Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler, Iowa
February 15, 1939

Rev. Father Sheehy, Former Local Priest 20 Years, Dies.
Served as Priest for 43 Years Since Ordained at Dublin.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at Waucoma, Iowa, for Father James Sheehy, former pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church here. He passed away at his home in Waucoma Sunday evening after an illness extending over a short period. Even though he had not been in the best of health for the past few months, his death came as a surprise to his many friends and former parishioners here. He was pastor of St. Mary's church in Greene for nearly 20 years and in 1916 was transferred to Waucoma where he served up to the time of his death. Father Sheehy was born in county Claire, Ireland, May 28, 1873, completed his studies in his native land. He was ordained at All Hallows college, Dublin, Ireland, on June 20, 1896 and immediately took up his work in the archdiocese of Dubuque. He served as assistant at St. Patrick's church in Dubuque and from there he transferred to the pastorate at Greene. He is survived by a sister in New York and two sisters as well as many other relatives in Ireland. Funeral mass will be held at Waucoma on Thursday at 10 o'clock and burial will be Thursday afternoon at Mt. Olivet at Dubuque. Quite a number from Greene, including Father Hogan and Father Murphy, expect to attend the funeral services at Waucoma tomorrow.

[transcribed by C.J.L., November 2006]


Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co, Iowa
February 22, 1939

Mrs. H. Montgomery Rites Held Saturday
Was 88 Years Old on Last Birthday
Came to Butler County in 1876- Has Lived Here Since that Time

Mrs. Annie Montgomery, who has lived in Greene since 1895 with the exception of a few years spent in South Dakota and Minnesota, died Thursday afternoon at 12:30 at her home here. Mrs. Montgomery suffered a fall on July 30th in 1938 wherein she broke her hip, and from which she never fully recovered.
Rev. F.A. Munneke, assisted by Rev. Stanley Kenderdine, pastor of the Methodist church, officiated at the funeral service which were held in the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery, W.H. Cheney, R.O. Morris, Mrs. D.H. Ellis and Mrs. R.J. Pooley sang "Rock of Ages", accompanied by Mrs. Dean Belknap. Casket bearers were John Turner, Will Cheney, Lou Barth, Albert Behnke, Emil Martzahn and Bert Wilkins. Annie Alcorn, daughter of James and Mary Alcorn was born at
Londonderry, Ireland in May 1850. She came to America in 1869 and lived in Boston, Mass. for about 8 years. In 1876 she came west to visit her sister, Mrs. John Montgomery and has made her home in Butler county ever since, except for a few years spent in Minnesota and Dakota. On March 17, 1877, she was married to Henry Montgomery. To this union were born seven children, three of whom died in infancy. She was preceded in death by her husband and a son, Thomas James. She is survived by one son, Eugene, and two daughters, Emma Montgomery and Mrs. Harold Stuntz. Also nine grandchildren and three great
grandchildren. She was baptized in infancy and confirmed in the Episcopal church. In 1895 she became a member of the Presbyterian church of Greene. She was 88 years and 9 months old at the time of her death.

[transcribed by C.J.L., November 2006]

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