Iowa Old Press

Iowa Recorder
Greene, Butler co., Iowa
May 7, 1924


Cedar Rapids.- J.C. Morris, Toddville farmer, owes his life to his presence of mind and his hat. Mr. Morris discovered a pig that had strayed from a sow and picking it up he started to return to the mother when the 300 pound animal attacked him. He was knocked down and trampled about the chest and his left arm slit by the sow's sharp teeth. She was making a grab for his face when Morris tossed off his hat. The sow made a lunge and tore it into pieces. While she was masticating the hat, Morris escaped from the pen.

Estherville.- The Ft. Defiance state park at Estherville received a very valuable donation this week, when Mr. George, nurseryman at Graettinger, gave twenty-seven different types of trees to the park. They represented 27 varieties of trees native to Iowa but none of which is in the park from native growth. This park consists of heavy wooded areas, hills and valleys and there is no need for more trees in the park, but the virtue of this gift is to have all the different kinds of trees represented in the park. The trees were set temporarily and will be planted permanently later, according to a plan of development.

West Union.- The Rev. Father Minogue, a Catholic priest, was killed by a train near Garber last Friday, when he attempted to rescue his dog, which had strayed onto the tracks in front of the locomotive. The priest was struck by the cylinder head of the engine and hurled from the bridge pier on which he had been fishing. His skull was crushed. The Rev. Minogue served the Garber parish for 25 years. He was about 55 years old. The dog's front legs were cut off and it was killed by the train crew.

Des Moines.- Stanley Ellis, 7, was drowned and Edwin Guinn, 10, his negro playmate, narrowly escaped death in the city waters of Brooks lake here, when the raft on which the boys were playing overturned in the center of the lake. Ellis, unable to swim, drowned before aid could be summoned. Guinn grasped the tail of his dog, which had been swimming nearby and was pulled ashore by the animal.

Eagle Grove.- Leroy Vaughn, of Clarion, has built an aeroplane glider and can take six passengers up with him at once. He has made several trips around Lake Cornelia in practice stunts. His machine is equipped with a 60-horse gasoline motor with the regular aeroplane propellor.

[transcribed by C.J.L.; July 2004]

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