the people who have been thinking that possibly Mr. HEEFNER would not build this summer.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]


Lake City Graphic
Lake City, Iowa
April 25, 1889

Al EVANS says that he objects to having the roof of their Meat Market used as a gallery for the opera hall while a show is taking place. He thinks at least they might provide it with seats.

The BRADLEY moving outfit will move the W. D. COOK barn to the rear of the lot as soon as they complete the job they have on hand at present.

Foundation stone are being place on Mr. Chas. ARNOLD'S lots in Railroad Addition, preparatory to the erection of a dwelling house there this summer.

A letter from Geo. SCOTT'S outfit dated the 20th, reports them as in a crowd of four thousand boomers at Red Rook, twenty-five miles from the Oklahoma line.

People receiving circulars from the excelsior Portrait company, Chicago, have through the channel proposed an excellent chance to be "strung" as suckers.

Miss Minnie TAYLOR will teach the summer term of school at Prairie Hall. The director, is to be complimented for securing the services of such a thorough teacher.

Fishing at Coon river is pretty good, say the boys. The delegation of merchants who went to Oxenford's mill for fish didn't get many fish but started up a nice shower.

Little Ada WILHITE, of Scranton, a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. TOWNSEND, aged 8 years, died at her home on Thursday, April 18th, 1889. The funeral took place Sabbath.

Mr. W. D ENGLESBY, of Henry, Dakota, a brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Townsend, has been visiting with them the past week. Mr. ENGLESBY thinks some of locating here.

Miss Rubie WICK, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wick, has been dangrously ill the past few days. Dr. WRIGHT, of Carroll, was called in consultation with Dr. McVAY, the attending physician, on Monday.

It is to the interest of every man who has small children to send to school in Lake City to vote the tax tomorrow. The large scholars will get along just as well without more school room, but the "little tads" will suffer if the tax is defeated.

The SHIDELER homestead farm is to be kept in the family. There is grain enough in store on the farm to pay all indebtedness against the place. For this summer, the son and daughter who lived at home with their parents, will have charge of the place.

A scaffold gave way with Mr. Nathan BALES on Tuesday, while working on a building in Elm Grove township and he fell to the ground a distance of about eight feet, crushing his left ankle very badly. He was brought home and Dr. McVAY set the fracture and Mr. BALES was made as comfortable as possible.


Oats are doing splendid.

Miss Mary McVAY is sick again.

Spring plowing nearly all done.

The young lady at Mr. GORMAN'S is better.

Lige. RUSTON is building a house in Farnhamville.

Frank GILBERT has built a nice pig pen and ornamented it with a fine pig.

Our young friend, Ed. RICHER has a good job with a Marshalltown firm. Success to you Ed.

The readers of the Graphic will excuse me if some items are a little stale, as I don't go to town very often.

George SUMMERS lost his oldest boy with brain fever last week. The family have the sympathy of the entire community.

I saw in a newspaper the other day a piece on township correspondence that claimed they were a nuisance and a detriment to a paper. Now My Editor I would like to hear from you on the subject. If they are a detriment To the Graphic, say so and oblige,


Mrs. RASMESS lies dangerously ill with inflammatory rheumatism.

LUMPKIN'S orchard looks nice and green after the fire.

JOHNSON set out several hundred forest trees directly west of his house

Clem. ROBERTSON runs the plow on Saturday to harden up his muscle and give his father a rest. Good boy.

We notice Mr. David FOX has set out a lot of trees and given his house-yard a general cleaning up

Prof. COREY'S residence looks quite bachelorfied with a board off the roof.

Prairie View school house sports a new floor at the cost of $40.90.

J. L. HIBBS has a fine lot of oak and walnut posts on hand to fence his croquet ground.

Moses SHERMAN assisted your correspondent and surveyor McCLURE to lay out a road 243 rods long commencing at the southeast corner of section 5 and running due west over the lands of J. RUSSELL and J. J. HUTCHISON.

Our friend A. G. MILLER is quite a sporting character having kept his larder well stocked with wild game this spring. Owing to his modesty in not mentioning it in print, we hasten to record the same.

John RUSSELL beat all his neighbors done plowing for corn ad expects to plant this week

Mr. HOLME'S horses are afflicted with the distemper. He expects to start west soon.

Frank McCAULLEY has a contract to break all the tillable land on the quarter section south of the water tank.

Jas. RIDER, like unto your scribe has stuck his pants in his boots and rolled up his sleeves, there-by dispensing with a hired hand.

Miss Lizzie COOK is teaching her third term of school in district No. 6. She is well liked here.

John WARELINE is planting corn

GOODALE and CLARK dehorned their own cattle equal to a professional

There was a good crowd at the Pender sale and everything sold well.

Hans MADSEN is helping his father

Nancy and Alice McCAULLEY are on the sick list.

[transcribed by C.H.V., August 2003]

Iowa Old Press
Calhoun County