Iowa Old Press

The Marble Rock News
Greene, Butler co. Iowa
Devoted to the Interests of Marble Rock and Vicinity.
Wednesday, October 2, 1929

[note: Marble Rock is in Floyd co.]

Marble Rock News Briefs
- Mrs. E.J. Parcher spent Saturday in Charles City
- Mrs. Anna Ewen was a Charles City business caller Friday
- Mr. Klatt has rented the Wiloth farm in Scott township
- James Barr and William Wedeking Sr., are painting their barns
- Mr. C.C. Schaefer was a business caller at Klemme, Tuesday
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Barth were Charles City callers Saturday
- Dr. and Mrs. S.W. McNinch spent Monday evening in Mason City
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Kanter were Charles City callers, Saturday
- R.D. Walster put up an Aeromotor mill for Garry Ackley, Monday
- Eli Adams has rented Dr. Mauch's farm southwest of Marble Rock
- Dr. C.A. Wilson was a professional caller in Charles City, Monday
- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Barth spent Saturday afternoon in Charles City
-Theodore Messerschmidt shipped two cars of hogs to Chicago, Saturday
-Theordore Messerschmidt left Sunday night on a business trip to Chicago.
- J.B. Ringer, of St. Angar, former coach here, spend Sunday with Marble Rock friends.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Bower and Mr. Guy Kepple attended the funeral services for Miss Clara Harrison at Nashua, Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Barth are attending the Fall Festival at Iowa Falls.
- Will Franklin went to Waterloo where he is receiving treatment for a cancer on his lip.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood, of Austin, Minn., spent Sunday here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Asa Wood
- H.G. Ramsay came down from Rockford, Wednesday to attend the funeral of the late Alvin Rosenkrans.
- Mrs. James Parcher and daughters, Mrs. Belle Baltimore and Mrs. Maude Vorhes visited friends in Greene, Wednesday.
- Mrs. A. Doore went to Charles City to attend a meeting of the Happy Hour Club, at the home of Mrs. Beard.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Myers, daughter, Miss Parcie, and Mrs. Katie Sours, attended the Waterloo Cattle Congress Tuesday.
- The large barn on the farm known as the John Zweck farm, now owned by Mrs. Anna Kannenguser, was destroyed by fire last week.

Returns from Waterloo Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schmitt and son returned, Thursday noon, from St. Francis hospital, Waterloo, where the latter was receiving medical treatment.

The Jennie Wilder Chapter Meets.
The Jennie Wilder Chapter No. 1 of the Association of Former Teachers, celebrated the third birthday anniversary of organization with a banquet at the Clifford Wilson home. The banquet was served in three courses, the tables and rooms being artistically decorated with the society colors, red and white. Miss Genevieve Shrader assisted with the serving. Following the dinner the program was given with Mrs. Alice Moeller as toastmaster. The toasts were cleverly planned from the initial letters of the name of the organization:
"J - Joy" - Mrs. Clifford Wilson
"W - Work" - Mrs. Clarence Swab
"C - Comradeship" - Mrs Jesse Heft
"A - Art" - Mrs. Mayne Spaulding
"F - Farmerette" - Mrs. Clinton Shultz
"T - Teaching" - Mrs. C. Easterday.
Following the program the annual election of officers was held, resulting as follows: President, Mrs. Harry Marsh; Vice President, Mrs. Mayne Spaulding; Secretary, Mrs. Clarence Swab; Treasurer, Mrs. W. Stabenow. This is one of the brainiest organizations we have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and we know whereof we speak, as we have been honored with an invitation to meet with them. The organization was named in honor of a former popular teacher in Scott township, the late Miss Genevieve Wilder.

Rosenkrans Funeral Held Wednesday
Funeral services for Alvin Rosenkrans, who died suddenly at his home at Mason City, Sunday night, were held in the Bethel Baptist church at Marble Rock Wednesday afternoon, in charge of Rev. L.W. Inman, of Charles City. Beautiful selections were sung by Mesdames W.C. Wilson and Charles Moore, accompanied by Mrs. S.W. McNinch. The pall bearers were Herman Asper, Albert Gates, Garry Ackley, John Ewald Sr., L. Schrader and C.T. Rex. Mr. Rosenkrans was born at Clarksville, Nov. 11, 1858, the only son of Hiram and Mary Jane Rosenkrans, moving to Marble Rock when a small boy. He was a resident here the greater part of his life. He was married August 9, 1889, to Marina Cornelia, of Marble Rock. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Jessie Ruggles, of Mason City; and two sisters, Miss Mariette Rosenkrans and Mrs. Mattie Fullenwider, both of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Rosenkrans was a member of the Masonic lodge, I.O.O.F., Knights of Phthias, and Woodmen at Marble Rock.

Former Resident Dies in California.
Word has been received here stating that Guy Bean had passed away at his home at San Bernardino, Calif. He was at one time a resident of this vicinity, living on a farm east of town.

Dinner Party at Hillman Home.
A very pleasant social affair was the dinner party given Friday, to eight ladies, by Mrs. Kate Hillman, at her home on North Main St. Mrs. Hillman is an excellent hostess, and the party of ladies a congenial one, making the occasion doubly merry. The guests were friends of many years standing: Mrs. Elly, of Marshalltown, her daughters, Mrs. Fannie Ritter and Mrs. Kate Randall; Mrs. Louisa Vorhes, Mrs D.G. Vorhes, Mrs. James Parcher, Mrs. Mattie Lines and Mrs. John Ewald Sr.

Kozy Korner Klub Meets.
A merry gathering of neighbors, members of the Kozy Korner Klub, to the number of fifty met Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ewald, for a picnic dinner. After the bountiful dinner, the afternoon was spent in social visiting. Guests of the Klub were Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Ewald Sr. The membership of this congenial club consists of the neighborhood north of town, and was organized several years ago.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2004]


The Marble Rock News
Greene, Butler Co., Iowa
October 23, 1929

[note: Marble Rock is in Floyd co.]

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Benedict, of Nora Springs, visited their friends Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierce and family, Sunday.

From the activities of the Hamilton Business College at Mason City, we take the following: "Prizes were awarded Monday to the winners of the school song contest. First prize, a two dollar and a half gold piece, was awarded Miss Marguriete Hoffman, of Rockford, whose song was original throughout, both words and music, and was clever and snappy." Margurete's mother was formerly Miss Libbie Schemmerhorn of Marble Rock.

Mr. Zack Melugen left, Sunday, for Sherry, Wis., where he will visit his sister, Mrs. Sam Sours and family.

Twenty ladies of the Auxiliary of the American Legion met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Matt Paulus. The time was spent in working upon their quilts. At the close of the afternoon luncheon was served by the hostess.

Clyde Carbiener, now of Highmore S.D., is here attending to business matters and calling on friends. He was at one time a resident of Marble Rock, son of the late Louis Carbiener.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gale Clay, of Floyd last week. Mrs. Clay was formerly Miss Catherine Flynn, of this vicinity.

The farmers are taking advantage of the nice weather and are busy picking corn.

[transcribed by B.S., April 2007]

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